Have you ever cleaned up your own mother's piss?
The Thick of It
WILL YOU PLEASE BE QUIET for one fucking minute
Did you enjoy that?
this pretty much happened to boris last week
we are through the looking glass now
Really? Link me up pls
best episode?
It was a labour "activist" posing as father at a hospital.
People keep saying its a Labour activist, but there is no actual evidence of it.
Other than his twitter bio were he proudly says it. Even the BBC had to say sorry last night on that media watchdog program they run. It was a clear plant.
It's so embarrassing. Johnson tries to say he's not here for press and that there are no cameras, even though he is surrounded by cameras.
>furious father
who also happens to be a labour activist who is moaning about cuts to an NHS that occured due to a labour government WHICH had its funds increase significantly by ....trigger warning here a tory government
>It was a clear plant.
Johnson went to a hospital which suffered because of cuts he voted for. Someone at the hospital was angry with him. If wanted to avoid this he shouldn't have planted himself in a hospital.
>Johnson went to a hospital which suffered because of cuts he voted for
the hospital suffered cuts under labour.
Do you even believe this? The tories slowed the rates of increase, it no longer increases when inflation is taken into account. So it goes up, but not enough to counteract inflation, so in effect it goes down. To be fair to them they do describe this as a cut and don't try and pretend otherwise. This the same as what Blair did. The current Labour party wants to actually increase funding for the NHS.
>Do you even believe this?
nothing to believe. its fact.
Austerity began under the coalition. Cuts before that and PFIs were a mistkae too which is why the current Labour leader voted against them at the time.
>Johnson went to a hospital which suffered because of cuts he voted for.
And? Does it excuse a obvious as fuck political trap? That is the problem with Labour when they get caught playing dirty they always try to squirm out of it.
No wonder Corbyn is less popular than Foot.
Why do you think the conservatives claimed to cut the NHS, if they really actually didn't as you claim?
Im not playing your games, user. Just stating the facts
Johnson met some who suffered because of things he and his party voted for. Does it surprise you that someone who suffered in this way would vote for an opposition party?
>No wonder Corbyn is less popular than Foot.
It's because the millionaire Jew media are afraid of what will happen to their stolen wealth if he wins.
I hope someone you love dies in a hospital waiting room.
>Johnson met some who suffered
I bet. What did he have to take the bus with the working class? Fucking monster Boris is for letting this high middle class prancing faggot mingle with the plebs.
People died because of austerity.
>straight to violent wishes
are all labour supporters like this?
People died in Iraq under Tony as well.
If you want to play the death game a labour government has the highest illegal body count.
If you personally suffered the consequences you might understand.
Well yea, it is easy for a labour supporter to wish death. They think they are doing it for
>Our own good
Many war crime have been for our own good it seems with a labour govenment.
>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
I agree. Like most Labour members I hate Tony Blair. Corbyn voted against the Iraq war.
>Like most Labour members I hate Tony Blair.
Bet you do.
well yes but then wishing that misery on someone is downright pathetic
Corbyn is a pacifist who opposes all forms of violence, and refused to expel members even after they personally attacked him and tried to remove him. His biggest weakness is how soft he is and how reluctant he is to move against internal opposition, and people still act like he's Stalin lmao.
Does anyone like both Corbyn and Blair?
It’s just a rhetorical device, me saying it does not make it so. But under austerity many people will suffer and die, if enough people learn from it maybe they will vote to end it.
not at the same time but many of the Labour MPs have yes.
>and refused to expel members
So all that Tom Watson business was fake news yea? Because it is sure as shit looks like you tried to kick him our for shit talking the old commie fuck.
He just personally intervened to stop it lmao. His allies want him gone, I want watson gone. Corbyn wants him to stay to avoid conflict.
>His allies want him gone, I want watson gone
wouldnt that be a huge mistake?
yes corbyn labour is popular but trying to binbag anyone with the old views seems suicidal
There are some careerists who don't really care either way and some who were pragmatic about it. But if you ever go to a CLP meeting most people there hate Blair more than they hate thatcher.
Well he did tank labours rep and lead the way for Brown to sell all our gold at the bottom of the market.
Purging all moderates would obviously be a bad idea. But Watson is unpopular even with the moderates, I doubt anyone would really care if he was expelled. The tories just expelled 21 members, including a former chancellor, and no one really cared.
>The tories just expelled 21 members, including a former chancellor, and no one really cared.
guarantee most of them will be back before christmas
>and no one really cared.
Well that is because they were labour members dressed in tory uniforms.
I agree, as far as I am concerned the last Labour PM was Callaghan.
Who was in the wrong here
>After a few minutes of exchanges she told reporters that Brown was a "very nice man" and that she had voted Labour all her life and intended to do so again next week. But as he got in his car, he was still wired up to a Sky News microphone which picked up comments he then made rebuking his advisers.
