why was this show so based?
Why was this show so based?
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American niggers are funny
Uncle Ruckus
no relation
Some of Uncle Ruckus' rants were so mean that I really think McGruder was working out some racial self-hatred issues. Like that whole bit about black women not working out.
Because the show (and comic strip) aren't afraid to critique internal factors (i.e. "ghetto culture" and familial dissonance) in explaining the general sub-par situation of the Black American community
Was it? It was always on in the background at late night friend sessions but none of us ever paid attention to it while playing vidya
You missed out. Uncle Ruckus was based
i kinda liked that it was like a western anime with a subject matter that you wouldn't expect in something like that
comfy show
Was it? It was always on in the background at late night friend sessions but none of us ever paid attention to it while playing vidya
Watch the MLK clip and tell me it isn't based.
It made fun of niggers some of the time. I think it's tragic that no black comedy writers or people who criticize American society never made fun of black culture like this before. There's so much to say other than blame wypipo
>some of the time
Was it? It was always on in the background at late night friend sessions but none of us ever paid attention to it while we played monopoly
>none of us ever paid attention to it while we played monopoly
holy shit I feel cheated I wasn't one of your friends
you lot sound like a bunch of virgins
>He doesn't have monopoly-orgy sessions with his friends
monopoly is fucking shit luck based wank
now trivial pursuit, that's a real board game
Flush yourself down the toilet.
nah we skip the monopoly bit normally
Imagine this airing today, there would be a fucking internet shitstorm.
The show is coming back, dumb dumb.
You wouldn't be called racist for saying nigga back there
It won't be like it was though.
Tom was lowkey my favorite character
Oh? Post the script you have of the new season, user.
Sent you a PM
Holy shit, it was a different time. That scene aired today with the tools would get such a media shitstorm and Adult Swim shut down.
His struggle for being an Educated African American while his wife just wants to be Blacked by a Ghetto Nigger
>Oh? Post the script you have of the new season, user.
LOL you're a fucking idiot if you think SJWs will ever let the show be like it was in the first three seasons. There's a REASON they're calling it a reboot not a continuation. Bet they're fucking pissed they let this series slip past the pitching idea stage and now desperately want to turn it into a another vessel for "orange man bad". Show was based because it was black people giving a "no shits given" look at black culture. Was a fucking gem for three seasons. They needed to rein in McGruder and he told them get fucked and left.
Aaron will be back but bet it wont ever be like it was before. Dude hasn't had much success with anything else. Bet the network offered him alot of money to have his name attached to it. New art style looks like shit too.
(OP) #
Was it? It was always on in the background at late night friend sessions but none of us ever paid attention to it while we were jerking each other’s penis
For sure.
Please choose one.
He's not very subtle about how he looks down on "ghetto" blacks
This. When I was a kid I invited friends over for Godzilla marathons and monopoly all the time
>duh hurp durp LIBERALS