Are there more burlesque shows as good as this one?

Are there more burlesque shows as good as this one?

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this video is bulesque and supergenkidamacolliou

Nothing to see here move along

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Is that Epstein in disguise? I see that guy everywhere now.

god bless our hatian voodoo president
half black too

>59 minutes
I'm skipping it all to watch some skin

They're not even hiding it.

oh look at mr I cant afford to loose 1 hour of my life on some stupid shit because I actually have a life

burlesque is for fat chicks who go to ren faires

Who here has been to a burlesque show with their dad

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This is based on a folk tale local to the region that's about the Devil building a bridge. Not inexplicable.

They might have gone a little far in some places.

Burlesque is an exercise in making naked ladies not sexy, to appeal to women and gay men.

>implying anyone is better than the Queen of Benidorm

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lol remember the fat girl burlesque fad?

almost every fat tatooed girl was trying to be a burlesque dancer about 3 years ago.

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No it's just a humble hotdog connoisseur

thats not burlesque, thats just a pretty girl in lingerie

Old and gross.

Fat girls can make a great show too

No. I prefer some Emma Watson showing feet.

Steampunk is complete shit. It's nocive. Nobody can prove that wrong.

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is it "Take Our Kids to Work Day" that day user?

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That isn't fat