>He said: "That was a disaster – they should never have put me with that woman. Whose idea was that? Ridiculous."
>Asked what she had said, he replied: "Everything, she was just a bigoted woman."
this is the first thing i thought of when i saw that boris thing
You think Philip Hammond, one of the architects of austerity, is a secret socialist? How far gone do you have to be believe that?
I love British politics
>muh austerity
get a job hippie
Brown. The woman had a point immigration can be bad for the poor, we need to limit it and focus on redistributing wealth away from the metropolitan Jews and back to people.
he is proof Corbyn wont get in
Miliband wanted to increase tax to middle class and had a calamity GE
My job was cut thanks to austerity. Then my Jewish landlord raised my rent. When did right wingers become such boot-licking cucks? How can you look at the white working class suffering while Jews lives in golden palaces and think its ok? Why aren't you more ashamed?
Labour is the party of remain remember. So they fit in with your commie party. Why would we have EU fluffers in tory ranks now?
The battle lines have been redrawn, if you have not noticed this then you need to take a good look at what is really happening.
Read through the thread, solid tory here and you still got btfo
has corbyn ever even held a union flag?
checkmate labour.
Corbyn pledged to do much more than that and got 40% of the vote, Miliband got 31%.
>If i say i am a tory and make it look like he is alone labour will win
Okay jew whatever you say.
Johnson will fuck over Leave if he thinks it will help his career. He does not give a fuck about the EU. He will get a shit deal and we still basically be inside the EU and the Jew media will lap it up.
your job was cut because youre useless. you voted for labour which brought in all the immigrants which replaced you. you deserve to die
>Johnson will fuck over Leave if he thinks it will help his career.
Indeed. Boris was pro-EU until he saw a chance to further his own career lol
>That bit where they just spontaneously agree to fire Glen
>You come in here looking like Doctor Fucking Robotnic
>Quiet Batpeople
Almost every Troy MP is a member of Conservative friend of Israel. Johnson is the most pro-Israel PM in recent history.
haha ianucci pop culture references
piss, no.
shit, yes.
Immigration went up under the tories. You voted for an increase in immigration. The difference is Labour will at least redistribute wealth so the poor don't suffer as much with immigration.
>Points this out
>Thinks is is some how an wining argument
Fuck off Jew.
>The difference is Labour will at least redistribute wealth
So at the end of the day the commie reveals what he truly wants.
To break in to rich peoples houses and steal their TVs.
Niggers and gypsy's already do that. They do not need a social movement to do it.
6'4 Tunbridge Wells posh boy here, no jews allowed since forever- begone you arab mutt
I'm sure the next round of tax cuts for billionaires will really hurt the Jews. Tories are so fucking pathetic.
>If i say i am more white it will let me win
Redistribution of wealth discourages creation of wealth. Then, Labour think the answer to the stagnant creativity is to redistribute even more, and the cycle repeats. It makes everyone poorer in the long run.
who was in the wrong here?
You form sentences like a Northerner.
The Jews do the same thing but are more sophisticated. They rig a system that funnels wealth up towards them. They make money by already having money and exploitation not by doing work. Labour takes money from these jew parasites and gives it make to the workers who earned it.
immigration went through the roof irrevocably under labour. labour was full of people (mandelson, straw, et al) who purposefully sought out non-european migrants to "rub the rights nose in diversity". labour still pushes for open borders and migrant influx from africa, the middle east etc. every single paki rape gang took place in a labour seat, and they knew about it and prevented the police from acting. the difference is labour will take all the wealth from the whites to give to the immigrants so the immigrants replace the whites faster
you deserve to die, extremely painfully and slowly. you are antiwhite
And you argue like a Labour voter. So i guess that means you lose.
What's next going to wish death on me to
>Teach me a lesson
Redistribution of wealth is happening right now on an enormous scale. From the people who earn the wealth to the parasite class that steals it. Labour wants to give it back to the workers who earn it.
The tories have been in power for 10 years. Things have not got better. You vote for pro-immigration tories, who are often as right wing as Mandelsson and Straw were.
Totally disgusting. Did your single mother ever manage to get off the dole after pumping you out or are you all useless degenerates?
What is it with tories and hating the white working class? Do you wish the country was made up solely of Jew bankers?
>If i borrow insults from /pol/ other anons will think i am one of them.
Let me guess you have an EU flag tattooed over your chastity cage?
they wish they were the bankers
>"Redistribute" the wealth
>oh well since the uk is no longer a safe place to run a buisness i guess its time to leave
>the uk crumbles
Wow epic
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
>owning a business that employs people is parasitic
The owner invests in the business, taking significant risk to get it started, and then runs it from the top down. For someone to say "I make the coffee, so I should own the café" is incredibly naive.
