Hey bro, nice to see you again. Come on, take off your shirt...

>Hey bro, nice to see you again. Come on, take off your shirt. We are gonna watch Batman V Superman Ultimate edition and after than we're going to gym.

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no homo?

Sounds gay desu.

I wish i would look like them.

I would love to have friends even if they are pure normalfags. We could see movies and laugh together and of course I would go to the gym if I have friends. Life is pain.

these guys are all butterfaced d-list "models"

dude on the right looks so out of place

>No thanks, I gotta rewatch Captain Marvel on Blu-Ray

Attached: ohnonono.jpg (212x237, 5K)

Fuck, Marry, Kill.

Okay but why are we wearing pajamas

Cope harder.

True,if it wasn' for their roided bodies they would look average at best

i don't know why but i hate the two on the left who are pretending to be walking

Chad, chad, brad

Hanging out with your bros w/ no shirt on is unironically kino no homo. If you've never done it don't @ me faggot

I’m @ing you because I’ve done it and I agree :)

They are ugly you fucking subhuman piece of shit, best looking one is the one with long hair but he's a manlet

Their bf% looks too low on their adonis.


I hate that they are wearing just socks outside, it bothers me immensely

Is this what male butterfaces look like?

>we're going to gym.
Imagine falling for that scam. You can do all that at home for free.

I will some day. Or something like it anyway.
It’s very doable nowadays

Haha wouldn't it be funny if I sucked your penises instead lol

based mentally unstable tranny

At home you can't meet like-minded friends like the bros in OP.


These guys probably go to a gay rave and suck dick after work not watch capeshit movies.

Why do you defend random male models on Yea Forums?

what the hell are those things on the tummy left and right? looks disgusting

Feels good man

i must defend them!

But I already started my bulk

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manlet on the right is getting mogged so hard it isn’t funny

sure, why not

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Haha, that sounds like fun, bros. Count me in!

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They're on a hill

Attached: hill.png (1080x1080, 2.1M)

Guy on the left has best pecs and hair.

I don't know what I hate more - the two guys pretending to be walking or the right guy doing a confused face and gestures.

Why do chads hold their shirt collars like that?

It's not healthy to keep your bf so low for longs periods of time, brehs.

Being muscular is 90% genetics, in case any incel doesnt know. Most chads just have to workout for 4 months, tops, to look like the people in OP's pic. If you worked out for a year and dont look like OP's pic, its just one of your shit genetics


is not true.

But where's the bulges?

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user asking the real questions.

Nice photoshop skills brah

genetics are very important but even if your genetics are shit you don't have to be a skinnyfat noodle armed twig necked geek. diet and effort can still pay off when the shirt comes off

gymcel cope

Is it true that male vagina bones get women wetter than any other male feature like pecs or abs?

not really. the process of bulking has made me uglier. i wish i was still a twig in a way because at least twigs are cute pretty boys.

With my current body, my pecs look like gyno. They look like fucking old man sagging tits.
>thats just fat bro
>you go to do more upper pec workouts bro

If i could write the order of attractive bodies, it would be
Muscular>twig>>>>>>>>>>in between.

im not fat either. just, having small pecs that arnt flat look like weird tits

No, it's just a thing to say to make you stand out and appear like unique slice of roast beef.

>Yea Forums - half naked muscular men

most chads love doing sport

Post tits, I like cute boy boobs

well, i hope my girlfriend likes them too. she called me muscular last time we fucked.

*blocks your path*

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the fact that chads can ripped just doing sports proves my point how its all genetics. Want to explain to me how running your head into linebacker workouts your traps or biceps and how they are better than shrugs or curls?

youre a delusional incel anyway, so dont bother @'ing me

you know they all juice right

i assume that about a lot of them. but at the same time, thats kind of coping to say they are all juicers.
its like when a virgin calls a hot girl a trap or a slut. it may be true 50% of the time, but, its still just cope for the real thing

>Batman vs Superman? Sorry, I rather watch Raimi's Spiderman trilogy

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Absolutely based
Natty btw

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Ok sounds like fun, friends

>just doing sports

football players don't just practice on the field once a week and leave it at that you absolute fucking brainlet lmfao, they all hit the gym religiously as part of their training

you incels are so retardedly clueless and then you blow a fuse at others about your own ignorance

