American Factory

Worth a watch if you like seeing poor Americans being humiliated by based superior Chinese overlords.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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China is creating these superhumans through gene manipulation while we're sitting around crying about it getting slightly warmer.

Chinese “superhumans” are normal whites.

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i'll fucking die first before i bow down to some dog eaters. fuck these insects

Would rather kill myself than work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day. Why can't china into individuality, freedom and not killing yourself over work?

wanna punch the chink
because there is too many of them, and as thing keep going it'll turn into that here

This made me even more Chinks than I was originally
I dont think theyre human, just mindless drones

He would break your arm. Now what?

Meanwhile I'm salaried at 37.5 a week, however one of my coworkers had to move across country to care for a dying family member so I've been doing 45-50.

It sucks, but my boss is a nice guy and I like my job most days. It also helps he has been slipping 200/week more into my check to make up for it

>He would break your arm. Now what?

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*becomes more totalitarian to compensate for economic decline*

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i'm 6'4"
i know people smaller than me are terrified of me because i'm terrified of anyone bigger than me because i realize how easily they could kick my ass because of how easily i can hit others' asses
it's a vicarious cycle

Based. These American are getting a head-start on learning their rightful place in the world.



>experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person.
i know, i meant that it doesn't stop because there is always a bigger fish and most haven't fought anyways

>i'm terrified of anyone bigger than me
lol fag

wtf? is still have to dance?

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i know what i said
i once met a woman who was 6'5"-ish and i've never felt more emasculated in my life
i laughed literally the entire time

fucking millennials lol
back in the good old days people used to work over 60 hours per week

just walk up to the manager and shake his hand bro

>American Factory

Watching this as a Europeans was just too rich. The chinks come off as soulless bugpeople while the Americans just let themselves be pushed around. They were also all heavily overweight (at least by European standards). I just can't grasp how a once proud country can let their workforce be exploited like that on such a level. You would think the president would step in and do something about that

>while the Americans just let themselves be pushed around

stupid fuck. didn't you watch the first part? majority of the workers came from the closed down factory and were unemployed for quite some time. they were happy that they were getting hired again since most of them are kinda old and its really hard to shift careers at that stage. they tried to push back by forming unions but was eventually fired one by one until the younger work force majority beat them in the voting.

americans are servile by nature

At least the goyim

This. They will be crushed under the heel of the Chinese Empire.

unironically better than under the jew

nah, at least jews are funny sometimes. have you seen a chinese comedy?

>Watching this as a Europeans was just too rich

Why do yuropoors still think they are relevant in geopolitics?

This is the future

height ain't shit without mass, and most guys above 6'2" are absolute lanklets (you included most likely)
t. 6'5" lifter&fighter, a trained manlet would absolutely fuck you up

Because we are you dumb trump voting shit

i've dealt with both and honestly i'll choose kike servitude over some chinks. they're not humans

And that's how China became the world's largest industrial power.

Yes, the infrastructure will be quite useful when we enslave and subjugate the chinks

>a trained manlet would absolutely fuck you up
hasn't happened yet
got a compound fracture and still whooped a guy's ass
broke his clavicle and the upper part of his brachium, but you can think whatever you want

The management was obviously bending over for the Chinese, you can't refute that. They knew from the beginning that the salary would be way too low and that there would be huge risks for the health of the employees. The workers let themselves be convinced by external companies to not join the union because they were all pretty much braindead since they do nothing but watch TV and work all day. How many of the workers do you think have read a book in the last five years? That's the problem with americans. Your culture doesn't value education since your self worth comes only from money

Union = I am very expensive to maintain, please go to china

>don’t want bug man work culture
>don’t want to be a fuckwit who only works 30 with delusions of deserving the same quality of life as those who work 40-60
>especially don’t want to be a fuckwit who complains about entering a low paying field and then acts like they were wronged when they don’t earn as much as other careers
Imagine studying something retarded like anthropology and then crying it’s not fair that they only earn ~$36,- 45,000 annually.

Why not just say arm

Insects are very efficient user, though they lack creativity

How can a country so old, with a history so rich, a country so steeped in spirituality and philosophy, and modern development have so little appreciation for human life?

