Hurr hurr terrorism be mad funny bro

so when is the comedy about the lovable but hopelessly dumb school shooter coming out? we had this jihadi comedy that literally inspired the boston bombings so fuck it let's do a school shooting comedy with one of the stranger things kids as the shooter.

Attached: FourLions.jpg (670x250, 42K)

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It's just bants m8

Incels don't have as good a sense of humor as Muslims. Unironically.

>Boston bombings
That was fucking years ago dumbass

four lions came out like 2 years before the boston boming. the tsarnaev brothers literally used the movie as their blueprint for the attack.

what you mean like the dirties?

correction Americans dont have a sense of humor.

>let’s limit all forms of expression with remote violence because some retard my sat they’re inspired by it
Actual Brainlet

Attached: 7D023EF0-30FF-4E33-B4C0-A22401D8EDA4.jpg (645x729, 57K)

Nice try, Achmed.

>hopelessly dumb school shooter coming out
I honestly can't wait for the dark comedy adapted from Elliot's diaries, complete with Peep Show style voice-overs as he starts sperging out and throwing drinks at couples or pushing people at parties only to get hurt himself. Ever since it first surfaced I've been waiting for the day.

>set timed bombs on the grind and wait for them to go off.

Yeah how could they have made such an intricate plan on their own?

The scene of him seething laying in his bed hearing his sister banging her bf would be kino

Are Americans born humorless or does their 'education' system stamp it out of them?

Attached: american-working-in-england-ls-suing-his-colleagues-for-too-6355457.png (500x566, 137K)

Watch out, the /pol/ pearl clutchers are here. Next they'll pretend to be upset about obama killing muslim children with drones.

I'm waiting for the 9/11 comedy

>not funny

Well, that would be more concern liberals ever gave to dead brown children before


>Well, that would be more concern liberals ever gave to dead brown children before
Speak english ivan

>We will never get an edgy school shooter comedy on par with comedykino like Four Lions
Thanks for making me sad, OP.

Makes perfect sense, amerifat liberal pearl-clutcher

>oh, le N-word, let me go hide in my safe space to feel safe
Meanwhile Obama commits war crimes and kills brown children on the reg. No biggie

>Meanwhile Obama commits war crimes and kills brown children on the reg. No biggie
You should love him then, rightcuck.

are americans really more serious because here in germany at my workplace they make constant banter and wont shut up these normalfags

Not really, leftoid, considering how reckless his policies were and how they made securities issues for everyone around the globe.

Maybe you should stop licking his sacred anus so much.
>oh yes, omama, your anus is so black, lemme lick the crust off like a good amerifat

Germans are even more autistic and serious

this is a fake article

incel humor is the backbone of the internet you tard