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I didn't come alone this time, Robert. You can't refuse me entry
David Myers
Other urls found in this thread:
Noah Barnes
>Robert's POV
a daring new evolution in kinoplex posting
Zachary Foster
>no robert in the reflection on the screen
Aaron Rivera
lost. 10/10
Levi Turner
My exact thoughts. Jesus, this is something otherworldly.
Andrew Stewart
wait wtf, he has chad bone structure
Logan Brown
>designated shooter needing a date
What kind of shithole kinoplex is this? No singles policy isnt suppose to apply to the designated shooter.
Tyler Gomez
>chad structure
you wish
Blake Thompson
posting in revolutionary thread
Christian Johnson
You still must submit to the mandatory penis inspection, whereupon if a foreskin is detected it will need to be removed before you can enter
Mason Johnson
>That jaw
Angel Rogers
Is the joke that it's a calm peaceful professional black guy with a white name while in reality black people are typically violent savages?
Jonathan Parker
>he doesn't have a house negro
Gavin Sanders
Why didn’t Americans just castrate their slaves? How many white wives and daughters hopped to the barn for a quick BBC gangbang you think? When all that could’ve been avoided with a bit of “snip-snip”.
Kevin Ramirez
Go back to your containment board; I'll provide the link
Brody Hill
They wanted slaves to make more slaves.
Jose Taylor
Hes not the designated shooter. Hes a rogue.
Oliver Gomez
Here is your limited edition Joker popcorn tub. Your crab legs will be brought to you shortly. Your kino is in kinotorium #5 on the left. Enjoy the kino, sir.
Hunter Cook
>actually being butthurt over the Robert meme because it's """""racisssssssst"""""
Matthew Nelson
If you don't like the edgy right wing humor on Yea Forums you can always leave.
Christian Hill
>They wanted slaves to make more slaves.
Well I guess they got what they asked for.
we won't tolerate conduct like that in here. Robert is a respectable citizen and an upstanding memeber of the Kinoplex workforce. Begone.
Nathan Mitchell
>we won't tolerate conduct like that in here. Robert is a respectable citizen and an upstanding memeber of the Kinoplex workforce. Begone.
Yes, that's literally the joke, that he's black and actually a respectable citizen for once and that makes user confused.
The whole kinoplex joke is how confused user is at what he's seeing. Anvils, falcons, penis inspection, respectable black people etc
Adrian Robinson
What the fuck are you talking about? Why would any of that be confusing to see in a Kinoplex? Do your theatres not look like pic relates?
Dominic Peterson
Carson Williams
Jonathan Morales
Where are the manlet pits?
Brayden Bailey
Yeah, OP really phoned it in
Nathaniel Ward
I come prepared
Landon Walker
Fucking saved.
Michael Long
I'm as racist as the next guy, but you're obviously new and need to go back
Hunter Gray
based and redpilled
Aiden King
Implying Adam Lanza was in any shape or form a chad
Asher Garcia
He became a Chad the moment he shot those people. You can bet those girls would have sucked his dick without asking for anything in return.
Connor Rivera
>The whole kinoplex joke is how confused user is at what he's seeing. Anvils, falcons, penis inspection, respectable black people
I thought Robert was a metaphor for how movies are anons only friend, his only solace.
Caleb Peterson
>R-Robert? I never thought I would see you again.
>user this is... W-well... Robert is your father.
Alexander Wood
The no singles policy was just bullshit made up by dad so I would get a gf
Michael Howard
Well now that you know there's only one thing left for me to do for you, little buddy. Check the bottom of your popcorn. I've left an extra special pass in there for you.
Congratulations, you can finally use it.
Evan Turner
>We won't tolerate conduct like that in here. Robert is a respectable citizen and an upstanding member of the Kinoplex workforce. Begone.
Hear hear!
Jason Long
Torn between how absolutely right you are admonishing you for shitting on a brave new take on the classic scenario
Luis Clark
He looks like fucking Phelps, maximum mouth breather.
