What's with all the racism bans lately...

What's with all the racism bans lately? Once I get one I immediately make racists posts I wouldn't have because I am reminded about how fragile the niggers who do it for free are


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If a shitskin made racist posts they would be fine with it

ever wonder why infinity chan got shut down so hard bu this place is still up

With the new crop of jannies they're changing enforcement.

wolfuck BTFO

Go back to /pol/

i found the new jannies to be morr tame (good thing)

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make me tranny

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because the staff is filled with leftist tourists from other sites. they don't come from here and they hate this place and its culture

Dunno why you people are acting surprised. Hiro has been trying to make Yea Forums clean for the last 2 years. He's been doing it slowly. I guarantee you that within two years, simply typing nigger is going to be an autoban

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Are blacks really this dumb?

The current jannies appear to be jews, I was warned for bringing up Israel's role in sex trafficking, in a discussion about what television series and movies get right and wrong about crime, politics, etc. Clearly that was on topic, and was in response to a poster who kept trying to say that all sex trafficking is done only by Arabs. I just pointed out that he was wrong, and got a warning.

This is all gookmoot. People have been getting bans, range bans, image blocks, etc... for everything. He wants advertisers, more normalfags, and for people to buy passes.


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Based sneednigger

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haha yeah i love speech control. really makes for good discussion and communities

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Imagine black people for you being an autistic kissless shut-in.


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Its boring and tryhardy.


"noted scientists"

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Hey, r/politics. Getting triggered, huh?

Bix nood muhfugga

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I'm racist myself, but I hate people like you who inject muh 13/50 and muh niggers into every single conversation. We get it, you're redpilled.

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if this place becomes clean a new chan will just take it place people don't come here for clean discussion else they would be on reddit

You should go back.

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Ooooooh! Gotcha

>clean discussion
lol, reddit is even worse. You can ask a serious question and le dop updote will be a overused meme.

sit down be humble

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You know this is fake right since average Republican IQ is higher than the average Democrat. Probably because Democrats got all the minority votes...ayy

i never go there no idea

There's no anti-racist on this planet with an iq above 110.

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>racism outside of Yea Forums
Cumskin high IQ I see