It truly boggles the mind.

communism unironically

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because i like being obtuse, but also because he broke my ulna
that's one of the two bones in the forearm

this. chink literally said he would shut down and go back to china if they unionized. shitty job > no job

we're supposed to move beyond 19th century work conditions, not towards them

sounds like an incel who got triggered by chad sino businessmen


You work for me round eye yuu work for 2.49 /hour now and only half Sunday off Ching Chong we arr rook same

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That is against the law to shut down because of threat of unionization

Well said. Materialism plays a heavy factor as well. More spiritual people are harder to pull that shit with, because they’re not caught up in the bullshit of “more stuff=more happy.”

They eat their own pets after owning them for two years because that’s when their flavour is at maximum. I’m not kidding. Not because they are poor but because they enjoy eating them. This is a thing even in affluent communities in China

Output is low because China doesn't care how many people they kill or how shit the quality is back in China. They literally have escalators and elevators falling apart with people in them due to shit construction. They don't care output was high after all.

Those super pointy noses that some white people have really creep me out

>It is distributed by Netflix [1] and is the first film distributed by former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's production company, Higher Ground Productions.[2]
what the fuck

How? Oh and in a couple generations you wont be europeans anymore yoill be outvoted into sharia law by you muslim masters. Hope you like worshipping a black rock multiple times a day.

Since when do Chinese companies care about American law? China won't extradite.

America is already like this.

Damn Americans


>muh dik

You are a gigantic faggot who has literally never been in a fight in your life let alone a confrontation. You write like someone making up stories, which this is.

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Swede here working for a factory (metal) with one of Europe's highest net profit margins.

>CEO announces he wants to build factory in China at his annual presentation
>I audibly laugh my ass off, slapping my hands on my thighs so that they won't go into LEO
>CEO builds factory in China
>Surprise, surprise, output is fuck all
>CEO sends me and a bunch of other faggots down to Slant-Eye-Land
>4'11" (150cm) tall China'men' sit on their asses next to 10 feet (3m) long punched sheet metal that needs to be manually pressed in a press brake 8 times while manoeuvring it in the air like a pizza
>Return home to Swedistan and gently explain to our CEO that rice-fed midgets with wet-noodle arms can't handle Swedish steel and that any attempts of continuing in China is pointless
>Factory is shut down

This is my country on political correctness.

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This is the guy who wants to disarm americans.

Capitalism is mega shit

based. fuck chinks

Knowing the Chinese, they'll fuck it up somehow. Expect "superior" humans who are stuck on some kind of pill so their own immune system doesn't murder their nerve cells or some shit.

i'm a giant bundle of joy who is far too tired to move my finger over to grammar
i am 6'4" which basically makes me Jesus fucking Christ the unstoppable destroyer of worlds

Burger hands

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>They were also all heavily overweight (at least by European standards).
when I went to europe there were lots of fat people

b-but Chinese are more productive

Speaking of once proud countries getting exploited, and useless politicians.

Probably should have done that a little sooner, considering automation is about to wreck their entire country.

And as we all know, the Chinese have nothing but the utmost respect for American law.


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automation is going to fuck up a lot of countries, including the US. it might actually be a trigger for massive unrest with all the jobs its going to take

Imagine sucking China's dick even ironically

Yeah. It was called the Great Leap Forward.

Bootlickers are so pitiful lol. What kinds animals share this kinda behavior or is it only for bugs

Its a pretty good doc. I too was surprised it was Obama funded cause its pretty unbiased. (inb4 hurp durp, made americans look bad, good goy etc..)
Made me terrified of Chinese culture. I find waging in the west a doomed endeavor. Those people are practically forced to be automatons.

Thankfully the robots are replacing everyone so they'll have to kill us all off or find everyone a means to live.

eat more dogs chen. i only work 8 hours a day nothing more nothing less. drag me out of my car and my home i fucking dare you

Based Trump Tariffs absolutely DESTROYING China's economy.