Xavier Wilson
Like all good art, Robert posting doesn't have a singular allegorical meaning. You take from it what you bring to it
Charles Martinez
>one-way ticket for the joker please robert
>no i won't be needing a return ride
Chase Thomas
Dylan Russell
I’m no artist but I tried
Levi Barnes
>he doesnt know robert
dont go to the kinoplex often do you
Jaxson Hughes
>joker screening gear
Justin Williams
Jacob Thompson
How new
Gavin Ross
Do you pirate your movies? I see robert every time I go to the kinoplex
Ayden Roberts
he looks like a literal retard
Luis Martin
All black Americans have European Y DNA
Hudson Torres
No fireworks show? What a shitty theater.
Grayson Ross
Where are my crab legs? You STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
Adam Cooper
Jordan Bennett
You didn't tell me you had such a cute looking sister user! Anyway here's some crablegs on the house. Enjoy!
Ayden Torres
Hey, Hickok is a nice old guy. Don't fucking do that shit.
Wyatt Young
The joke is we all play along so we can suss out the newfags. FOUND ONE!
Cameron Scott
jesus christ, shut the fuck up
Jose Lewis
>Dog or burger user?
Josiah Carter
Kill yourself newfag.
James Bell
this level of based is off the charts
Jackson Sanders
you don't have to try so hard
Levi Lewis
>Attention, Kinoplex patrons. The incel threat is now under control. I repeat, the incel threat is now under control. You may resume your kino
Daniel Rodriguez
b-but you're cooking neither
Camden Lewis
>ywn get drunk with Robert
What’s the point of living anymore
Austin Kelly
Because slaves were expensive as shit.
Ayden Brown
I wonder if this guy knows theres a whole image board who loves him and wants the best for his future.
Nathaniel Green
Who the hell makes this shit? Pretty good though. Imma post this in reddit.
Brody Gray
You can't be in all the kinoplexes at the same time, Robert. THE GAMER UPRISING CANT BE STOPPED
Easton Gutierrez
Dude actually seems like a real cool guy.
Adam Reed
I wish I was friends with Robert. We could go to the Kinoplex together on his days off and catch the latest kinos. He'd get me in for free but I'd always buy the crab legs. That would have been great.
Ryan Reyes
just get drunk in robert threads
Liam Perry
Only 113 dead this time, and most due to a stampede in the manlet pit, kinoplex security is getting better
Ayden Foster
Uncle tom's are based
Robert is Yea Forums kino
Jayden Reed
The teargas and taser incidents have also decreased.
Things are looking up!
Thomas Bennett
there is another grill behind him
William Nguyen
Levi Collins
I dunno about uncle tom but this man has saved more shooters and helped kill more innocent kinoplexers than any incel can ever dream of.
Robert I am honored to know your meme.
Benjamin White
is his name really Robert?
Carson Bell
>>Dog or burger user?
he's cooking steaks
Connor Thompson
Based but cringe
Juan Brown
Liam Stewart
>It's a Robert participates in the RISE UP episode
Christopher Ross
That's a two digit decimal fake-out.
Never be fooled again.
Caleb Anderson
Those are clearly ribs.
Brandon Garcia
Brandon Perez
I'll pop some corn in your ass nikka BLAP BLAP BLAP
Grayson Perry
I always bring my mommy along to the kinoplex to get around the No Singles policy.
they let her vouch for me during the Penis Inspection too (her and Robert had a fling once, a long time ago)
Robert Green
Who is this “getty images” character
Adam Powell
uh yeah this post gets a kino from me dawg
Michael Collins
my theater had to do away with the backup shooter due to budgetary constraints. but a lot of times they’ll call in a freelancer to get the job done.
I’ve even seen Robert pay him out of his own pocket before.
Levi Miller
based smooth talking robert
Jose Williams
what a loveable goof
Lucas Cruz
Just want to let you know that I appreciate you, Robert editor bro.
Aiden Russell
The screen is angled up so there wouldn't be a reflection unless robert was right up on it and even then the reflection would be as if you were short and looking up at robert, mostly seeing chin.
Nicholas Lee
Got the template?
Jose Sanders
Get out of here David Hogg, shoo
Jack Scott
sandy hook has to be the most obvious false flag ever, I assume the jews didn't work on it
Adrian Martinez
Here you go bro
Jace Bell
Where is the entry to the popcorn mines???
Nathaniel White
2 tickets for Joker coming right up!
Ryan King
Can someone post the original?
Jaxon Cooper
Jeremiah Jackson
Josiah Campbell
Kayden Rivera
Austin Hall
>Got the template?
