Why was it so kino lads?

Why was it so kino lads?

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Aesthetic. That scene when K finally catches up with Luv and they brawl is kino

It wasn't

It was shit

Watch more films.

Summer's over, redditfags. Go back and never talk about /ourmovie/ ever again

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Kill yourself, reddit

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seething incels
the movie was shit

>People are reddit for hating Reddit's literal number 1 favorite movie of 2017

>seething incels
>the movie was shit

>>People are reddit for hating Reddit's literal number 1 favorite movie of 2017

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Half the threads were about blade runner When this film came out, and for the following months. Clearly you are new here

So you truly are a redditor?

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Awful argument, especially when your screenshot is full of pepes. Or are they reddit too?

everyone ITT is a manchild
the film is decent

>Or are they reddit too?
Yes, yes they are you reddit fuck

I didn't see Blade Runner 2049 until I picked it up from the $5 DVD bin at Walmart. It's worth about what I paid for it.

I watched it because I fell for the Yea Forums meme. What the fuck guys, why are all of your favorite films about lonely incels?

Yikes knowyourmemes bruh

it was a typical 2 hour sci-fi action movie extended to 2 hours 45 minutes to create the illusion of depth.

yeah man every other action film has 15 minute long sequences with no dialogue whatsoever but pure visual storytelling am i rite

Kill yourself, review screw following trannies. You will never be real women

A lot of the right circumstances happened
>Ridley giving just the base ideas for it for years with the original writer
>Ridley being busy with Covenant so he had to find a different director
>Ridley being the executive producer and giving the director absolute 100% full creative directorial control over everything
>the director being connected to the best cinematographers/production designers/sound designers/editors etc in the industry
>the director actually understanding the previous work and making the sequel out of the passion to do so
>absolutely immaculate casting
>the studio being braindead enough to give them all a 150 million dollar budget to do whatever they want with it

It's just a big industry anomaly which we won't see again for a long long time.

My biggest gripe is that the black replicant from Black Out didn't show up in the movie.

>I don't know what the word "extended" means

95% of the film is not "action" by any means

Because I rarely ever watch movies but then I saw a colorful cyberpunk incel movie being shilled on Yea Forums and now Blade Runner is and always has been my shit

Hard to be a God and BR2049 are the best films of this decade. Fact.