Why did they bother giving this such a great buildup when the actual battle was dogshit?

Why did they bother giving this such a great buildup when the actual battle was dogshit?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>spaceship above doesn't just saturate the entire army from the get go
Dumb fucking movie desu.

Who is riding a horse here? Gandalf?

People cried to this trash!

I wish it was him :(

Why do people enjoy this anti-cinema garbage?

You have to admit, it was pretty freaking epic though.

They didn't want to pay all of those actors for that much screen time.

Epicly disappointing.

The whole movie is undercut by having Thanos being killed off in the first 10 minutes and replacing him with a Thanos from another universe who has zero connection to the characters. They even go out of their way to reminds the audience of this when he says to Scarlet Witch "I don't even know you" thus removing all emotional weight from the fight. She's just taking her anger out on a copy of the guy who killed the man she loved.

There was so much nonsense
>Giant Man randomly in the background when he should be repairing the X-Con van
>Strange having no purpose outside of holding up the wave despite showing some bullshit feats in IW like creating multiple copies
>that fempower scene
> why didn't Carol fly that glove far, FAR away into space so no one on the battlefield would get it?
>where the fuck was Kraglin whistle-arrowing the shit out of everything?
>why was there no scene between Drax and Thanos, something that was crucial to his character and story?
>where the fuck did Valkyrie even got that horse from?
>hell, where the fuck did all those Asgardian warriors come from? Those are more people in OPs pic than on the bridge in Ragnarok and like half of them were already slaughtered on the ship before the snap

What even are those bug ships
The ones with the wings
I've seen every marvel movie and I don't remember them

Is there a reason why Dr. Strangeman and other magical niggas couldn't just turn Thanos into a chandelier or something? Or teleport them into space? Why the fuck did Strange spend the entire battle holding water?

What the fuck is even the point of this? How is it a victory?

Because they wrote themselves into a corner.

They were from Black Panther

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All the Wakandans and noname wizards were unnecessary. Should have just been avenger in the fight.

I figured they'd be going back in time to try and give themselves and advantage to beat the Thanos that defeated them.
Going through time and other dimension or whatever the fuck happens (haven't seen either) to fight a stranger is just fucking stupid. Why should the audience even care?

I don't understand what you mean? Get to the point already

>the entire conflict happens because Nebula was too stupid to turn off her wifi, or just jump back immediately
Highest grossing movie ever

in the future everyone will point and laugh at this decade because of how many fucking idiots paid to see this pile of dogshit.

Strange that never occurred to her that going back in time would have her connect to that galaxy spanning recording thing in her head. Slopping writing.

The future will contain only sub-70 IQ mutts and a small minority of their jewish overlords, the MCU movies will be regarded as documentaries

Infinity War is the definite end. Endgame is just fan fiction

god I wish

You wish

But the sad truth is the future is going to be even dumber than the present is

How the hell did fucking Aquaman get a more crazy "epicpewpewpew" finale than the conclusion to a movie behemoth that's been ten years in the making?

don't forget that they had the gauntlet at the start of the fight, and could have gone anywhere in the universe with it while the allies fought Thanos, but instead chose to run haphazardly into the center of the battle to try to teleport it back in time there and then, just so that Thanos could almost get his finger snap off for suspense.

This, the infinite gauntlet was just a too much convenient deus ex machina to make a plot that made sense, so they had to make a one use only and cripple thanos.
It all goes downhill from there.

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What really bothered me is that tony and peter got a reunion scene but rocket and groot or the rest of the gardians got none

How did dr stranger know who Wasp is?

Why did fuckall happen when Thanos destroyed all the Infinity Stones despite the Ancient One telling Banner that even removing one out of the timeline/universe would fuck up up the entire universe?

Just turn your brain off and have fun:^)


I hate that the Aquaman's fight was more kino than the Endgame's battle.
And I hate Aquaman for not being Snyderverse.
But I hate Endgame for ruining Captain America's character

If you consider endgame to be objectively good, I feel sorry for you. You could argue Infinity wars was genuinely good, but not endgame

I don't understand how he used the stones to break the stones

He slapped them together really hard.

Do you have a brain?

>muh marvel shit is objectively good
Yep, figures you posted your face with it.

How did Steve bring back all the stones, anyway?
Half of them must've been pretty awkward for him like stuffing the Aether back into Natalie Portman and randomly meeting Johann Schmitt again on a far away planet.

Why did no one ever brought up again that during their time travel test phase they also created a freaking age-reversal machine by accident?

So, Captain Marvel wasn't arround until Endgame because she had to protect those across the galaxy who didn't have Avengers themselves?
Clearly she must've heard about someone of Thanos' caliber and the pure insanity he commits before when she even answers a distress call of a random drifting spaceship in buttfuck nowhere, so shouldn't her finishing of someone of such a threat level be like A++ top priority?

It's a story you can't do justice with just two movies. It would need to be told in a miniseries to be told properly. Also there's no way they can top this in the MCU now. I mean how can you go higher than "Half of all life got wiped out by one guy and the Avengers fix it?"

