Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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what will be his new backstory?

Magneto is basically white malcolm X so it's whatever

Magnegro or Nigreto?

At least he's based and Christian, I doubt he'll fall for any sjw bait but with the impending outrage from all the white pol incels they may force him to have no choice

Sounds like a decent choice too bad whatever movie they make will end up being garbage.

The good part is once the character is black, there is no return. It will be problematic otherwise.

Nice we don't need more Jew characters also now they can make a more real origin

Thanks, I hate it

This. Replace them all and bring back redheads.

He’s easily one of the top 5 greatest living actors.
I would hope he wouldn’t lower himself to capeshit.

Reminder there's literally no source for this.

But Magneto is a kike.

>give property to Disney
>first thing they do is to niggerize it
C'mon faggots. There are black X-men too, no need to change already existing character for your fucking self-insert fetish!

So was his family killed on a plantation now?

it would be awesome if he hammed it up HARD and got all training day with it.



As if Denzel would ever do it.

trump's concentration camps
he'll have a barcode

A black Jew?????????????

THey have gone too far!

>steals your bike from a mile away

>sir all the bikes in the city just flew away


seems like the realest dude

They could make him a Rwandan Tootsie, or a victim of Arab/African human trafficking and slavery, or a survivor of any number of African genocides that would bring to light how abominable Africans are to even each other, but they don’t have the balls for that. Plus which, it makes Wakanda look like absolute dogshit by calling attention to what Wakandans have been turning a blind eye to for decades, if not centuries.


The core idea was that he was Jewish, but whatever

As long as his background has the reason for his hate, like this, he can be whatever. If he is written well and motivations are clear Denzel will make it work.

Love Denzel but hate the casting. Not going to insult him because who turns down a check but the lazy "woke" attempts are getting tiring.

I don't think Denzel Washington would take this part out of integrity.

Doesn’t bother me but I will call him Magnegro.

Fucking kek.

I don't mean to shatter your world view or anything, but there are black jews


we all know disney isnt going to have a jewish bad guy in any movie

The mutant parallels with human society are far more effective with religion and sexuality because they can hide in plain sight. You can't necessarily see why Magneto is different but that hasn't spared him the hardships he's endured and galvanized him against such petty and stubborn oppression so strongly to the point of hypocrisy, going from mutant advocacy to outright mutant supremacy. It speaks more about the tangled web we weave that we can be in conflict over such abstract and intangible things, and that such draconian methodology would have to be implemented to hammer down nails that stick out only so subtly.
So deep, so woke to rehash Black Panther's Afrocentrism. Can't wait to hear about how David Duke and a handful of good ol' boys in white hoods comes even close to World War II, one of the biggest losses of human life in recorded history between a bunch of people who looked remarkably similar.

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Look, whatever if you want diversity, fine. But why is it with white people and their version of diversity is to make everyone black. BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK. Black this, black that. Why can't we get another race other than BLACK PEOPLE? Can't we get someone who's Asian or Indian for an example?

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You're dumb. Not defending the race change in casting but X-Men as stated by Stan Lee was a direct parallel to the Civil Rights movement. Magneto was modeled after Malcolm X and Xavier after MLK. This is more true to the initial motivation of the comic.

>but X-Men as stated by Stan Lee was a direct parallel to the Civil Rights movement.

It was not. Do your research.

Did he survive the niggercaust?


I also asume he's a black israelite, other wise I can't undestand how did his family ended in a nazi concentration camp

>when being a muntant is not subhuman enough

Who says a black guy can't be a kike?

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Awwww, you motherfuckers. Okay. Alright. I’m putting metal balls in all you bitches! Huh. You think you can do this shit. Charles! You think you can do this to me?! You motherfuckers will be playing chess in a blacksite prison when I get finished with you! Plastic program, nigga. 23 hour lockdown! I’m the man up in this piece! You’ll never see the light of…..who the fuck do you think you’re fucking with? I’m the superior species, I run shit around here. You just live here! Yeah, that’s right, you better fly away! Go on and fly away, ’cause I’m gonna bend this motherfucker down. Uri Geller ain’t got shit on me! That’s right, that’s right. Shit, I don’t, fuck. I’m winning anyway, I’m winning… I’m winning any motherfucking way. I can’t lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can’t kill me.

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Just make every character back already so we can stop with these articles

Sigh. Retard.

>But rather than be a black-and-white battle between good and evil, the X-Men had a wrinkle: mutants were hated by the “normal” humans they defended.

>“I loved that idea,” Lee told the Guardian in 2000, as the first X-Men movie hit theaters. ”It not only made them different, but it was a good metaphor for what was happening with the Civil Rights Movement in the country at that time.”

>That metaphor extended to the characters themselves, with Professor X and his vision of harmonious human-mutant coexistence standing in for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., while Magneto’s rigid attitude toward the defense of mutantkind reflected the philosophy of Malcolm X. The Sentinels, a brand of massive mutant-hunting robot, were introduced two years later as readers watched on TV as black Americans were beaten and abused by white police officers.

>“There's kind of an undeniable set of allegories that are going on there,” says Sean Howe, author of Marvel Comics: The Untold Story. “The X-Men was probably the most explicitly political of the 1960s Marvel comics.”

