What are some space scifi kinos? Like Interstellar

What are some space scifi kinos? Like Interstellar.
With or without aliens

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2001, Solaris (Tarkovsky's version, i haven't seen the remake). Ad Astra is in cinemas now and that's a good but flawed film.

Movies are shit for sci-fi. Normies don't have the attention span for interesting stories, they just want explosions. This is why Sunshine ends with a generic slasher villain. You can't just have a story about science fiction.

This film looked great but it was barely sci-fi, it was fantasy.

Interstellar is kino

It's 4/10 at best.

Okay guys that's all funny and you are woke but just give me scifi movies

Its a 6/10.

What is it with Nolan and this type of shot?

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It's a 10/10


In my opinion there are not many good space movies. The ones I really like are:
2001: Space Odyssey
2010: The Year We Make Contact
Mission to Mars
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

You can also check pic related for a few more.

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interstellar is a 6/10

Silent Running


is this bait

Interstellar was fucking trash. I can't believe anyone would publicly admit to liking it without feeling ashamed

That pic is ultimate bait. But Sunshine was legit fantastic

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Ad Astra

Oh wow you didn't like Gravity congratulations you special little snowflake

It's called being a hack with no creativity

I can't say I like every film on the list but it's a good starting point.

user, please learn to read and follow conversations. I was refering to that list saying Gravity is scientifically accurate, I didn't say I didn't like Gravity.

Rendezvous with Rama kino when

>2010: The Year We Make Contact
kinda shitty but it's ok
>Enemy Mine

>Rendezvous with Rama kino when
Just read the book recently. David Fincher and Morgan Freeman have been trying to develop this for 15 years. Who knows if it will ever happen.

>2010: The Year We Make Contact
>kinda shitty but it's ok
I actually really like it. It's a serious space movie that makes sense which is so rare. You also have to try and seperate it from 2001 cos obviously it doesn't compare.

>Enemy Mine
Is this actually good is or is it more of a campy/pulpy nostalgic romp?

Lol you getting angry at me misinterpreting you vague three worded comment. Learn to communicate more clearly.

Nowhere does that list say the whole of Gravity is "scientifically accurate" as you claim. Learn to read you fucking idiot hahahahahahaha

>Is this actually good is or is it more of a campy/pulpy nostalgic romp?
it's ok, has interesting ideas, good main character arc, poorly produced though
a remake could be a good idea

hello again user, what you are engaging right now is called psychological projection. As per wikipedia, it is "a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others". If you want to engage in proper conversations here I recommend you work on your anger and frustration issues

Gravity is shit normie-tier.
Sandra Bullock is a terrible actress, science is all over the place, visuals are a meme.
It's supposed to be a happy ending story but because of all the debree now flying in orbit mankind will be forever stuck to one planet and nobody even acknowledges that fact. Fucking Kessler syndrome.



fuck off cuck boy

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I didn't even think Gravity was that good



Good point about the kessler syndrome thing though - I never thought about that.

> interstellar
> kino
fuckin pleb retard

First man
Event horizon

>Anyone who doesn't have the same tastes and world view as me is an idiot
Congratulations on your debilitating world view

He’s right. Now you’re projecting your own autism

Wow good one boy is my face red. You are so amazing!


I'm sure you're real fun and have heaps of friends

Take out Event Horizon and First Man and you'll have a SHIT-tier list.

Alrighty then show everyone here a list of your top 50 films so that we can call you a pleb too

Gtavity sucked

Thank you for sharing your opinion. I thought it was alright, and it was interesting to see conservation of momentum in space on the big screen.

It would have been very difficult to choreograph and film some of those sequences.

This thread is why is love Yea Forums user just asked for some recs and now it's a shitfest worth a few chuckles

This thread is why i hate Yea Forums. Can't we just discuss movies rather than getting angry when someone likes a film we don't?

Finally saw it a couple days ago. Cute! In! Spaaaace...

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And the pretentious pseudo-intellectual get's the first comment!
Good for you faggot, have another (you).