Polymorph is Fortitude Negates and Thanos has +100 or something plus rerolls.

This is why I support Climate Catastrophe.
Clathrate gun when?

That’s a stupid as fuck story decision.

This shit was fucking amazing in IMAX.

The Ancient One was just talking about her own universe needing the time stone to protect themselves from Dormammu just like Strange had already done in their universe.

She was talking about the stones in general.

i feel like somebody spiked me before i saw that movie
the whole thing was basically a fever dream

How do people not understand a capeshit movie? its even from disney, there are 8 year olds watching this shit that understand it better than you do.

>when you have to reduce dr strange to stopping a flood instead of fighting because he would wipe the floor with non gauntlet thanos

the feeling that it's underwater is what makes it for me. it's unique and grabs your attention
if it wasn't underwater I would check out of it, more of the same boring CGI mess

so, just

>The MCU nerfs pretty much everyone. Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, etc. could've solo'd him.


That was the most unnecessary scene of any avengers movie. The battle going on was completely pointless and just for show, it could be completely omitted and the story would not change.

Every time you see a character go to sleep it's fair game to consider any scene that comes after that a dream.

How many people got undusted just to get killed again by Thanos' goons 5 minutes later?

Scarlet Witch was soloing him. She was toying with him too much and lost her chance to kill him.

Why couldn't Dr. Strange just tell Thor to go for the head after seeing 14 gorillions of possible futures?

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Anyone expected for the police to arrive and arrest everyone

He nver "destroyed" them. Just turned them into a billion small pieces. They still exist but small or something.

Because then it would be only one movie and they gotta take away logic so we can milk this story into two movies which they'll re-release the second part with a few more scenes to make even more money. Why didn't Strange just open a portal around Thanos' hand and cut it off like her did with his general earlier in the film? They had him pinned down and physically taking the glove off him when this would have been faster and easier and it was something set up like it was gonna be the solution. Open a portal outside Avengers HQ and plop. Thanos' recently sliced off arm is right there for them to whatever they want with the gauntlet.


are you stupid?

Because in that future Tony, Thor, Nebula or some random fuckwad would have picked up the glove and caused the destruction of the entire universe with their wish. This was the best possible ending.

So why didn't Tony invent the Infinity Vacuum and the Infinity Superglue?
Should've taken him only slightly longer than figuring out time travel.

That's how they explain it in the movie.

Why didn't Tony just bypass the comressah

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I do kind of like the idea that there is this massive sci-fi/fantasy LOTR style world going on at the bottom of the ocean with giant titanic battles that we would never know about.

The film was a send off to Stark.

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future generations will be even dumber

As a big MCU fan... Endgame was monumentally disappointing. On multiple levels.

Infinity War felt like the bands final album.. Huge payoff, lots of hits.. People loved it and it pulled no punches..
Endgame felt like the bands farewell tour.. Same songs you've heard multiple times, a run through the catalog and a final pat on the back for a job well done and not ODing on heroin.

Endgame has zero rewatch value.. Unlike the first 3 Avengers.

20 years from now people will talk about Avengers 1 and Infinity War.. One day people will realize while Endgame was a great cinematic achievement. It holds no real value.. Sadly.

Did it ever explain how he want from some random fisherman chad to being totally unfazed while charging an entire space/ocean army?

I wonder how many allies Giant-Man stepped on

Why didn't Antman crawl up Thanos' anus and then grow big?

>that image

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There is no future.

Fiery orange is bad and light blue is good! This is the kind of smart film making you get from DC movies.

>implying any of the Avengers movies have any rewatch value whatsoever

Maybe that’s part of what was happening in the first act of the movie, the universe is devoid of hope because it’s dying without the stones

Nonsense, DC movies usually have no colour at all

Pee pee poo poo 69

Uh, yes?
Due to his mixed blood he became king, got the trident and mastered the ability that most people ridicule him for, talk to marine life which include a giant underwater-Godzilla and an army of fish mutants.

The sheer amount of battle units made for the battle kicks Endgame's ass. What did Thanos's army had? Four armed guys, big guys and flying whales?

Crab people were the good guys.

Thanos had them by the balls when he released rain fire later. Why not do it noe? They are exposing like 5 other innocent cities to danger too, like a bunch of retards.

Why does Yea Forums pretend DC movies are any better than Marvel movies? They’re different, but still predictable capeshit with shit acting.

Thanos has a chasity belt

>Not making Tony, Pepper and War Machine giant and letting them bombard thanos and his army endlessly
>Not making Hulk giant and stamping on thanos
>Not making Cap giant and just have him rain lightning on the army all battle

why didn't they just bomb all the bad guys with massive airpower?

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their brain would melt

Yet it was 10 times better than endgames final battle that looked like a video game promo

>Captain Fungus has the ability to destroy Thanos and his army in less than a minute
>spends 25 years flying through space saving cats from trees and shit and doesn't take a moment to stop him

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>its been 17 years
>battle of helms deep is still the single best epic grand scale battle in cinema

The movie has lot of bullshit people pointed out above but you are mixing thing up.
Those stones already did stuff in that timeline so to keep it stable they have to come back.
When Thanos destroys them is AFTER the events.
Concerning how is simple. Same principle of how Wanda could.