Just take their businesses from them if they try to leave lmao like just nationalise it
Jews don't bank, they take the analytical finance actuarial work whilst good southern salts like myself do the selling. I guess you don't learn much stacking shelves in your peasant lidls.
>the tories are bad because they couldnt undo the damage labour did
wow youre fucking stupid lol
I used to like Corbyn, or respect him as a person at least, until he announced his desire for a second referendum
>corbyn supporter
>happy to steal from middle class because "jews do it already anyway"
lol brainwashed
what do you expect? He is anti-EU but is in charge of a party which is appealing to the pro-EU, young demographic. You can't be principled in politics, it just doesn't exist. You have to play the game or you are out.
get raped and skinned alive
>Yes mr rammalamdombom, you are the correct person to run this factory after the old owners left, i hope your 30 years of shopwork experience have prepared you, fire extibguishers are a tricky thing to get right
That's what they said would happen in the 40s. It didn't happen then and it won't now you fear mongering Jew bootlicker.
You know i forgot to ask Labour voters. If by some work of baby sacrifice Labour win a GE do we get a "peoples vote" do over like with the EU referendum. I mean we do want to be sure that is what the people want of course. We have to have the losers concent to do anything around here.
>You can't be principled in politics, it just doesn't exist. You have to play the game or you are out.
He doesn't even have a choice. The leader doesn't decide party polciy, the members do at conference.
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
>we live in a post "wealth redistribution" society
>barely any different, if not worse
The power of labour
It's not stealing from the middle class you retard. It's stealing back from capitalists, meaning people who make most of their money through asset ownership rather than though work.
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
It was better until the 80s when Thatcher transferred the power from the working class to international Jewish bankers. One wage could support a whole family and a house back then.
>stealing back from capitalists
jumping on small to medium businesses to pay more tax?
the large companies already swindle their way out of tax by the way. its not practical pissing off small to medium business owners
Immigration goes up under tory governments. Police are cut under tory government. The white working class gets poorer under tory governments. These are the conditions that lead to girls being raped by arabs.
Why is it always the same retarded Tory shill posting in UK Yea Forums threads?
Are UKIP relevant in any way now? I stopped paying attention after Sargon was touring England getting milkshakes thrown at him
I clean up my fathers piss almost daily because he doesn't understand that he can lift the toilet seat.
He also never washes his hands ever.
>the large companies already swindle their way out of tax
This will be stopped, partly be regulation but also just by seizing assets. We can't just say well the Jews will find a way around it so we should give up. Stolen wealth will be returned to the working class, even if it takes violence.
they were not even relevant at that point.
party died with brexit referendum
They are dead.
The leader boycotted his own party conference after they sold minuscule amounts of tickets
>The leader boycotted his own party conference after they sold minuscule amounts of tickets
That's hilarious. I remember Sargon got like 1% of the votes in his area
>even if it takes violence.
the labour way
the conditions are when the labour councils prevent the police from doing anything. also councils manage local budgets, all labour
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
Imagine for a moment this is you, user.
Quite literally a meme party now. Shame.
Niggers and gypsy's already do steal assets. They don't need a social movement to do it. So why not be like them? They even use what you said, violence to do it.
What is it with commies and having to wait for approval from the rest of us before stealing Alan Sugars TV.
>literally your party's fault the nhs is under so much strain due to ridiculous amounts of immigration in a short period of time
>nhs financial requirements grow exponentially
>labour get voted out for these dogshit policies
>tories voted in (who also continue labour's immigration policies despite claiming the contrary)
>wtf tories why aren't you funding the nhs with our unlimited bankroll (despite the budget tripling over 20 years)
>muh austerity
tories may be dishonest scumbags but labour's base are genuinely thick to the point their views are anti-british and that is significantly worse
good goys, excellent goys
>take back assets
why do labour voters hate white working class girls?
>approval from the rest of us
I think I can safely guarantee that no-one anywhere ever regarded your approval as a consideration, user.
Fair play to the kid from the young Tory documentary a few years back, he absolutely looks the part.
The Conservative party are probably going to cease to exist by the time he climbs the ladder to become an MP though, lel.
You're a fucking idiot.
You sure because Allen still has his TV. What is taking you so long then? Niggers can steal a TV in under 5 mins.
Whiter than you Mohammed.
>the opinion of being pro-business will die
>the opinion of being pro-business will be drowned out by the opinion of pro-freemoney
which one are you suggesting?
>hate capitalism
>buy a sweatshop manufactured meme shirt
what did he mean by this
answer the question, traitor
I can't believe how pro-Corbyn the Gaurdian is now. They hated him.
paper will be gone soon anyway. every page is covered with them begging for donations
Count the danger hairs. Liberal media is full of fat cat ladies who tell the rest of the low IQ commies what to think.