Looking good, user
Nice frame
COPEing height fetishists #BTFO w/ facts and logic

thats my point you strawmanning retard.
foot ball players hit the gym for 4 months, and get ripped just like the pic in OP. thats chad genetics.
Most guys, can MAYBE have a body like the ones in OP from 2 years in training.
>go to the gym religiously
you obviously dont know anything about working out if you think you can workout the same muscle every day without roid.
>they do splits
even with splits, you cant speed up the working out process from normal people.

dont project your self worth onto me, virgin. i bet youre the type of virgin who thinks he'll finally fuck a fat girl after he spends 3 years in the gym

Sounds like you’ll probably be filtered by Joker as well. Why don’t you stick to fatsuits and anus jokes? That sounds more your speed

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Imagine wasting time in the gym and money on roids to look like a flaming faggot like these fuckers. lmfao


>on the right
All that time and effort to get in shape and still a manlet.

keep telling yourself that ya fat fuck lmao


>implying women like tall dudes
Looking up constantly causes their necks to hurt. Women hate tall guys, they always go for the same height as them or a bit shorter.

>they always go for the same height as them or a bit shorter

What the fuck is going on with their pelvises/hips?

All the women I spoke to told me this when I asked if they'd choose a taller guy over a same height/short one.
t. 5'1''

there's nothing wrong with steroids


adonis belt (not everyone has it, it's genetic) + steroids + photoshop

also doesnt this belong on /fit/ wtf

>Fuck, Chuck, Suck.

>women told me
Take a look at the couples you see outside and notice in how many of them the man is shorter. And I do mean couples (holding hands, kissing, etc.) not just some slut with her beta orbiter.

This thread is gay

Those are called bellybuttons

What are they used for?

It contains your reset button and you can use it for small item storage

Theres nothing wrong with steroids. There is something wrong with people on steroids though

>let me just finish off this set

Attached: AZebk9H.jpg (607x960, 54K)

is that a ftm tranny?

they are like Action men kek

roid much

You know those guys were benchwarmers right?

>that core

>Why yes, we are having a "John Landis Night". Blues Brothers, Three Amigos, Clue... what's that? Helicopter? Not sure what you're on about bro, you get that from one of your internet sites? Well whatever, you're in, right? I got the Thriller video playing while we mix up some drinks.

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no pockets, lets them rest their arms...kinda.

nice bait

>this cope
Women don't care about the incoveninences that come with being with a tall guy. And an even bigger cope is they only care about the height difference in relation to themselves - truth is a 5ft 9 man isn't gonna land a 4ft gremlin because she will want someone who is taller than average.

>Awesome! Maybe later we can watch Conan the Barbarian.

photoshop. really obvious photoshop

what the fuck is that lmao

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Adonis belt. Females refer to it as “the V” though.

>We meet again

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>hey chad. hey brad. hey thad.
>haha yea i would totally take my shirt off with you guys but uhhhh....... it's really cold in here. haha. anyone else cold?
>haha yea maybe i'll take my shirt off with you guys later....

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Channeling their inner bane.

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I don’t roid, not yet anyways
All of those guys roid, and yes I use /fit/ as a home board

their lower abdomens are all ????? is that from surgery?

Only the third guy doesn't look loke a horse

Benchwarmers at USC are certified starters for every program in America outside of low end 20 programs, high end 10.
USC pulls in a top 10 recruiting class every year. They just haven’t been able to put a consistent 10 win team on the field for a few years

Attached: 551236D8-F465-4A8F-BFCE-4DADB9258D0C.png (965x976, 133K)

That’s what happens when you get to sub 10% bodyfat.
Those guys ain’t natty though so they can have those super deep v cuts while also having a lot of muscle mass

imagine being a British girl enrolled in a private school and this being your Christmas holiday.

so that's roided ass muscle?

I mean it's kind of true. only the guy on the right has a decent face.

No... it’s just being very thin. So you can make out the whatever bones your hips and shit are called.
It’s not muscle at all but those dudes are just so trim that you can see it very clearly

I mean yes those guys are on gear but the “v line” I think you are referencing comes from being skinny.
But they can’t be that skinny while being as muscular as they are without a 2 time weekly injection into the buttcheek of testosterone

who cares, they're hot. would rather be one of them then the ugly QB or some nigger running back

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

I think they shop the same v

>you just have to be more confident bro!