>In 1966, Lee and his X-Men collaborator “King” Kirby again engaged with racial equality when they created Black Panther, a black superhero who was also the king of the fictional African nation Wakanda, an Afrofuturist wonderland of high-tech exceptionalism. And two years later, in a Stan’s Soapbox column, Lee made his most explicit statement yet on civil rights and acceptance.

Based Honkler dropping the truth bombs.

Incorrect. They were more a gay rights thing. Don’t believe me? Remember when mutant abilities tend to manifest?

This. They could make Magneto Cambodian and make it so he survived the killing fields

That would be really good.


>How? I can't control yours!!
>Carbon fiber, motherfucker

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Well that's antisemitic

Denzel is a good actor so whatever

>Denzel doing cape shit
I'd like to see it but I seriously doubt he'd agree to do it.

Who the ashkenazis sterilize if they reach the Israel. Shame though since they can probably claim descent to historical moses

Kingpin was black in the movie and white in the Netflix series

he's descended from those ancestors who jumped from the ships in Black Panther

Deserves an upvote. Though chances are he’ll be a black asian

Nope. If you read the Rolling Stones article he admits it was a complete coincidence. Keep acting like a Centrist retard.


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I doubt Marvel has done LITERALLY ANYTHING on X-Men yet


I think it's pretty funny how Hollywood still only has a few pet blacks who they put in everything. This isn't diversity, you just don't trust most of them.

have you ever read the 60s x-men comics? they were not about racial or sexual lifestyle issues at all and didnt parallel them. it was about teenagers in a prep school training to be super heros like the avengers and fantasitc four. they werent trying to get gay and black readers, they were trying to get rich college kid readers.

the parallels with unrest over racial and sexual lifestyle differences were introduced by other writers later on.

I'm actually ok with this. Denzel is based.

So, we don't have a red hair Jean Grey, a short, hairy Wolverine
A dark-skinned cat eye and Thicc Ororo
A chad Cyclops?
Will Disney deliver a worse X-Men than Fox has delivered in these 20 years?

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Paid Shills

Producers often open threads like this in various forums and social media to know the reaction of the public.
As has been said before here, Disney may have a bigger bomb than Nu Star Wars IF THEY FUCK with the X-Men cast.

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Denzel is a forced token actor. All of his films are fucking awful.

"Aww shiiiiiiet, it's Magnegro!"

Yeah Disney are definitely out testing the waters to see how progressive they can risk making THE X-MEN

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He's not but he is bad at action movies

A role where the extent of his action would be waving his hands and floating around is closer to his wheelhouse than his other action man stuff

That post reminds of a faggot I ran into on /diy/ a couple months ago. The thread was some shit about some who got one of those new heated Gillette razors. The person I was arguing with posted that it was an obvious shill thread by Gillette to get people talking about the razor.

The thread had 30 replies....

Gillette is paying people to post on /diy/ and producers are testing waters on Yea Forums kek.

I feel pretty neutral about it in general.
I like Denzel for the most part, he's always done a decent job in any movie he's been in. Loved Fallen, Unstoppable, and that other one with the time traveling.
John Q was also pretty great.

I say go for it. Why not? Fuck it.
Its not like capeshit can get any worse. Do you see all the fucking garbage thats about to come out in the next few years?
This shit has nowhere to go but up.

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I remember someone here complaining that Star Trek was getting away from its roots to be too SJW.

If not for Magneto's background as jewish holocaust survivor, it would be based


I'll rewatch a fox movie every time before I watch this shit.

he survived Trumps America


I get that they're trying to be all new all different but Magneto's character is so deeply ingrained into the experience of a vengeful holocaust survivor, I couldn't see it working any other way because the systematic classification and separation of Mutants is so similar to the segregation of Jews. I don't think any genocide was so civil and organized, especially any African genocides, and that's why even Mutant Registration terrifies Magneto, he knows that's the first step.

>Magneto's character is so deeply ingrained into the experience of a vengeful holocaust denier

Excuse me

unironic pleb. Denzel is a great actor. Even in his younger roles. Watch movies like Glory and A Soldier's Story, though I know pol/tv is not keen on watching movies with majority black casts. If you can't stand watching that, watch Philadelphia.

Former black metal band member

Based. Anglos BTFO

>Gillette is paying people
Nope, interns do it.

i like denzel so i don't give a shit, i am more worried about doom

>he can steal bikes whitout even touching then

your white privilege is showing

Now instead of being persecuted for being a Jew he's going to be persecuted for being black. His parents will be lynched or something. Lame.



Why can’t they just make a new fucking villain! Why do they have to turn every character into a fucking nigger.

And Magneto is overplayed. Get a new bad guy


why would you cast someone so old

He’s a black Hebrew Israelite

>trusting trade secrets and covert grass roots tactics to interns

>instead of metal he attracts chicken
This is progress

Tripfags should hang themselves

Disney shill BTFO by based user. Fuck outta here.

Denzel always puts in a good performance, think it's a good choice.


Also nothing. There hasn’t been a black person alive as oppressed as a Jew. Also >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rumors

man on fire was a good movie faggot.

nigeruto on the right