The only men who listen to what they have to say is the men with Femdom fetishes.
Commie's sold out to capitalism a few years ago to help the alphabet people. It is mandatory that you put an Apple logo with a barcode next to your hammer tattoo.
> a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims
what is the british empire
It's been like that for ages though. I also might be in the minority here but I like the Guardian.
>"rEcOrD lEvEl Of InVeStMeNt"
Every year the NHS has its budget increased as the population, inflation, and healthcare costs (made worse by the marketisation of NHS letting private companies and PFI schemes suck it dry) go up. Literally every year ever is "record level investment", you idiot.
What matters is real term spending growth, which was significantly reduced by the Coalition (see the part that fucking flatlines on your image?), and then is barely improved upon by the Conservatives since.
Your own fucking graph image shows this, you either just don't understand the data and are swallowing the lies the Tories tell, or you do understand it but are just a fucking shill for a party that will fuck the ass of everybody not in the establishment classes.
History or do you still live in the 1800s?
What next going to bring up the slave trade like it is still practised and used against blacks in the western world?
The Conservatives have presided over one of the most turbulent periods for British businesses ever, shill. It's damage of their own making too, unlike the global recession they blamed on Labour in 2010.
The high streets are still in trouble, firms are folding left and right, businesses are heading abroad, the pound is through the floor, foreign investment is pulling out, etc.
The markets are warming up to Corbyn-led Labour, of all things. From the goddamn Financial Times: ft.com
the labour party is no friend of the white working class and hasnt been for at least two decades
They still do. The Guardian is an SDP shitrag who employs a bunch of melt professional opinion-havers who want to maintain the status quo.
opinion discarded
whenever i see people advocating this kind of thing i feel a very strong urge to rob them of their material possessions
>The high streets are still in trouble, firms are folding left and right, businesses are heading abroad, the pound is through the floor, foreign investment is pulling out, etc.
It's literally the opposite on every point apart from the pound
Keep reading your Nazi literature.
>haha he said a word that literally describes the toryboy posting retarded things through this whole thread, now i don't have to pay attention to their argument!
I'm right tho. :)
nice to see yet another thread shitted up with 95% of posts being 2 spergs arguing about politics
Peter Mannion best character or Jamie Mcdonald
But seizing assets is against single market rules, which corbyn continues to cuck for, how do you square that?
>high streets & firms folding
Nearly 3000 shops in high streets across the country closed in the first half of this year alone. Net closures are at record levels.
Toys R Us, Maplin, and Poundworld went bust. Many more chain businesses started restructuring, closing outlets, and setting more to close over the near year or more (Debenhams, Marks and Spencers, etc).
Over 100,000 retail jobs were lost in the UK in the last three years.
>businesses moving abroad & foreign investment is pulling out
Businesses are looking to move assets into Ireland because they cannot afford to wait any longer to implement Brexit contingency plans.
Lloyds of London are opening an EU base. Aviva are moving almost £8 billion of assets to Ireland. A lot of banking jobs also moving to Ireland.
Domestic and foreign equity fueling British manufacturing is also being reduced because of Brexit fears, as European buyers don't know what the tariffs and trading arrangements will be like. Honda, Ford, Nissan, and Airbus all looking at pulling out - at the cost of thousands of jobs. British Steel cut 4000 already because of the weak pound and other woes related to steel.
Super rich Brexiter James Dyson moving the company HQ to Singapore. Other rich Brexiters moving their assets out of the UK.
>Toys R Us, Maplin, and Poundworld went bust
Toys R Us was owned by Americans and went bankrupt there, Maplin still exists and only pulled the plug on high street operations because nobody wants to pay £10 for a usb cable
>Businesses are looking to move assets into Ireland
Uh, businesses move assets all the time because they have diversified holdings, they don't actually move any operations in doing so
>Lloyds of London are opening an EU base
Why wouldn't a financial services outlet have an operating base in a diverged regulatory environment, what does this prove?
>Aviva are moving almost £8 billion of assets to Ireland.
Oh dear, do you know what assets consist of in the modern economy?
>. A lot of banking jobs also moving to Ireland.
> Honda, Ford, Nissan, and Airbus all looking at pulling out
They're "looking" to pull out? So they haven't?
>British Steel cut 4000 already because of the weak pound and other woes related to steel.
As if steel manufacturing isn't being lost everywhere in the west?
>Super rich Brexiter James Dyson moving the company HQ to Singapore
When did Singapore join the European Union? What a weird point to make.
> Other rich Brexiters moving their assets out of the UK.
Why are you conflating assets with company HQs? What a strange argument.
It's almost like you're a complete retard.
>jews are good with money
>same as stealing
Note to self, avoid anyone else irl who says they like the thick of it, they're probably cunts