Well yeah, because the LotR movies actually hired several thousand extras to dress up in costume as orcs and elves and shit, acting on real sets for all the closeup scenes of fighting.

The Marvel movies are 95% CGI aside from the main cast, so the battles always feel unrealistic and boring.

Why the hell was everyone but Hulk shitting on based Ants?
Here's the guy who potentially has the idea and means to bring back their lost loved ones and all they do is treat him like dirt.
Nebula calls him an idiot without him even doing a single fucking thing, Rocket treats him like a retard for absolutely no reason, Rhodey pokes fun at him, etc.

I’ve never seen a theater so excited and overjoyed in my life. Everyone but me was uncontrollable in their jubilation

>aside from the main cast
Even the main cast are usually just heads copypasted onto cgi costumes.

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to have retarded jokes throughout the whole movie

He's le quippy 4rth wall breaking baffoon who doesn't take the movie too seriously. Even if he doesn't actually merit being it, that's clearly the trope he embodies so just turn your brain off and go along.

>actually falling for Infinity War meme
I hate all you niggers who hype and praise this shit. It's Mass Effect all over again with its "please get excited in advance because this mediocre flick is actually a part of much bigger epic thing that will have a massive payoff in the end".

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Aquaman is in the Snyderverse. In fact it's designed as a direct sequel to the unreleased JL Snyder Cut, ignoring Whedon's abomination.

>it's designed as a direct sequel to the unreleased JL Snyder Cut, ignoring Whedon's abomination.

It's designed to be as detached from the DCEU as possible.

This tbf. Not a single one of these capeshit movies is good and the Avengers ones in particular are complete dogshit. Infinity War and Endgame are just more of the same shit.
And yes, I watch them because I find humor in other people's oblivious incompetence and stupidity how could you tell.

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>They’re different
Which automatically makes them gorillion times better than copypasted MCU shit.
There's also Aquaman which isn't that any different from MCU fodder but at least it's not as cheap.

the legit only good mcu movies are Captain America 1 and Winter Soldier. Thats it.

Whoa, EDGY.. I've never seen this opinion on here before.. Genuine and meaningful criticism.

Nothing had weight, this was better.

> every time there's a Scarlett Johansson beauty shot
> every time Ruffalo opens his mouth
> every time there's a bloomy greenscreen background
> every time they play that ridiculous Avengers theme that sounds like music to a shitty 80's low budget cartoon

I did

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they never met

Damn being a woman and seeing shit like this probably sucks

brevity tranny

That final battle is the exact reason heroes are split up in crossover events. What a complete disappointment this movie was. Infinity War did everything better.

Well, at least Avengers 1 was a decent experiment of putting a team of different superheroes in one movie and make them bombard each other with quips padded with some action. Quippy villain also helped.
But then they tried to go le epic and dramatic while maintaining same amount of same jokes that already got stale. And the roster of character got so bloated that they aren't even complementing each other anymore. Dr Strange, Stark, Quill and Thor are basically the same character in Infinity War.
Thor 3 was decent in this regard because Hulk and Thor had good chemistry that wasn't dragged down by the sheer amount of characters.

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>every time the newfag tries to greentext he puts a space after the memearrow

>teleport to Wakango
>"go for the head bro"
>teleport back

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if he went to wakanda, thanos would´ve followed him and the outcome of the would´ve been different

that was actually an extremely stupid plot point the more you think of it

And he spawns his troops that are exactly the same but even weaker.
Fuck, Ronan while being a stupid pawn had more firepower.

>literally the opposite
bravo retard

Oh wait, I'm so stupid, Ronan was one-shot by Captain Marvel in the 90s, how could I forget.

>Films that look better on the camrip

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that's borderline Snyderesque

>the femme fatale's scene

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Maximum fucking cringe.

Is there a 60FPS version already? For some reason I enjoy the 90s TV drama effect.

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If there isn't it will be. There were some rainy scenes that were obviously shot with cutting edge tv technology.

that meme single shot scene with Hawkeye was some CW tier trash
Daredevil shits all over the MCU

Why doesnt Antman just grow to 1000 ft and crush the enemy flagship with his bare hands

>a bunch of people who've never met randomly gather in the middle of a giant battle with no helmets or real armor of any kind to pose for a feels good photo op

Why doesn't he grow to 10000ft and drops a giant turd onto Thanos' army.

forgot that now it's on youtube so I can link



He became technically king because he was firstborn. As firstborn he got the fish talking powers. The trident changed his genetic makeup and made him grow the aquaman armor.

