Why aren't guys that don't get to fuck girls like this depressed?

why aren't guys that don't get to fuck girls like this depressed?

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Dios mio..

Because they are not brainwashed, lifeless, uncreative individuals, unable to emerge some greater meaning in life besides media- and porn-consumption and because their view of reality and life is not hopelessly warped by culture, sexual digestion of the implied standards you should have and because they at least fathom some kind of authentic, inner voice they want to heed instead.

Go fuck yourself, OP.

Because they are white so they get to fuck your whole country.

Just kidding, they fly there and pay those girls 20k to spend the weekend with them.

Because most people aren't shallow surface superficial cretins who judge another person's worth?

Well how do you deal with it?


They are.

sorry, habanero, what did you say?

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They are no half niggers in my country. Only gypsies and they are all fat and have kids as soon as they turn 15.

I had sex with a brown girl once but it just made me more depressed

based and slavpilled

Why is your oven right next to your dryer? Do Americans really do this?

Nice meme. most people live day to day on gossip, material desires and interpersonal relationships with their equally average partners and friends. Don't try to tell me the average person has some feeling of divine purpose that drives them to get into debt over futile materialism and vain ego games and fights with their bro friends and partners

I've always fucked cute girls, and some of them have had sexy ponstar tier asses etc. But I'm not into the basic person's idea of hot, it's too characterless and fake tan and bimbo tier.

Op, however, has never had anyone, so it's cute how he'd like to move the goalposts to some fictional 'chad' ideal so he can feel better about his own abject barrenness. Not all of us are at your trash level.

yes, we have electricity, and don't have to migrate to the local stream to beat our clothes on wet rocks, chiquita

Jerking off satisfies me

>and don't have to migrate to the local stream to beat our clothes on wet rocks, chiquita
But you do have to keep your electronics consolidated to one room since either you don't have enough rooms to keep them separate or your electricians aren't capable of wiring two rooms. Also, you have an electric stove? And you try to judge beaners? At least they can boil water.

Casual sex is just a quelling of your monkeybrain needs and not admirable, the fact that a girl like that will never truly love me is what really tightens the noose

she'll never love anyone

In english doc

>nice meme
you missed his entire point you retarded nigger

No shit the average person is like that,re-read his post you illiterate dipshit

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Atleast she is a real human so there's a microscopic chance of fucking her.
Just imagine how I feel about never being able to get a dragon bf

sapir mantzur

post more

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