Here's a psd if you want to play with it
Brandon Garcia
Imagine the terror of those kids watching this freak dancing and shooting at them
Lincoln Sanchez
I wish I was that kind of autist.
Noah Butler
lol you bastard
Jayden Allen
>Destructive edits everywhere with no backup
Nolan Allen
Audible kek
Wyatt Smith
first time Yea Forums has made me chuckle in a long time
Cameron Hughes
haha hey Robert, my main Rasta PIIIIIIMP!
*shoots "double guns"*
*spins around*
Howzabout a little tasty treat for your boy here? About to enjoy some first class kino!
*attempts a moonwalk*
heh... maybe you can help me out... give me an extra popcorn on the sly...
*winks at qt*
heh... gonna go talk to that fine lass... and maybe later fuck her up the ass!
*grabs crotch*
*walks toward girl who was clearly within earshot*
John Perry
>that power stance
"Just try to push me over, user! Come on now, don't be shy!"
Jeremiah Thomas
>Peanuts shirt
He really is /ourguy/
Ayden Moore
Yeah right youre all doing it unironically this whole time and actually want to be friends with a black person
Camden Perry
Is there a movie chain that serves crab legs for real? There's one where I live with recliners, you can order meals and they'll bring it to your seat (which has a drop-down table). But they don't serve crab. Closest is the fish tacos or the fish and chips.
Gavin Rogers
Ah, sir... I'm afraid your 'female' companion is tripping the tranny detectors. I'm afraid I'll have to charge you both the dilation fee."
Jack Carter
Is Robert your father?
Brayden Long
Anyone else try and apply for the position of designated shooter at Joker screenings? Its literally impossible to get one in America, even for matinees.
Henry Murphy
Of the fucking memes, this is the absolute weirdest.
Juan Morris
>A-user? How longs it been? I thought you got life in the popcorn mines
Jason James
everyone knows you will, tourist
Asher Morris
>theater shooter evasion training
Asher Parker
Um, Robert, do accept EBT cards for popcorn?
Ethan Young
Ummm excuse me maam why are you blinking like that? S....O....S....?
Logan Scott
Why yes, I would like a hot dog. How could you tell?
Jose Carter
Anyone got Robert's Instagram? He did some other Getty images
Gabriel James
You could say he knows : )
Parker Sullivan
hi Robert
Oliver Perez
I love how the Jannies finally gave up on deleting kinoplex threads
Gabriel Gomez
my mommy won’t tell me, but I have my suspicions.
Jaxson James
It sure felt like a lifetime, Robert. But look at you, it's like you haven't aged a day! Truth is it's my health Robert. I've got what the docs down there call "popcorn lung". Every morning I cough up about half a litre of butter flavoured popcorn topping. They said I only have 3 months left to live. The warden of the mines gave me a reprieve. I'm a free man again, Robert. Now how about a nice bucket of popcorn and a pair of tickets to that movie you mentioned in your letter?
William Miller
Grayson Williams
Godamn user godamn.
Finally free yet all has been spent.
Is there no golden popcorn ending to this story?
I need to believe user, I need to believe.
Oliver Price
Step this way sir
Wyatt Rogers
Robert, I gotta level with you. I fucked a guy the other day. And by "fucked", I mean "got fucked by". I was just so horny, Robert, that I went to a meetup thread on /soc/ and uploaded photos of my ass, begging to be topped. I met up with a guy in my area, and I let him fuck me, Robert. He used a condom, of course, but he also used me. I liked it, Robert. I liked every inch, and every second of it. He bent me over, he put me on my knees, he even put me on my back with my ankles resting on his shoulders and plowed my ass as I let out little yelps of pleasure. I came so close to a prostate orgasm. I ended up blowing him, let him cum in my mouth, too.
Truth is, Robert, I'm not gay. I have a fiance, and I love to fuck her like a man fucks a woman. Like that man fucked me last night. But it makes me wonder. Am I gay, Robert? I'm asking you because you're the wisest man I know, and I know you wouldn't ever tell any of the rest of these theater patrons. Having a gay experience is normal, right? But, what about wanting to have another one? I lust for cock now, Robert. I crave it. Even when I'm fucking my girl, I think about how much better it might be if some well-hung fuck stud was fucking me as I fucked her. Oh God, Robert, what have I done?