>made him grow the aquaman armor.
lol retard


The IW battle was much better and the girl power scene ruined an already underwhelming overrated shit movie

Why is marvel so obsessed with cannon fodder armies?

eroding moral standards

>all the good guys in the entire MCU are Avengers now

The buildup song is like

You know those commies, it's a proven strategy

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This entire finale a total fucking mess. I’ve never seen such a big “final battle” have such little actual tension or relevance to the plot. The fact that MCU fans have called this the greatest moment in movie history (seriously) is an insult. By far the most overrated ending to a movie I’ve seen

Let us not forget that Corvus Glaive terrorized multiple Avengers throughout Infinity War, yet he was one-shot by Okoye, a regular human being, in Endgame. After a certain point, one just stops caring anymore. Iron Man is just wearing a robot symbiote and power levels don't matter. Shit just happens on the screen.

>Corvus Glaive
>actually has a glaive

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Wakango New Zealand, not Wakanda you dumb nog

Because they can just copy-paste the same couple of CGI models a thousand times.

None because Thanos goons did absolutely NOTHING. Even a skinny African princess like Shuri with next to no combat experience was able to walk around killing them like a COD tutorial mode.

They should call Hawkeye Hawkeye Bow

The entire black order was so shit, they die as easily as normal goons for the most part, what made them so special to Thanos if they are that weak ??

Scarlet Widow Gun

I liked the part where they say TRUMPed

The Black Order was good in Infinity War. Glaive injured Vision and Ebony Maw beat Doctor Strange 1v1. They were a complete joke in Endgame though.


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but aren't you glad we got all those scenes with tony and his daughter? Or close ups of black panther.

No because I was just in for Scott.

Farmer Thanos cooking vegetables was the best part of that movie.

When was the Arrowman and Scarlet Johansson romance established? Are his children hers? Was she a cuck? Did he get his own movie? Who was the family that we're supposed to feel so sad is disappearing? Why was he having a picnic while the rest of avengers battled in Wakanda?

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The cgi was Shrek-tier.

>When was the Arrowman and Scarlet Johansson romance established?
It wasn't. That was dropped after the first Avengers movie.

The writers actually had better ideas on how to handle some of these things, but weren't allowed to.

They wanted to introduce Carol in IW on the battle of Titan. That she absolutely knew about Thanos and was trying to get more information on him and tracked the Ship Iron Man was on to Titan, only to find the avengers and not Thanos. The writers also then had to tackle "how does Thanos win against Carol and the avengers?" They came up with Thanos de-souling the heroes. The Soul stone just basically out right killed Carol, at least for a while. When the Captain Marvel movie got delayed, they ended up pulling Carol from IW. Remember it was supposed to come out July 6, 2018, so Carol being in IW would have been a big bump for the movie. Then it got pushed to November 2018 and then finally March 2019.

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Biggest issue is marvel not being the one to do the snap

Strange not telling stark what to do before being dusted

Biggest cringe though was the wymyn power moment

There wasn't, he was his best friend and shit.
>but Skull said
His family was dusted by that point, she was the only one left he loved.

The fact they needed such a needlessly complex movie to show them 'defeating' Thanos just proves it's a fever dream that Cap or Tony is dreaming up while living in a psyche ward somewhere. Meanwhile Earth has become a peaceful place where nobody suffers thanks to our lord and savior Thanos.

Yeah, that's why they explicitly reference the events of the previous film.

Because in the previous film, he'd already fought a lesser space god and his army of flying, undead abominations.


its so dense, like they thought having a bunch of shit flying all over the screen would make it more "epic" looking

yeah, in ONE sentence and never again.
If you never watched a DCEU movie before you might as well think that Steppenwolf was just a random off-screen victory for Arthur to imply that he already fought against bigger things.

>thanos needed super special dinklage space dwarf to forge the infinity gauntlet in the fires of the sun
>is a major plot point in Infinity War
>lol jk Iron Man can make it in a day with Earth metal

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Me too. If you haven't, you should check out the early issues of a comic called "Planetary." The DCEU seems to be incorporating some thematic aspects of it into their world, where there are "strata" of myths and legends below the world's seemingly mundane surface. In Aquaman, it's pretty clear that what we're seeing us the weird tales pulp stratum. Personally, I think it would be sort of cool if it turned out that Krypton was the same and that when they chose to fully embrace rationality and science, their myths and magic sank to their planet's core and, while a potent source of energy, also became poisonous to them. In other words, their kryptonite.

Remember those crystals Aquaman saw in the cavern roof of the Lost Sea?

>in a day
He literally just grabs the stones and does a snap with his regular suit

Acts 1 and 2 should have been shortened to make the final battle longer. Not by much, maybe 5 or so minutes each.

oh you just wait and see... the comic books have one-upped themselves so many times this can go on forever.

Yeah and his body explodes

Hulk took it pretty well all things considered.

Iron Man dies because he couldn't take the snap. That had nothing to do with the quality of the gauntlet.

>new Iron Man is some housewife completely disinterested in science and engineering

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Just so you know, James Wan actually conferred with Snyder on the plot of Aquaman and Momoa is one of Snyder's biggest advocates. It's the same world. It will always be that same world. Hell, Aquaman reaffirms some of the themes first established in MoS.

user who actually understands how the world works detected

>Red Skull tells them they have to sacrifice someone they love to get the stone
>Black Widow and Hawkeye immediately start trying to kill themselves

Did they not hear him? One of them had to kill the other. Watching someone commit suicide is not "sacrificing" them.