Why does Yea Forums hate Interstellar I thought it was great

I know this is supposed to be le ebin bait or whatever, but the irony is Interstellar is very much kino, and post pleb-filter pleb filter.

Stranded with Vincent Gallo and Maria De Madeiros was pretty fuckin kino desu. Anyone else seen it?

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Ah yes this one. Yeah it's alright, which is rare for a space film. A bit of a stretch to call it kino though don't you think?

>not a shill thread at all

Silent Running

I really enjoyed to consistent tension that set the tone throughout the film. Maybe not for everyone but for me, it’s Stranded.

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when you guys say "scifi" you seem to mean spaceshit

retard movie for retard people
> muh plants dying, let's go to another galaxy as if not the same plants
> why colonize solar system when we can just go to a system that has a freaking "black WHORE" fucking shit up. " so smart and intelligent, movie of the century"
Shills need beheadings.
> reused inception visual effect for "wormwhore", looks like shit made by a child
> hurr-durr crayon through paper
> hurr-durr time travel is so smart. Paradoxes are a smart thing hurr-durrurururhuur
Please die the fuck out.
> Muh (((LOVE)))


spaceshit > cheapshit

>>> reddit

I've seen Interstellar like 15 times. It's kino

your movie is cringe from start to finish
cringe and retarded

aw man now it just went down to a 0/10. so glad i had your expert opinion

same here
best sci-fi of the millennium

> the power of love > science and logic
> beautiful and stunning
> sci-fi of the millennium

glad to help bro

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Nothing pretentious about those films you cunt.

this, interstellar is meh

I wouldn't call it sci fi tho, its more about classical political and societal problems. It unironically would work e. g. in ancient Greece or some medieval society.

I agree, but it's still pure kino

Great review. I'll probably give it a rewatch sometime. I haven't seen it in 15 years. Dat ending tho

Is tHe expanse good?


they go from the hubble to the ISS with an eva pack

Pop that review on rotten tomatoes

Interesting point I never picked up that detail.

It's not like you asked me to make an in-depth analysis of the series.

>> the power of love > science and logic

>tfw you can like both because you dont have too fake being cool on Yea Forums

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Defying Gravity was kino. Would've been kinoer if it could continue.

Ascension was amazing.

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> love brings people together like gravity
> so smart, so deep, a masterpiece
of shit


2001 isn't good, it was never good.
Stop sucking its cock.

Shut up retard.

>can't defend his position so he resorts to insults
>can't even get dubs
Opinion discarded.


>90 replies
>no space cowboys
buncha faggots up in here

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Interstellar is horrible

Ad Astra

What did you expect? These faggot zoomers have zero taste

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kino so underrated it killed a studio

Approaching the Unknown



not sci-fi though

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and Spacewalker
both decent cosmonaut movies based on real stories

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Interstellar is the single best looking space film ever made, and just for that Nolan's best film.
The plot is dumb but who gives a shit honestly

2001 and Ad Astra looked better.

For the time, they were more impressive, and the shot composition was superior, sure. But objectively Interstellar just looks better.

No, it doesn't. Ad Astra came out few days ago and it looks better. 2001 also looks better. Nolan is colour blind and it shows.

I haven't actually seen Ad Astra actually, I assumed it was some old sci-fi movie and not something that's literally out right now lol. Was talking about just 2001.

I don't like Interstellar, i feel like Ad Astra is something that Interstellar tried to be. The message in Interstellar is completely sappy and absolutely terribly handed out to the audience. Ad Astra is great character study and it has very different message to Interstellar but it's also better done. Ad Astra has the human element which Interstellar tried to establish but failed spectacularly.

Ad Astra and Interstellar had the same kinomatographer right?

Yes, Hoytema.

Like with Gravity, every good shot in space in Interstellar is directly ripped off of 2001.
No it doesn't. Saying things like that makes you sound 12

I actually can't remember the last time I saw a film as critically praised and stupid as Interstellar. Captain marvel maybe?