Any good movies about the modern dating culture?
Any good movies about the modern dating culture?
>Noooo you don't get to have preferences when it comes to dating
Kinda ironic a white incel weeb makes this thread when that's the kind of gook they'll end up with after being a 40 y.o. virgin
>nah you're not white
thats true though whats wrong with this statement? we spent all our history like this, are they gonna try to shame us out of our nationality 10 years after they arrive here?
some chinese girls here who get progressive are really fucking intolerable and are in the business of genociding whites at the same time as never dating their own guys its mental.
wow people everywhere really are the same, huh?
And they say female incels don't exist
sex like you want is your goddamn right.
So what's worse, to not match Asians with someone who hates Asians, or to match Asians with someone who hates Asians?
When you take this line of thinking to its conclusion it's essentially the same as people who call for forced monogamy and arranged marriages for incels
These Asian chicks really are gagging for bwc
dumb roastie
i guess so mate. im in aus. and then we see these girls write articles like pic related lol.
Many immigrants think they're natives just because they got a passport 1-2 years ago - the media inflates this delusion also.
I wouldn't date arab, black, asian women either. I am not attracted to them, I wouldn't want to have kids with them.
BASEDstralia does it again!
reminder that ''dating'' is a code created by women for ''sleeping around' without being called ''sluts''
they sound like incels...
I bet that roastie doesn't date Asian guys
chinese guys should just stop their women dating white guys already, make it illegal or something for chinese citizens on holiday or studying here to do it. seriously those girls are gonna start a war
What’s with the coal (?) stains
Ok so clearly this woman is a cunt but does nobody here honestly find Asian women attractive. This woman is gorgeous. I mean her insides are pure cancer and dating her would be absolute hell but this shit of calling her ugly has got to be a meme.
>before women had sex out of wedlock marriages was all harmonious and wonderful and infidelity didn't exist
>Brazil to reject millions in amazon aid - until macron takes back his comments
It's okay to have preferences based on race. For example, I just can't date orientals. Not attracted to them, even the hot ounes I just can't. Now I wouldn't post that publically on a dating app, and I'd never use a dating app in the first place. But I don't think there's any problems if you aren't attracted to a certain race, and it wouldn't bother me if some girl had 'don't like anglo's' in her profile
Jungle Asians are ugly
almost 100%, and she feels entitled to a white guy, and not just that, one that is like "chris hemsworth" lol.
her instinct is like "the best white genes hey? destroy them cause i am terrified of white superiority!" or something.
Chinese men are too beta
>"sorry, not into asians"
what? how?
she might have a couple fertile years left in her but that bitch be old
>in the business of genociding whites
Why don't she just date guys within her own race?
KEK! It’s ash from palm leaves.
it's called having standards
Well, Yea Forums?
>also their fathers would let me have sex with them in the first place
im not that guy but you should know if you marry the first or second guy you sleep with, chances are you wont ever feel the need to cheat.
those with more sexual partners can never trust or settle down. goes for guys too.
you do find lots of that though
I only date whites and latinas.
>State-enforced racemixing
What’s crippling insecurity like?
not when you consider what theyre doing to asian guys too. it would essentially be genociding both groups if their own wasnt so big.
the fact is though it might as well be genocide for their own group as most of those guys will never reproduce because of this.
This triggers me because I have a cuck fetish
My own women hate me
>the government should be in charge of my sexual preferences
I'm not paying you. If you take an employee mindset with relationships, you're completely fucked in the head.
>Be Aussie
>Work with a bunch of hot koreans who don't seem to be interested in my existence
>Meanwhile koreans are begging racist aussie chads to fuck them
you're right. can't be with someone smart who is probably a doctor. have to raise my standards.
you tell me, yellow fever user who got offended that someone is not into yellow monkey pusy
They're palm ashes
From Ash Wednesday
Only Americanized Korean girls date outside of their race.
do i smell roast beef? ;) kek
Dating sites are for trash women and trash men. All of my dating mishaps have happened due to meeting people off Tinder and other apps.
Meanwhile asking friends of friends and coworkers out has had ZERO issues. Normal women, good dates even if we don't totally click.
how do you receive a message unless you match with the person
isn't that how these things work
like you both have to agree to communicate beforehand or it's not possible
so if he doesn't like asians how are they even getting these messages saying no asians
Not going to dignify your racist stereotyping with a real response mate. I bet you think all Jews are in finance or own jewelry exchanges too huh.
Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent
heathen detekt
Americanized Asians look like whites with Downs syndrome for some reason
Facebook Dating is making people unable to deselect transpeople from matching with them, forcing lesbians to get matched with men that identify as lesbians, lmao.
Honestly, private companies should be allowed to discriminate on whatever basis they desire. Only government jobs should be banned from discrimination.
I've already avoided dating and I'm miserable because of it. I'm 35 years old and despite looking like a solid 7/10 no cute girl has asked me out.
>Women don't owe you anything
>Also men owe me the ability to turn them down at my convenience reeee
Honest question not trolling. Is this ugly to you?
Based Aussie chad turning down slant-eyed thots.