>Thanos from another universe who has zero connection to the characters.
Wrong. Thanos 2 did everything Thanos 1 did pre-GotG; most importantly the 2012 Avengers.

>yfw you realize that both Hawkeye and Nat are off-the-chain narcissists who both realized they love themselves far more than anyone else

The movie should have ended the second she got handed the gauntlet. She should have just been able to put it on and wipe out the army in seconds. And even if for some reason she couldn't use it, she could have just flown it into space for safe keeping and then come back and cleaned up the army with them more slowly.

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And yet you can perfectly watch it without knowing a thing about the rest of the DCEU.
It wasn't set up in the previous movie, it didn't set up any other upcoming movie outside of its own sequel, it almost never mentions any previous occurrence outside of Steppenwolf and Mera and Arthur even act like they don't know each other despite sharing scenes in JL.

You know what's worse, there was a sticky on Yea Forums for a month, warning people not to spoil it, let that sink In.

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Those comments kek.

How is what you're saying any different than, say Dr. Strange's first movie?

this movie was gay lmao

All Capeshit fights are dogshit though.

>most importantly the 2012 Avengers

In the first Avengers movie a few aliens beam down and all that happens is a couple skyscrapers and some cars get damaged. No one gets killed, alien soldiers aren't executing wounded children while they lie in the street begging for mercy. It's all bloodless capeshit bullshit with no stakes or emotional resonance. You have to be a literal brainlet to get any sort of enjoyment or emotion from these badly crafted corporate shekel vacuums.

uh 74 people died

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in manhattan.

>20 years from now people will talk about Avengers 1 and Infinity War

People don't even talk about infinity war now, nevermind the Avengers. These movies are absolute shit in every aspect that have already been forgotten by most of the public. It's going to be hilarious watching the kids who grew up watching capeshit start nostalgiafagging about things from their youth in 15-20 years and seeing how bitterly disappointed they are that the capeshit they grew up with really is as soulless and stupid as everyone says it is. Kids and teenagers today still react positively to blockbusters from the 1990s and 80s. Kids and Teens in the 2030s and 40s will laugh at all their zoomer parents trying to share the blockbusters from their childhood with them.

The battle wasnt dogshit. You got to see a bunch of the avengers using their powers and teaming up, like when Spidey pulls that big guy down and then ant man steps on him, or when Tony and Pepper team up and go ham.

>his troops that are exactly the same but even weaker.
It did bother me that his main general takes on Wanda and Vision in IW, but then gets one shotted by a basic human woman.

>>why was there no scene between Drax and Thanos, something that was crucial to his character and story?
Drax had beef with Ronin, not Thanos.

I disagree. I liked the scale of having huge armies of both heroes and low-level nonames on both sides.

Capeshit can't make good large scale battles

You seem like a miserable person. You dont have a good life, do you?

Nah, he gets his priorities straight on that in the first GotG.

I liked going on youtube and watching reaction videos to this scene.


>black order good in infinity wars
>universe's most powerful psychic capable of beating down doctor strange and tearing apart city streets with his mind dies because he can't stop himself getting sucked out into the vacuum of space or just fly himself back into his ship after he's outside also the only reason he got sucked out in the first place was because iron meme and spider twink ambushed him because he was the only person on a massive miles long starship that's clearly meant to be staffed and run by a multitude of creatures but the writers had no idea how to kill the psychic without having the heroes sneak up on them which they had no idea how to do without literally removing every enemy who could possibly see the heroes instead of writing something clever or exciting or just not introducing pointless hugely overpowered foes that serve no real purpose or threat to the heroes in the first place

Infinity War is good bro just turn off your brain and don't ask for fun logical scenes bro

Why is he riding a seahorse that swims literally orders of magnitude slower than him?

Strange is probably one of the better standalone/origin movies in that regard with only a few mentions of the Avengers and a Thor cameo at the end.

A more egregious example would be Spiderman Homecoming.
Imagine that one is your first Marvel movie and you have not the slightest bit of a clue about comics or the MCU but the name Spiderman at least rings a bell.
You have no clue where he got his powers from because the main character who you thought would debut in this movie was introduced one year earlier in a different film where he was already around for ten minutes and you don't really get who this Tony Stark guy is who hogs quite a bit of screentime, directly and indirectly, and who seems to be important but never got any real background outside of "guy with a lot of money and a robot suit for some reason".
The villain exists due to a different movie that came out five years earlier which you didn't watch and you have no idea what that airport battle at the start is all about or who all those super heroes are because, yet again, you didn't watch Civil War, etc.
And so on.

>Nah, he gets his priorities straight on that in the first GotG.
Really cringe sentence. Wanna try again? This time dont try to hard to sound black.

