Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood

although they where creepy, some aspects of the hippy cult seemed really comfy, like the singing, dumpster diving and horse riding.

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>dumpster diving

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shouldve brought an M16 and shot them all when they bunched up

imagine the smelle

How the fuck is that ugly hippo Lena Dunham still getting roles


>Margaret Qualley riding
>Lena Dunham diving

the perfect existence

jesus, brad was such a fucking bro and lad in this movie, I almost want to watch it again just because of him desu

he and dicaprio were only good things about this movie

>tfw was forced into dumpsters as a kid growing up to find stuff

OP doesn't know what he's talking about, being poor sucks.

Everything with him was a loyalty fantasy and I dug it. Rick didn't deserve such a bro.

Literally none of that sounds comfy you mongoloid.

has a good torrent come out?


How cringe is to use hawaiian shirts in public?

To understand hippies, you must become a hippy yourself. There is no alternative.

Dumpster diving is fun if you don't have to do it for survival (and the climate isn't too tropical I guess). I used to dumpster dive a lot as a teen just to get some exercise and free bread/yoghurt/cakes. I was also sort of an eco hippie, and it felt like a waste to leave all that food to rot.
>be 18 and out drinking
>walk back home in early morning, it's several km trip and pretty tiring
>see familiar shop, they never lock their dumpsters
>check inside, find some sweet bread in mint condition
>snack break in the road side to replenish energy
Good times.

Depends. Are you Brad Pitt?

>the main characters were the only good things about this movie

Why did Brad Pitt beating up Bruce Lee become a meme?

yeah retard, because getting shoved in the dumbpster by your trashy parents is the same as singing and climbing with some hippy qts

why doesn't she have hairy armpits here?

based schizo

I used to hang out with punk hippie weirdos and I'd eat shit of the garbage sometimes. granted it was the college dorm building garbage and not some random dumpster

she does

if you are a cool dude no one will care, people will love you for it. though it depends on the context. I had a friend who sometimes wore tacky shirt in college, he was confident enough to pull it off and no one ever gave him shit for it, publicly or privatly

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Because of people getting offended by it

When is the BD coming out? I don't want to watch it with other people.

>Coen brothers movie
>almost every minor character in movie is interesting

Next month.
Why don't you just go to the cinema alone?

Dumpster diving can be alright if it never gets above freezing in the winter. A pizza joint near my place would throw out all of their pizzas at the end of the night and in the winter months it was a genuinely great way of getting free frozen pizzas.
No matter what though you lose a fair amount of self respect when you dumpster dive though, or at least of you do it while sober.

because girls laugh at me if they see me sitting alone

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Is that the cutie from Leftovers? I want to watch this movie now

There is only one comfy thing in hippie girls - them being barefoot.

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It chaps my ass that someone to awful and untalented gets work in that industry.

>eating food out of the garbage
You guys are fucking disgusting

>hordes of cute, skinny hippy girls walking around
>suddenly Lena Dunham in a mormon nightgown
what the FUCK was he thinking

you have to show the dark disgusting side of cults too