Wait, how do i find them?
this is correlation = causation reasoning.
in reality, the people who sleep with more people today would be more likely to cheat even if they married as virgins. that's what actually happened pre-sexual revolution. there are more opportunities now, but people divide into different personality types and marriage doesn't change who someone is.
sociologically speaking, infidelity is part of the same dynamic that also includes marriage.
just FYI.
Are you implying that the Korean chick who describes herself as an Aussie in Australia trying to get with white Australian chads is Americanised?
Fucking retard, please never reply to me again.
Since i started tinder ive fucked like 56 women, it ruined my life senpai. im clean, no stds or anything but this user is correct. It just leaves you lonely and unable to have a relationship.
>Sorry, you're not my type.
Also women:
>WTF you aren't allowed to have preferences
the arrogance. Even chinks, like the nogs, have worked out that if you push the racist button, you literally get anything you want from the whites. No matter how unjust or impractical. Here, this insectoid is suggesting that white men aren't allowed to openly state their preferences regarding sexual partners. What kind of mindstate do you have to be in to act like this? Can you imagine, as a white, going to some non-white country and behaving like this? Can a white even fathom having this much contempt for another race?
Looks black
I’m not that user. They didn’t get offended. You did dumbshit.
Literally looks like a monkey
>Infidelity always existed therefore monogamy is worthless and women should have triple digit bodycounts by the time they're 23
>He thinks non-whites posts in this white incel cesspool
Okay basement dwelling wite boi, keep telling yourself that
You know they're showing white women an inordinate number of brown/black guys.
It's her bone structure that does it. I don't think this angle is flattering either.
pretty sure that your post is just dismissing the research with a trite explanation made of opinion to suit your own fears.
do you also believe the vagina is a muscle that can never get loose through sex? kek.
>Facebook Dating is making people unable to deselect transpeople from matching with them, forcing lesbians to get matched with men that identify as lesbians, lmao.
if you're into chicks going on 40 that might be cute
I don't mind white/hispanic relationships, I worry about the other interracial combinations.
mmmmm, no
Piama is so wife-able.
>Those cheek bones
>That nose
>Nigger lips
That's a hard pass from me, dawg.
>no Asians
That's my preference as well, as an Asian male.
Asian girls just remind me too much of my sister and cousins.
Hardly faggot... Just someone that has been married faithfully for 12 years and slept with more women then that before marriage. But then again my marriage exists in the real world.
>Can you imagine, as a white, going to some non-white country and behaving like this?
Whites are not above this type of behaviour. Just travel to Thailand, Philippines and Vietnamn and you´ll se how whites truly behave.
they are now yes. google that, its literally something they were talking about 2 years ago to encourage people to date outside their race.
thing is i think this just makes women think there are no suitable guys on the app/in the area.
Stay in your grave, Elliot.
>multiple people are telling me I’m wrong
>they must be women
Please don’t go shoot up a movie theater went it all comes tumbling down.
you experience, the experience of one person doesnt mean jack shit toward the facts of how it usually works.
Not a hapa
Love noodlewhores
Females in general are fucking pathetic
>tfw no sexual welfare from the cennalink office sluts when I don't have a gf
Go get me some Jollibee
kek you speak like a roastie.
>there are more opportunities now
and your whole argument self-destructs
the research only has post-facto analysis to go on. it's can't make real statements about causation.
BTW divorce is as old as marriage, which dates back to the earliest recorded history. Jesus implicitly accepts the inevitability of both divorce and male infidelity in the Sermon on the Mount.
very roastoid post
white males in Thailand write articles about how Thai females who state that they prefer to have sex with Thai males are racist and need to stop doing it? They chastise Thai females in a major news publications like this? Link to the articles, please.
>No "real women only"
Glad I'm in a long-term relationship
you think people cant tell you're not one of us from what you post/write? why do you even post?
I know a lot of other married people Elliot.
Good luck.
Justbewhite is the most legit theory of dating
divorce rates are up, way up. theyre around or over 50% in a lot of western countries. they were not before. doesn't this btfo your argument?
>Female "humor"
Can't even make an edgy joke right
>no cis (real) options
no: I was responding to the poster who said that women become sluts by having sex a lot. the reality is that people have different levels of sex drive and flexibility about partners because of nature/nurture, and always have and will have.
there have been periods of history where women were literal slaves, and it didn't make men any less enraged about them, or any less paranoid about the possibility that other men are fucking the women they want to fuck. read a book.
did the roastie patrol enter the thread or is it just one very devoted culture warrior?
Just walk around outside and they'll find you
but it's ok for women to to be weightist and aestheticist
I wish more men would do this, more qt asians for me
Sluts don't pair-bond and riders of the cock carousel are far more likely to divorce.
They only want Chad though
>I don't know what correlation = causation means
don't forget heightist
>they are now yes. google that, its literally something they were talking about 2 years ago to encourage people to date outside their race.
I ren that. It got memory-holed almost instantly.
>Sexual racism is the individual's sexual preference of specific races. It is an inclination towards potential sexual or romantic partners on the basis of perceived racial identity. Although discrimination among partners based on this perceived racial identity is characterized by some as a form of racism, it is presented as a matter of preference by others.