Why the FUCK would you settle down and unwind with your bros to watch a movie AND THEN go to the gym? Doesn't sound like a very fun plan. Gotta switch the events around. Also what I wanna know is where was this taken? That house in the back looks comfy.


i was really thin in high school/early college ran xc and track and never had anything close to that

this but unironically. Look at the third guy

I'm sorry gentleman but I will exercise my intellectual abilities in more profound manners. Au revoir!

Genetics possibly. But those guys are THIN.
Like at their level of low bodyfat cortisol and shit spikes up in the body. For them to be that thin and have any sort of muscle requires roids

It’s comfy honestly

Dick Root

>This thread still hasnt been deleted

Holy shit mods what are you fags doing?

Their adonis belt area looks repulsive. The fuck is wrong with them, looking like mummified bones

this is what happens when you go on intermittent fasting while having average muscle definition
get muscle first
then lose fat

too much trap focus, I can tell you're insecure about your neck and face so you overcompensate with deadlift
don't do that shit man
do a regular circuit targeting every muscle group on a weekly basis, with progressive deload and focus more on your weakest parts, the core and the arms
good luck and God bless

Imagine getting as much pussy as these guys.

Based gay bulges poster.

>Fully grown man
>Chonk mode
>Go to gym
>Witness twinklets do some type of running jumping star jump shit like every other rep
>Big guy next to me says they'll do this till they collapse they used to do it till they fainted but got in trouble
>Think about asking them if they know who zyzz is
>Would have but they were genuinely too loud to be seen with
>End up eating a big fucking chicken burger with big guy "It's too good to be bad for you bro"
>One of them stops showing up, ask big guy
>Apparently it was coke all along, spooked the others pretty bad
>Dumb fucks were doing coke chugging energy drinks and actually killing themselves
>Asks if I wanna get a chicken burger

Attached: 34257856512.jpg (640x480, 48K)

dude on the far right easily face mogs 95% of the male population

humans aren't supposed to look like this

Sure buddy.

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LOL. That took me back. Rip misc.

Why did I read going after the goyim?

I hope for a day when I never meet another speglord that mentions zyzz. Like I get it, you looked up to the guy but can ya keep that shit to yourself, for fuck's sake the dude looked like a twink most of his "lifting career", his most ripped wasn't anything to brag about... it's just every skinnyfat dude's dream to look like him and then if they look like him they just keep talking about him all the time nonstop and they never move further, so annoying to listen to you spergs, esp when you link me those retared playlists... like who gives a shit relax

I dont understand
does he just not train lats?

Or is it just bad genetics?

>Looked up zyzz
Lol, who the fuck looks up to zyzz.
He's a warning.


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There entie life revolves around extreme dieting and fitness to achieve a very specific photogenic look

Why does modeling as an industry seem so hard for anons to grasp???

You might wanna easy up on the sperglord talk too buddy.

faggot zoomer

everything is genetics, user
life is rigged

CHADs are born not made Gymcels.

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>a warning
*a legend

you sorry linked wrong post

well youd be surprised how many ppl still talk about him and link me his epic music playlists, at first it was funny but now its cringe they really take it seriously, hes esp huge here in san diego and the dude wasnt even american!!

>implying they don't have a big screen in their home gym

People liked him because he made it feel possible for everyone to get in better shape and go out there and slay.

yeah right....
that's not how you spell Ahnold
or if you want to go last decade- sixpackshortcuts

Chads are born gymcels?


lived in san diego for a while never heard anyone mention zyzz. do you hang out with a lot of beaners?

>shopping your abs

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It's true though. I miss watching kino with my friends on a pull-out-bed-couch.

you're the gymcel though smart guy

Those are gills, bigot.

Winstrol is a fantastic steroid.


That physic is very easy to obtain without roided

Thanks, but I think I might just stay at home and do some neck curls.

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Maybe if you don't work and have no social life.

nice mask, my man!