In a Capitalist system a Chink boss is little different than a Jew or a Goy boss; they all want to seek the max amount of profit whilst paying you the bare minimum, the elite Chinks are just more open about it because they unironically believe themselves to be gods

The differences being that the US has far fewer people it will need to take care of once unemployment hits hard, and the Chinese government is only in power so long as it can convince its own people not to riot. China is one big boom bust cycle of a country, with the bust being a national collapse.

In America you can get fired immediately. Management can make up the weakest of reasons to justify it. Joining a union can get you fired. Meanwhile joking about killing a senator has no consequences. Treating your workers like shit has no consequences. Polluting the environment has no consequences.

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I hate americans as much as the next guy, but they're still better than the chinese and they deserve betters than menial slave labor in factories.

lmao chinks are the biggest pussies you can find. they like to talk tough and being strict and firm but as soon as you confront them, even for the slightest thing, they bend the knee and either walk away or apologize. they were subjugated by foreign powers several times and I await the day it happens again.

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>Polluting the environment has no consequences.
iirc, four of the six most polluted rivers in the world are from China
the other is from India, and the last is from nowhere place in Africa

I want a nice Chinese pussy...

Subjugation by an authoritarian regime is historically the only thing that holds that country together, so that makes sense. Kind of like how Europeans never really shook off the feudal heirarchy mindset despite birthing the enlightenment.

When I hear about a polluted river in africa I'm almost impressed, like they're actually doing something there

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or zombies

While we fight with blacks and arabs and indians and jews etc. these things are plotting to take complete control.

Take me

>hey look you were late to work once, we'll have to let you go
>just bought a new robot to do your job, sorry you're no longer required
>this 2 man job is now just you, oh look you aren't hitting your numbers
many such examples

If Chinks are so dedicated and workaholics as they claim to be, why haven't subjugated the world yet?

>top 11 polluted rivers by country of origin
India, Bangladesh
Jordan, Israel, Syria, Palestine

Is there any hope left for the West to redpill the Chinks on liberty, individuality, empathy etc.? Or have we lost them already? They literally seemed like robots in the documentary and didn't hesitate to say that their whole purpose in life was their jobs

because they were killing each other and started as a third world, but they're pretty much there already

If anything, the West will become more like them. And not even directly because of them.

Wut? need to know more intensifies, I thought Europeans tended to be more cleaner with their stuff

When you think about it, China is basically re-creating the working conditions of the Industrial Revolution. Are we going to see a post-communist socialist revolution?

britain isn't europe

must've misremembered China as the general Asia
my bad
Venice floods every year with sewage
how romantic, amiright


Ewww...I wanted to go there

Venice is nice, don't listen to him

World is overpopulated and that's why rich people have so much leverage over your life, they know they can replace you instantly if you act up. I think the underpinnings of workers rights only became thing in Europe after the black plague wiped out a third of the population and all the sudden the employees (serfs) had bargaining power due to scarcity of labor. Incidentally this is why all immigration is bad, its just the super rich trying to cheapen labor and nothing more.

Sarno River apparently.
I'm not that surprised that the most polluted river in europe was in italy, but figured there'd be tons more asian rivers that were worse off.

More realistically, automation will make such an attitude redundant. The west, irony of ironies, has liberal arts shit to fall back on for employment opportunities. China destroyed it's own culture to the point that their media keeps revisiting Journey to the West ad nauseum because they have next to nothing else.

Say what you will about chinks but they're pretty good at child slavery.

"Empire of dust" threads:
>based chinks
>haha dumb niggers
>Eddie realizes his race is doomed

"American factory" threads:
>B-BUT CHINA POLLUTES MORE (disregards fact that USA ships trash to China AND India to get their waste and trash burned there)

why are burgers always seething when someone badmouths them?
is it impossible for them to accept critique and better their behaviour?

>their media keeps revisiting Journey to the West ad nauseum because they have next to nothing else.
not true they also have 3 kingdoms

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I think you're mistaking two different cities, user

Tell us your country so we can mock it's shortcomings. I know you're definitely fine doing that and definitely weren't projecting your own insecurities.

can't improve perfection

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You're better off just dying though.