>Imagine that one is your first Marvel movie and you have not the slightest bit of a clue about comics or the MCU but the name Spiderman at least rings a bell.
>You have no clue where he got his powers from
Literally every person on planet earth with a heartbeat knows how he got his powers. Are you being stupid on purpose?

>and then in the end 5,000 people play football with the power glove to see who gets to kill their enemies instantly first

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Endgame Thanos makes avengers and GOTG really retarded into retrospect. Why did this fucker bother giving the responsibilities of getting stones to Ronan and Loki(also have him the scepter)? He could’ve done this shit all by himself

Believe it or not but there actually ARE people out there that so far didn't give a single fuck about ficitional people in spandex suits.

That chair he kept sitting on probably was too damn comfy to get up from.

Because any Atlantean cuck can swim. He's riding a royal mount.

prob valkwhorie or sum shit

But you're not one of those people, are you?

I'm from Alabama. I type like I talk.

Like an uneducated, inbred retard. Got it.

>battle was dogshit
>ant man heeming the leviathon
>hulk chucking that fag across the map
>tony and pepper fighting back to back
>Drax stabbing the fuck out of Cull Obsidion while Korg clubs him across the face
>black panther styling all over everyone
>wanda making sure Thanos knows who she is

The battle was based you contrarian nolife fag.

>black order guy compliments Thanos on being the first to wield two stones, ever
>Loki had Scepter and Tesseract and couldn't even take over Manhattan

Fine. Since you deem my elocutory predilections, coloquialisms, and habitual dialect ill-suited for such elevated discourse as the discussion of the core motivations of characters in such high literary and cinematic achievements as a Marvel film, I shall endeavour to express myself in a manner more befitting the subject at hand.

Drax, having encountered Ronan and come to the realization that he was but a thread in the tapestry of woe that was his life, came to understand that it had never been Ronan's hand at the loom of fate, but rather that of Thanos, and having digested this bitter pill, he resolved to seek his vengeance upon he whom he viewed as the more deserving of his ire.

Thanos could have fucked up everybody by himself, without the Gauntlet. There is no explanation besides the MCU plan.


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Why do people keep saying that Endgame ruined Captain America's character when everything he did was selfless and totally in-line with what we've seen so far? I'm angrier about how Black Widow was treated with no romance, no psychological insight, nothing.

can the disney shills in the thread explain why thanos would destroy the stones when 50% of the population would just come back after 50 years of breeding? did the stones make him retarded?

Because the dumbasses who wrote this shit dropped the ball by going on record with the old Cap we see at the end being the same Cap that returned the stones and Mjölnr. They could have said he was an alternate Cap that lived out his life in the main reality who wouldn't have necesssarily had foreknowledge of the main timeline's events, but they didn't.

Since they did that, that means Cap literally retired, lived out his life with Peggy, and allowed ever atrocity and catastrophe of the entire 20th century to pass without a word, and worse, without a lifted finger. If that weren't enough, it also breaks the already half-assed "rules" of their own time travel.

Capeshit will be seen the way westerns are today. A couple that everyone remembers (Dark Knight, Raimi Spidey, the original Iron Man), and HEAPS of garbage that no one but the most die-hard fan of the genre will bother to watch.

Alternatively, you could compare it to the first cinematic universe: Universal Monsters. No one watches the majority of them, but films like Dracula and Frankenstein are remembered.

>but films like Dracula and Frankenstein are remembered.
and they're still bad

so, if the whole "when you travel back in time that moment on is a new reality, not the past of your PREVIOUS PRESENT" rule was set, how and why did cap come back? did he deal with all the shit from the other universes or timelines or whatever the fuck? did he grow old, and then put on the time suit, and then finally come back? he couldn't have gotten old and then just shown up on that exact day because they were no longer in the same reality

there's so many glaring plotholes and conveniences for the sake of finishing the story stacked on top of boring fucking pacing and a lack (if not huge backwards steps) on character development that they all start to blend together into a confusing, grey, tasteless blur and i just lose the ball and give up on trying to remember anything about the movie like it was some horrible car crash. how did they get so on track and put such a strong effort into infinity war only to turn around and fuck everything in the ass raw and dry?

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can somebody explain me how time travel works in this movie?

It's pretty fucking simple. Cap goes back in time to return the Stones, travels to the 1950s or whenever to be with Peggy which then creates another timeline, one where he went back in time to be with her. He lives out his life in this new timeline until she dies and then he puts on his time suit and returns to the timeline he originally came from at the time he left. There's a whole alternate timeline where Steve lived throughout the tumultuous back-half of the 20th century and probably helped prevent and start a lot of events.

I hate these movies and I hate you faggots for thinking it's cool and thinking it makes you cool.

all of that is nonsensical bullshit unless actually derived from the movie, which it couldn't have been, because all we got was chris evans in gay old man cgi

It was a good thing for thanos that he just had the know-how and technology to be able to just plug in some pym particles like a magical USB for his WHOLE FUCKING SHIP to be teleported through time and space itself, even though the greatest minds on MCU's earth had to devise the suits and time machine and errors for weeks and nearly turned ant-man permanently into a elderly/infant version of himself.

