Why does Hollywood bend over backwards to appeal to the chinese movie going population but not the indians...

Why does Hollywood bend over backwards to appeal to the chinese movie going population but not the indians? They are eaily as big a market as chinks.

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They're poor as fuck and smell bad

China is rich, India isn't

indians have their own movies and the MCU

the eternal currycel

What's with those recent weird movies about old music and Pajeets?

Indians will always be the least attractive people on the planet, and nothing will ever change that


Indian chicks are hot bro

til they hit 30. then they less hit a wall and more fall off a fucking cliff

Only the Muslim ones and the chink-looking ones in the north

My town is getting infested by these beings. Do they get asylum in the US or what

Is there Tech in your town? If so, you can only evacuate.

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because bollywood already owns that market dummy

Indians have a huge movie industry of their own.

could you cool it with the acial slurs?

It's the Visas tech giants push so that they can push down the wages of normal US citizens

Nah that's Asian men. That's why all those subreddits exist about them trying to cope with it.

I work at a university that has a boatload of pajeets and I can confidently say that you are wrong


they smell so bad

Nice made-up stats there, Durgesh.





>it's an indian phones me and calls me "mr [firstname]" episode

The only Indians that are attractive are ones that look like they're just white people painted light brown.

I'm an Ausfag and I'm getting sick of Indians and Asians filling up this country, better alternative to Muslims at at least.

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Superpower 2020

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>What are aboriginal women

Projecting much?

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Lmao, they probably all got selfies with her to make their FB profile picture because they think it'll make them more attractive to white women.

Wouldn't be surprised if she got raped.

chubby desi milfs are kino

>8/10 at best
Only a incel would follow her around.

the northern ones/pakis seem to be either dog ugly with giant noses or hot as fuck

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Wait a moment -- SIR


Used to go to high school with a girl exactly like this.

Indians are based. They are most beatiful people in the world.

Imagine waiting in line in India to purchase movie tickets.

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>50 rupees have been deposited into your acciunt

lmao wtf

They are based,but too dark if they were lighter skin tone they would be beautiful

imagine the smell

Thanks bro

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I can smell it

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Nah most of them literally have ugly facial features too.

Some of the Bollywood actors are very European looking though, and can be fairly attractive. I imagine they they are a minority over there though.

>posts pathans

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>Hello sir my name is..... John

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do they have any self awareness?

you tell me

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poo in loo?

Indians aren’t a minority, they are Caucasian (i.e. white)

The UK is about a quarter pajeet nowadays so they're simply testing the market to see if they'll come out and support these films.

I love curry but I make it myself to avoid my food being touched by these people.

What's going on with that tit size ratio, looks like she's had a chunk taken out of righty

Indo-Aryan girls like Kalash girls are cute.

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Me bottom left in the black and white stripes

Tits are never symmetrical, one is always gonna be a bit bigger than the other, applies to almost all paired organs and appendages as well.

milk truck only half arrive

indians are sorta like blacks

They throw fireworks in theathers

>England is about a quarter pajeet nowadays

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that feelio when your local shopping centre cinema always has about five shitty indian films taking up theatres

Ordered a pizza the other day and the indian deliveryboy decided to call my fucking phone instead of just knocking on the door. I don't get why they're like this.

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Tits are rarely perfectly symmetrical sure but they're rarely that fucky looking either
One is literally half the size and totally misshapen

you just wait until they spread north, scotland will get what theyve wished for

>Why does Hollywood bend over backwards to appeal to the chinese movie going population but not the indians?
Because the indians have their own succesful movie industry directly catering to their native population, it's called Bollywood.

>tfw abusing and saying racist things to telemarketers

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the smell...

At least some chinese girls can be cute. They have great feet too. poo-in-loos are just disgusting on every level

you're going to get bumfucked when that disgusting she-man takes you out of the union and you'll end up with an open borders immigration policy

spoken like a true incel

Nah were not stupid enough to leave now that brexits happening, would be suicide, we also get fair too many gibs now from you lot

user if anything brexit makes it more likely to happen

>most of the electrical/programmers at my work at pajeets
>their office smells disgusting
>always take up 2 microwaves each, one for their bread and the other for their curry
>everywhere they go ends up smelling bad

shut up shut up shut up leave me alone!!!

So tired of seeing your faggy head. Stop posting it

it's the same in my office. they are always just staring at women too kek

Doubt it,we would have called a 2nd referendum by now in time for the 31st so we wouldn't have to reapply to the EU

Imagine being an average Indian man, might as well kill yourself.

yeah that too. I'm at an manufacturing place so there's literally 3 females here. the pajeets seem to use any excuse they can to orbit the 40 year old post-wall woman that works there

You know Islam is a religion, not an ethnicity, don’t you?

no, abos are


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>playing CSGO
>have indian teammate
>reply to whatever he said with "Suresh/Rajesh/Pandeep"
>he gets really mad, says his real name "MY NAME SANJAY, ASSHOLE"

would you poo in her loo ? amplefamousbeaver on gfy

Some indians girls are cute tho. Aboriginals are the ugliest ones.

the hot high caste Indian women will never mix with the low caste Indian men, so they're thankfully safe, gene wise

India has strong market for it's own native movies.

China has money and zero entertaining movie industry.

>bad at sports
>bad at STEM despite their claims

Seriously, at least blacks are good at crime. What are Indians good at?

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They are good at being indian.


>tfw not Indian or Asian
>be half hispanic,native american,and white

that's actually true

They are mostly fat and smell bad

You know what's sadder. If white americans were just a little smarter they could write shitty Java apps and get paid 80k+ a year too.

i know there's the beatles one what else is there

>doesn't have multiple kids

You're super out of the loop on our politics

One about some poo in London in the 80's obsessed with Bruce Springsteen.

My balls are perfectly symmetrical though?

haha fuck lad I'll have to lick 'em to be sure!

H-Haha, you're a f-funny guy user