Because people who are sided with the chinese in Empire of Dust are just self inserting.

>Incidentally this is why all immigration is bad, its just the super rich trying to cheapen labor and nothing more.
Frustrating when left wing wants to bring in people because of solidarity (and votes) and right wing because of cheaper labor

I work with chink factories as an expat based in mainland China (spec. Yangtze River Delta). Nobody above the floor level is ever worth their salary. Chink operations are absolutely garbage tier and the higher you go up the management tiers the more you realize the only reason any of their companies are successful is having the right government sugar daddy.

After all the years of burgers laughing at this meme now they find themselves in the place of colonized african niggers by the same chinks for the same capitalist purposes. Pottery.

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That will be the banks job when I fire your ass and you cant pay the bills lazy cunt

>has liberal arts shit to fall back

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>tfw the based sinofuturist chinese are constantly doing bugbrain shit that not only have bad consequences for the environment, but also their precious productivity
>tfw they won't listen to the very people that invented the concepts of Taylorism and Fordism because they're so bugbrained
>tfw everyone is busy worshiping these bugmen because they're not SJW faggots

They're so stupid, it's like they don't read at all.

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Virtue signaling and profit incentive both end up being destructive.

The difference is if I see a chink factory go up in my town I'm burning it down.

If state funding was all anyone needed then China would still be North Korea tier in terms of development and industrialization.

>if we treat our workers like cattle, we will tenfold our productivity and the resulting deaths will keep the population at bay
200-iq move by the chinese

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Unironically, that's going to be the only shit left for people to do pretty much.

SJWism will literally be the extinction of Western civilization. Nothing else compares when it comes to pure self-destructiveness.

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You say that as if North Korea even attempts to industrialize it's workforce, by which I mean allow to run a business. NK is stuck in Maoist Era China mindset but somehow even more fucked.

Except it's the other way around. Niggers hunt chinks on a regular basis, while cucked mutts would obey and serve the corporation, no matter who owns it.

>burning down a factory mostly full of American workers

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It's not state funding. You didn't read my fucking post. It's a government patron that redirects blind FDI as it enters the country to you. The patron that magically clears the mesh of red tape that every company in the country has to deal with. The patron that wards off regulators from investigating you in accordance with fixed evaluations and instead doubles down on your key competitors. The same the patron that tells the government that your industry is Central to the economy, indirectly throwing the country's weight behind you. Etc etc etc. It's amazing how ignorant people who've never had to work white collar work in China are.

I know you're hoping that philosophy major is about to deliver but no one's going to pay you for that, sorry.

>waiting for it to be finished and fully functional
Do you think they just pop up overnight or something?

Can confirm. 5’8” wrestler who has fucked up many a person taller than me. Getting a double is easy as fuck against lanklets

Historically Americans will do that...for a short period of time. We got tired of Robber Baron bullshit and demanded the government trust bust. This is just another cycle and people are already getting riled up again.

>the USA river

>blah blah certain companies get favorable government treatment over others blah blah
Welcome to the world.

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The main difference is Chinese are no better than niggers

They're French though.

I'm in the hard sciences and genuinely worried AI is going to make a lot of our work redundant, just because of raw number crunching ability.

Yes. Jobs are like new iPhones.

Oh fuck off you bugman, it's far beyond that scale.

I’d rather live the rest of my life in France than a day in China

This. Probably not in Paris though.

Then you failed to read the writing on the wall. Content creation is the only area where AI won't be replacing humans anytime soon. You should've became a YouTuber or Twitch streamer. You dun goofed, you could've been making millions by now.

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>a bloo bloo muh scale...
You'll be working for scale, that's for sure.


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Sure you would. Right up until the well(farel dries and you're overrun with people who will behead you on sight for eating pork or imbibing alcohol.

AI, like self-driving cars and VR tech, was in a laughable infancy during undergrad, apparently unchanged since the 90s. I'm not sure anyone who is being serious forsaw the quantum leap that was coming.

Better than getting cannibalized by hungry Chinese when their government inevitably collapses, and putting up with their bullshit until then.

