Why do trannies hate this movie so much?
Why do trannies hate this movie so much?
>trannies dislike bisexual lighting films
I think you've got that wrong, are you sure you're not a tranny user? die early, but dilate first
Trannies and reddit hate Villeneuve and Goose in general
Because they're not real girls
What does this movie have to do with trannies?
Everyone who hated this movie turned out to be a tranny.
reddit loves villeneuve and goose
Cope and dilate
Discord trannies have a vendetta against this movie for some reason
villinueve is great and gosling has some great roles. but this was some of their weakest shit
>tells me to dilate in response to me telling him to dilate
u mad?
It's not only their best work but also the greatest piece of art ever made, of course your dilating retard ass can't comprehend it
No they don't, tranny. Dilate more
We know you are the only real tranny here, I bet you participated in Review Jew's reddit raid against this movie without even knowing it. Now dilate
>2049 fans can only defend their film by telling any naysayers to dilate and accusing them of being trannies
sounds about right for the level of intelligence I'd expect from Goose fans
you sound upset
Why do trannies love this movie so much?
Then give me a proper argument first, you have tried arguing with us for over 2 years saying the same shit that's been disproven a million times.
>bisexual lighting
kill yourself
>this thread
What's with all the sudden attention toward these two films? Is there a third one coming out or something?
They don't. They seethe at the fact that her brain is female and makes the berserker body adjust to female proportions.
Yeah, you can ask your buddies at the reddit all about it
Why are incels so obsessed with trans people, they cannot go one sentence without mentioning them
This is the level of discourse zoomers are capable of
This is the level of discourse zoomers are capable of
One autist got mad at someone who hated the movie
>Because they're not real girls
Are you kidding me? le epic neon cyberpunk is total tranny shit. Real men don't watch this faggy shit
>No they don't, tranny. Dilate more
It's like #3 on the r/movies top 250
Looks like someone forgot to dilate today.
This is the level of discourse zoomers are capable of
I think the film is very good, K has a very nice character arc and the pacing is great. It's not afraid to take its time, in the industry full of fast paced retarded blockbusters, this was a nice change of pace. That being said, i didn't like the twist, i didn't like the way it was handled at all, the exposition with flashback was unnecessary and the robot rebellion subplot seemed to go nowhere. I also had problems with Leto who was terrible. So ultimately not a masterpiece but a very good film with a great arc for K. Ad Astra is similar in some ways and also a flawed film but more emotionally resonant in my opinion so i prefer that. Both Ad Astra and Blade Runner 2049 are like 8/10.
They're mentally ill (so shit taste) and it involves people dying (which they think about all the time).
>why do the mentally ill not understand movies for adults?
BR2049 is literally the essential tranny movie, though.
I don't hate this movie though I thought it was cool
Reminder that the actor for JOI is literally a tranny.
That's weird, considering the film's effeminate pacing
>implying that females can pay attention to a film for longer than an hour
Slow paced films are designed for men. In the past the film were slower and for men. Now they are quick paced garbage (i'm talking about Hollywood blockbusters) aimed at women or soon to be women.
>implying that females can pay attention to a film for longer than an hour
lmao it's like females are another species for you incel, have sex
>Why do trannys hate incel bait movies
Good question
I already did, it's overrated and it won't solve your problems. Yes, they are another species.
>side of Reviewscrew criticizing anyone else's arguments
This is what anonymous imageboard culture eventually devolves into when enough people are participating. I'm no fan of reddit but weak moderation and/or a lack of a voting system set a low barrier of entry for posters while not giving enough incentive for making quality posts. It fact, it only rewards low effort buzzword spamming and bait posting while everything else gets drowned out. This sort of site format can only work with small groups of people which all value quality discussion and who force newcomers to either adopt that mentality or leave.
Wrong. It's what happens when the moderation team is 90 percent agenda driven and federal agents in addition to the oldfags leaving and Reddit invading. They think the superior platform is a tyrannical identity tied forum where you have people vote in whether or not your speech will even be seen by everybody else.
Because there are white boring men and its
>year 2049