And it boggles my mind that you can't see what a phenomenal cop-out that is. The only(the ONLY) saving grace of multiverse time travel was that once you leave a timeline, it's all but impossible to return to it. In the comics, it's something that even guys like Dr. Strange can't do. There are damned good reasons to preserve that mechanic, but they're dumb, lazy hacks and just half-assed it.

Dracula is pretty cool. Excellent use of silence.

Better than the boring-ass book, anyway.

It's a good thing that rat hit all those buttons in that closed and locked up van with no food.

It's a good thing that Banner managed to accidentally say exactly the right thing to the Ancient One.

It's a good thing Nebula was standing directly in front of a mirror so Thanos could ENHANCE THAT IMAGE.

It's a good thing Nebula's brain even runs off a fucking iCloud network for some reason.

It's a good thing that Tony for some reason remembered a date and place where events occurred that happened months before he was even born.

It's a good thing when they got there that those Pym Particles weren't shit or some experimental test copy.

It's a good thing Captain Marvel randomly decided to show up to Earth after explicitly stating she'd be gone for a very, very long time.

It's a good thing that Tony's suit was able to act like the Blob and schlorp all the stone's off of Thanos' hand after grabbing him for

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>all white and only one woman
I just can't imagine this happening at all now.
And that was only 2012.


the beginning of the end

>build up a huge, international franchise over a decade
>hype the fuck out of everybody, cringy "THIS IS IT" marketing, woeful themes of the end and of finality, yada yada
>cap off your epic capeshit saga with a fucking zany time travel plot

sometimes i think they're just trying to see how heinous they can make the slop before the pigs stop coming in for dinner

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If you think these CGI shitfests will ever reach the heights of the best westerns, you are a massive fucking moron. The genre and the circumstances around it are way too limiting for anything great to come out of it.

you're not wrong, but i also think you're dead wrong around the end there, you CAN make an amazing story involving superheroes and you CAN make an amazing story with heavy application of CGI, it's just that it's never going to happen with the fat kikes that currently own hollywood and its creative process

because capeshit
never really knew how much i was meme'd till the very end

>The battle wasnt dogshit. You got to see a bunch of the avengers using their powers and teaming up, like when Spidey pulls that big guy down and then ant man steps on him, or when Tony and Pepper team up and go ham.

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>how time travel works in this movie?

It doesn’t

superhero is an inherently childish concept


I don't even understand how banner somehow just figured it out randomly at one point in the movie? like he's explaining it with such a certainty during that one scene that it felt like i blacked out and missed something. how the fuck does he know so well how it works? how does he know the whole "past is a different timeline not your past durr" shit? We're just supposed to believe him? It's been a while since I've even seen the movie but I swear to god early on in the film he said that he's hesitant about testing time travel because he, 1. is not a doctor of any of the science behind it, and 2. he explicitly fucking says its time travel and he has no idea if it's going to work

How can you defend a movie on a basis of rules and concepts that aren't even proven to be 100% true? Why were the suits and the machine needed if thanos' entire ship could time jump? How would they have been able to get the gauntlet through the van? Where would they have even taken it? This movie is a fucking mess

>They say they only have enough particles to try the time travel plan once
>Ok there must be some reason they can't just go back in time first to get more particles
>Nope, they do that immediately after their plan fails, so there was actually zero tension because they always had unlimited number of tries for their plan

tragedy is described as the downfall of a "greater man," and there are no better examples of that than classic superhero characters, who are in themselves based on traditional heroic archetypes complete with hubris, moral/emotional weakness or doubt, and godly attributes similar to the strength of heracles or samson - if anything - superheroes are just modern day myths and legends and quasi-biblical figures, it's just that modern day storytelling and ideologies and ethics are horse shit and as a result our fantastical products and fabrications are horse shit. don't blame the foundational concept of a super human or divine being as a story device or character, blame jews

Thanos didn't know where the Gauntlet was

It wasnt explicitly set up but there's some carry over things like Vulko who was meant have been introduced in the JL Snyder Cut and who gave Arthur his mother's trident. Aquaman goes off the assumption that you already knew who he was even though he was cut out of the previous movie.

>amerimutts defending characters that were created for comics intended for children

superheroes aren´t comparable with "ancient myths" because first of all, the ancient greeks really believed in zeus, athena, apollo, etc...

anallogous how many people still believe jesus and god exists,

modern day storytelling has nothing to do about why superheroes are garbage and why appeals to the lowest common denominator, they were expressely created for commercial purposes since day one, you know for kids to read

there´s nothing complex,admirable or deep with something like superman and spiderman, you´re just a manchild trying to elevate garbage in order to justify your admiration to a commercial product, truly pathetic

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I love that this thread is a group celebration of becoming numb to simple pleasures, of enjoying an action-serial for what it is.

How many of you take pride in stoically resisting fun, even in a public venue where everyone has gathered for it.
Stay lonely my friends.

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>just enjoy mindless entertainment bro!