They are, it just is their quality is often sub par. They are good at producing crap fast.

>You must be slave
>You want anything?
>You must work 6 days a week all year no breaks

Boy sounds good sign me up. I see why everyone likes the Chinese now.

What do you mean?

So in the ideal world we're owned by these people, no guns, no cars, no flags, no English speaking neighbors, and we eat bugs instead of meat? I'll never understand internationalists.

Again, bug don't you have some r/aznpride thread to be shitposting in?

>when their government inevitably collapses
Any day now... the West is collapsing now by the way.

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>an entire country of buzzfeed journalists

because its disturbingly hilarious when white people are berated everyday by leftists about historical colonialism done by their ancestors yet those leftists turn a blind eye to current colonialism being done by China. Every evil act the white man is guilty of doing in the past is currently being pursued by the Chinese twicefold.

I am. You're in it.


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Not enough Zulu shit going on.

>Traditional characters
What, did shitposting school get out early for HK fobs today?

>eat bugs instead of meat
Maybe poorfags like you will eat bugs, I'll be having Impossible burgers.

imagine being a wagecuck lmao

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>he watched some webms of China so he thinks he's been to China

Class is still in session. Prepared to get schooled, muttcow.

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I can picture some fat boomer typing that up, thinking he's so fucking clever.

Which chink cesspool is it, Australia or Canada?

not exactly. colonialism was military occupation. chinas just running around and paying the shitty/useless governments for mineral rights and trying to set up mining operations. they're mostly spinning their wheels at that, as without military support there isn't much they can do.

Repeat after me now:










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>14 days holidays per year

Canada it is.



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you honest to god hit the post button

uh, negro, you know the US doesn't black out our internet like china will for you for seeing a mention of winnie the pooh, right?

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No, it's a quite a sight worse in America.

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no thanks, soulless bug people in their insect hive isn't a place i'd like to live. also they have too much pollution and cancerous shit floating around.

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Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries

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>Flint, Michigan
Flint has far worse problems, to be quite honest familia.

Wasnt Trump supposed to save manufacturing in America from China and yet China is now building gscotries even in America and exploiting our workers. What the fuck has he been doing for 3 years

There needs to be a revolution against the (((two party system)))

And then Mohammad appeared in thin air and fucked your CEO's wife and your mom. Why larp?

Looks like someone doesn't know about the historical China pattern.

None of those jobs were ever coming back, both due to automation and because they're going to South America and the rest of Asia. Trump would literally have to tariff the entire globe before the jobs started coming back and by then it'd be moot since you'd no longer have a global economy.

I prefer knowing this pattern.

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Really not sure what your point is. The Chinese are going to hire blacks as enforcers on account of being too physically pathetic in person?

Damn, always amazes me how everyone else on Yea Forums is a gigachad irl

Yes, willfull ignorance does make your life ever so much easier. I can see why you swim in it.

That's good advice. The people who don't think so have personality problems that become readily apparent to the people you meet.

Just the c***y posters


They're just breaking open crude oil pipes and refining it in the most ass backwards primitive way possible.

you mean 'you and the avengers', right?

What's that again?

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No shareblue you need to hang yourself

Why are you confirming my words? Did you think that was a good comeback?

Check our Gdp, our corruption, we don't follow europeans best standards.

No it isn't shareblue

Yes, Trump says the darndest things. Canadian steel being a national security threat and all. Next.

sturdy manlet here
if needed, I'll probably go for your knees, and your ankles and your groin, and put you down and rekt you on the floor
I'll probably take a few hits while doing so, but I'll get you all the same
lanklets are laughable desu

You can even see it in multi party parliamentary systems, but at least then a new party can more easily crop up for the contrary view.


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He's just another leaf azn. I'd ignore him.

I think it's the perfect combination.
American will work in appalling conditions because it would be literally communism to have demands and the Chinese have no inhibitions common in actual humans when it comes to exploitation

They also fuck your mom. Not because they are poor but because they like it. This is a thing even in affluent communities in China


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Shame you can't ignore demographics.

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What does a liberal website have to do with being against a 2 party system?


This white faggots got FUCKED UP!