>Maybe if you don't work and have no social life.
bro I spend literally less than 2 hours a week at the gym and I'm in as good or better shape than these dudes, cuter too
cope more faggot loser incel beta nigger faggot

those guys are very roided looking

post body

post a pic then

I'm happy you have such a positive body image, but that's not possible.

bros, literally just lift and don't eat fast food - this shit is easy mode - too bad youre all faggot fatboy incels. my bros and I literally laugh at you in public

this is bad trolling

>you may not like it but this is what peak male performance looks like

Attached: simo_vesku_ja_spede.jpg (653x636, 54K)

To look like a Big Guy.

Post body

He just looks like a jacked Collin Farrell

>this is bad trolling
lift heavy fucking weights 3x a week, with proper form - this takes years to get right - I've been lifting most of my adult life and have superior genetics. no trolling bro - you legit sound like a fatass incel tho, so good luck with that. dont try too hard, you might actually get somewhere in life!

just post a pic i could care less what you look like. being condescending is insecure.

holy fucking shit dude the cope

>being condescending is insecure.
except that it isn't, dingus - its because I'm better than you in every conceivable way and I know it, and so do you

Yeah, he pretends personal attacks mean anything on a Thai arthouse cinema image sharing website

then why do you care what i think? insecure beta

This is not true. It takes years to get to powerlifter/strongman physique, you can be athletic/on hypertrophy regiment with proper form and diet in several months.

>This is not true. It takes years to get to powerlifter/strongman physique,
I just said that, do you even read tho?

You don't need friends to go to the gym....

>then why do you care what i think? insecure beta
I literally don't and am way more interested in just mocking you to your face

you're too scared to even post a pic of yourself don't act tough

>You don't need friends to go to the gym....
friends are for faggots and betas. enemies are the mark of a true man - I think steve mcqueen said that once

>you're too scared to even post a pic of yourself don't act tough

me 8 months ago before I got a gf and bloatmaxxed

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>no u

always thought guy on right needs short hair

Why would average poster here care about strongman? I don't think you even lift desu
Like, only autistic spergs care about shit like this, not people that go to the gym to build a better physique. Strongman don't build muscle for looks, they build to lift heavy shit, and honestly if you didn't come from an already established background of some emotional investment towards this then you're honestly a complete sperg for picking it up just cause you think it's the most superior way of training. So it's not just enough for you to have a good body, you gotta go into a weird mental gymnasitcs ego trip of coming up with this giant storyline how strongman is superior even though you didn't come from a background where you had people close to you compete or had any meaningful attachment to it at all beyond watching some youtube vids. Like, how more detached from reality can you get?

how tall are you and how much did you weigh there?

looks 6ft and maybe ~190

you talk like a fag

youd know

5’11 and probably 172

bro your entire life is fake and gay
like its not even your own idea what youre doing
do you seriously not get it? legit take a step back and read your posts in the thread, just read them out loud to yourself

I'm too busy not caring and actually being hot - anyways I'm out to go slay some easy pussy. later fags

so a literal twink - nice job!

Better than most people, get your ass back in the gym and stop coping with relationship bullshit.

man, that guy in the middle cannot fill out those long johns. he should consider saline injections because that is just sad.

I was gonna say "cope" but I looked again and they are ugly

Post body

People with superior genetics don't say 'bro'.

Nice senpai
This is me like a month ago
I used to be beefier but I got depressed like a bitch and stopped lifting
6’1 160ish

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I prefer guys with softer bodies than that.

Wtf why does everyone have such a big package. Mine looks like a thumb sticking out pushing against the pants. Like a small tent. There is nothing to fondle or grab but according to the internet I'm above average.

It's an Adonis belt retard. And it's certainly shopped fucking hard. Not saying he doesnt have one, but he has darkened and sharpened it to a retarded point.

It's 9.5inch hard

>why do these guys who posted their pic online seem to have an exaggerated bulge
geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I fucking wonder dude

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Is it hard in the pic? Damn I thought those sizes were VERY RARE but they seem really common and I look tiny compared. Like when I use the sizemeup size I'm supposedly in the top 1% but that does not seem true to me at all.

Wanna lick their abs tbqh, white dudebros are hot

Came to say this. Once I got a close look I was repulsed.

I have an 8.4 inch benis when it’s hard, how big it is soft is just genetics breh


I’m a freak of nature homie, don’t get upset. 7 is more than you’ll realistically need


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Damn you're right. Also those V shapes are not real either. I knew that abs were a myth. Just an invention of hollywood.