>you´re just a manchild trying to elevate garbage
Keep in context that you are a manchild memeing and shitposting on a pedo/foot fetish imageboard.

Why....WHY would you even subject yourself to "mindless entertainment" if you weren't going to try to enjoy it?
Can you explain without using greentext?

why are you such a belligerent retard? the BASE CONCEPT of a greater man can be ascribed literally to the BASE CONCEPT of a superhero, meaning it could be a strong character in a strong story, it has nothing to do with what ancient greeks believed in and it has nothing to do with superman or spiderman you autistic brainlet

>just explain without using greentext bro!

yikes bro you just posted cringe

>the BASE CONCEPT of a greater man can be ascribed literally to the BASE CONCEPT of a superhero, meaning it could be a strong character in a strong story

they cannot be a strong character because the baseline is pure wishful thinking so no, i´m sorry you were wasting your whole time reading comics intended for kids

Kids these days.

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nothing wrong with that.

Do you think anyone ever believed in King Arthur? How about Paul Bunyan? More to the point, most of the myths about the Greek pantheon were written by playwrights from a combination of oral traditions coupled with their own embellishments. People watched those plays with the understanding that they were fictionalized versions of their deities, not necessarily representative of the deities themselves, but rather being used to elucidate on the human condition.

Why are you having to fabricate this normalfag's incel no-fun strawman? Nobody here is actually fuming at some capeshit blockbuster, it's equally as fun to point out inconsistencies and flaws and pick apart things. And if that's not fun for people, it's still entirely valid to have fun throughout a movie and then be faced with some sort of gaping plot hole and want to bring it up and discuss it.

Also, let's get real, Marvel movies stopped getting the pass for "mindless action flick" when they started trying to get gritty with the themes of politics and corruption and genocide, especially now that there are zoomers out there unironically putting wicked epic marvel movie quotes in their instagram bios like autists used to do for star wars prequels or TDKR joker quotes or whatever. There are a majority of manchildren who make fucking reddit video essays on this shit too, so to laud it for its "mature themes and context" but then get butthurt and use the whole kiddy movie cope when somebody points out how it's a shitty film doesn't work. It's watched by adults on mass, it's made by adults, it has adult themes and content, it's not protected from the scrutiny any other movie would get.

Why didn't everybody get a Hank Pym suit???

what are you even talking about retard? do you even understand the literary concepts i'm speaking about? i have never and will never read comics or seriously involve myself with superhero commercialism because i'm not autistic, but i'm also stating objectively that the meta concept of a "superhero" is analogous to any other fable hero with unearthly abilities

Funniest thing is a bunch people were revived just to die in a couple of minutes, then, a couple minutes after, for their side won with a single strike.

superhero were created in the comic medium so my point still stands.....amerimutt

"superman makes me wanna vomit" like Jodorowsky said

go fap with your superhero toys then, in 50 years nobody is going to remember them, its pure garbage aimed at pathetic fools like you

>when they started trying to get gritty with the themes of politics and corruption and genocide
The MCU really doesn't address any of these things. Killer Robots and Purple Aliens want to (((DESTROY US ALL))), and Generals try to push people around. It's just a bunch of dudes and dudettes costuming up to beat the latest threat to Goodness.

I don't watch retarded commentary on Youtube, so I'll have to take your word on how triggering it is for you.

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This guy is trying way too hard now.

>"superman makes me wanna vomit" like Jodorowsky said
Jodorowsky's best work is in comics. The Incal, Metabaron etc. His films are shit.

do you think superheroes are a concept that exist in some western vacuum? they were sprouted from grander, older concepts. what point evens stands you fucking dumb ass faggot? do you even know the point you were trying to make or did you just want to get bullied for being a retard on Yea Forums? post your face and let's see how white you are anyway you fucking inbred. you can barely fucking type too, it's like conversing with a fucking retard gook or shitskin, constantly whining about america for no reason but you live in a 3rd world shithole. what country do you live in eurofag?

Superman has already outlived your hero.

Bro, why are you complaining about the villains in the movie? It's just an action flick, I don't know why you're trying to bring it down to some level. Just chill out and have some fun bro. Maybe have sex too, I wouldn't want to think you were some sort of movie criticizing incel.

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This just in: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is amerimutt capeshit


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When you have a point, you let us know.


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>300 word essay
The right can't meme

What movie is it? Capeshit?

Why didn't Thanos just obliterate the universe when he had the glove on? You know he doesn't have to snap. Just close his fist. So why didn't he do that?

Yeah I'm not sure what the fuck Carol was gonna go if she flew into the van. She didn't have a quantum suit or GPS, so she would just have been lost in the quantum realm and die. Which would have been great but still, what the fuck was she gonna do?

Not really, it was just fan service.

This was actually a really cool scene to see in the theater

You didn’t watch the movie, fuck off

I like this comic where everyone calls him 'Hawkguy' and eventually he just roles with it cause he's sick of constantly correcting everyone


Thanos doing the snap was in his mean a teach-a-man to fish moment for the entire universe that would learn to live within its means after seeing what its like to live in balance.