Great director, terrible writer

True or not ?

Attached: shutterstock_10248532cm-2.jpg (780x520, 38K)

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Good actor awful director

Terrible Director
Terrible Writer
The Worst Actor


The only thing he's great at is getting away with saying nigger so publically and often.

>Good actor
Is that irony user, or are you Quentin?

*70s rock playing*
hahah niggger nigger
everyone starts killing each other
motherfucker nigger
zoom on feet
written and directed by qt

don't forget terrible self-editor.

He's not good at either of those things.

humble man

Attached: 58164915351.jpg (1144x1535, 198K)

9/10 best director 101% rotten tomatoes score

An award for making Leo say nigger many times.

what the fuck is his jaw

He's a good writer, just an inferior version of Coen bros

Great at concepts, and character slants. He writes for the actor, directs for the audience. Seems to cater to people, very assiduous and gracious like a Greek. The best criticism is that he's too ironic for his own good.

Attached: the age of irony.png (875x440, 70K)

Overrated hack, overrated hack.

His main issue is editing. Cut 30 minutes out of any of his films for a 10/10 experience

My only problem with that dude is that if you watch Pulp Fiction.
a) You watched almost all there is to his art
b) It hasn't been topped.

Yeah, you might see some new things in the fights of Kill Bill or the atmosphere of The Hateful Eight but eh.

Better copy paste director than JJ

I read his pulp fiction and Inglorious Basterds scripts. They read pretty bad.

> Pult Fiction
> all there is to his art

QT is way overrated but thinking Pulp Fiction is any good is beyond comprehension...

Sam Jack has his moments on that film but everything else is just bad...

I do think he's a good director but most of his movies are trash... I liked Django due to the ammount of times Di Caprio was out of character just to yell niggger as loud as possible and get nominated for a film where he was absolute shit at

Kill Bill I & II will always be his best
having seen almost every film that it borrows from doesn't detract from how masterfully composed that whole saga is