>poor dog!

>Empire of Burger

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>liberty, individuality, empathy
you mean weakness?

I'm an electrician and worked in a few factories. Every factory worker is a useless cunt who needs hand holding in the most simplest of tasks.

...says the 300 pounds hamplanet in his basement
just chill and ride your mobility scooter to wallmart dude

do americans have paid lunch hours?

Yes. No one here understands what they're doing- there will necessarily be another political revolution. China is moving from the 3rd world to the information age. They are not "communist," yet. Xi Jinping says as much. They are, however, under management of the communist party, which is building socialism through the period of industrialization- which is necessitated by intense labor and productive standards. In a few years they will have caught up. They're almost there now. The principle tenant of Maoist third worldism is economic opposition to the US. They have to play by our rules and the rules of the capitalists somewhat in order to work their way into a position of power and influence. There will be another political revolution when China becomes the clear dominant world power, whether by pure economic domination or a war that leaves only one superpower intact.


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Honestly little man, you haven't fought one big guy who actually knows what he's doing.
One hammer fist to your skull and you are done. All anyone with enough body weight really needs is hammer fists. You can't defend your skull and zip around my legs like a narutu ninja at the same time.
Someone tries some MMA faggot takedown, remember what is explicitly banned in MMA and do very hard fish hooks or joint separations on his fingers.
Obviously don't start fights yourself. But even a fat fuck too scared to throw a real punch doesn't have to if he remembers the most basic things.

that's just because you're an old fashioned retard
bug meat is the future like it or not



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Have you guys never bulked before?

This tool has no clue how to do business in china. Imagine trying to buy something outside the foreign economic trade zones , its the equivalent of haggling at a bazaar. Thousands of companies prefer doing business with china yet they must all be wrong because a brainlet didnt do his research

sad but true

Dengism is just rebranded fascism and none of these government corporate vassals will remain loyal if the system changes

>counts each work day as 8 hours then conveniently counts each off day as 24 hours

too many syllables in the last line otherwise its good

*chinks start cowering in fear*

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>hammer fist

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Palestine doesn’t exist

are they supposed to fear cosplayers?

Eat less food

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I don't understand this.

>both throw sucker punches
>even after the taps from the 2nd guy, red shirt still on his feet
lmao, blacks, not even once

no subs

an american who doesn't realize that the other words aren't the names of rivers either

What would happen if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?

Kino like this?

Attached: 569CBAA5-EAA0-489F-9918-9439B2BCD6F9.jpg (2361x1748, 1.05M)

Do you have a butterknife license?

thats because the math in it is terribly wrong

If you're scared of China, you should watch ADVChina on YouTube. They're two expats who worked in China for decades and pretty much expose how much of a shithole the country is and that every single thing they do is for appearances. Chinese government has been trying to censor them for years.

asian pussy is made for white men

their growth has already stagnated and is dropping
their population is also trending towards a peak and then rapid fall

Uhhhhhh no it works perfectly. Try reading it again slowly and copying the poem on the whiteboard 10 times

>It also helps he has been slipping 200/week more into my check to make up for it
lmAO you mean you would have worked extra, for free?

Chinese people are the most materialistic people you could possibly meet.
The main difference is, they know with utter certainty that if they don't look after number one, everybody else around them will have no qualms about fucking them over at the earliest opportunity.

Sounds like Americans

>Europeans never really shook off the feudal heirarchy mindset despite birthing the enlightenment.
man you're a total retard

Doesn't sound like a very oppressive regime if they weren't successful.

>its an americans get all defensive about their shit country episode
Love these.


>That's the problem with americans. Your culture doesn't value education since your self worth comes only from money

Not an American but that's wrong. In America, if you didn't go to university, you're looked at like a piece of lower-class dog shit. Acceptance into an ivy league school is treated as an entry ticket into the elite of society. Education means literally everything there.

>How many of the workers do you think have read a book in the last five years?

Based on your aforementioned lack of understanding, I'd say about as many as you.

strange i never think of you lol

>esn't sound like a very oppressive regime if they weren't successful.
because they're not based in china