Cast her in the inevitable biopic

Cast her in the inevitable biopic

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the chimp from spiderman

Maisie Williams

Aphex Twin

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ellen page

Idris Elba

some retard from orphanage

wrong board faggots

Idris Elba

Starring: wrong board faggots

she's in talks with disney prepare to see her alot

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Warwick Davis

I do not watch Disney shit, no need to prepare for that


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Wow i didn't know she was so redpilled

But she's asking you NOT to burn the coal? What is this meme even about?

she is girl?

Imagine if we memed this phrase into popularity as a pro-environmentalism slogan

Why do lefties keep using children for their political gain?
it's really creepy.

>she's in talks with disney prepare to see her alot
wtf i love her now

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>*retweets miniaoc*

she´s gonna kill herself when the attention goes away, maybe there will be a book first on how the climate scam ruined her youth and will attack her parents for shilling her out...

like always the lying press will make people forget in 3 weeks. Just another hasbeen. Oy vey. we shekel hard everyday.

Do I have to burn the coal toll if I wanna get into that girls hole?

Jenny Nicholson!

It hasn't been proven yet

She's not asking you to burn coal, it's IF you burn the coal then you have to pay the toll.


She's cute so yes.

stop travelling

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billie eilish will hang?

Why cast her in anything when she doesn't actually care about the environment. The organization she does PR for (We Dont Have Time) is trying to make bank from carbon credit trading. Their 2-step business model* involves:
>1) passing legislation to create a cap-and-trade marketplace
>2) building a social media/rating system to evaluate public and private sector entities on their carbon footprint. Those who rate poorly will have to choose between getting carbon-taxed to death, or paying for carbon-offset credits.

Since Greta's handlers will control both the carbon credit market AND the social media that ranks everyone, they'll always win and can do shakedown operations whenever they want.

*This scheme only works on liberal Western democracies. Countries like China or India would just laugh Greta out of the building.

>Cast her in the inevitable biopic

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But she just travelled to america.

She has an extra chromosom so she can't have children. That invalidates her from being a woman.

Uhm sweaty, stop being a nazi incel!

>That invalidates her from being a woman.
user said "girl".

if she can convince only 2 amerifats to stop trabelling and to eat bugs, she will have made a positive net impact on the enbirenment

I am about to make her burn some coal alright. This smug little bitch needs to be fucked by some BBC to get that look off her face

That's what I said

girl =/= woman
She qualifies as a girl.

She doesn't, she's a retard

You really are brimming with nihilistic spite, aren't you?

>16 years old
So this is the power of veganism

>based daily greta hate thread
thanks god, I too hate people doing something with their life while I waste my life away on the 4 channels.

>I do not watch Disney shit
Are you alt-right?


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No she's not, she's just a bit autistic.

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Looks like a 50 year old tranny.

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tfw no sperg gf

Imagine having sex with Greta Thunberg.
You'd have to teach her everything about sex and she'd look all confused due to her autism.
Imagine her facial expressions as you start plowing her hard in missionary position.
She would bite her lip and her eyes would scan the room while you fuck her, almost like she's not fully aware of what's happening.
Her face would show both pleasure and confusion at the same time.
Then, as you ejaculate deep into her, she experiences an orgasm for the first time and lets out a cute autistic squeal.
She would be out of breath and would watch your thick semen slowly leak out of her cute underdeveloped body.

>look, a screenshot at the right moment
Nah she cute, and that video was taken just after a 15 days trip on a racing boat with no shower and no toilets, anyone would look like a zombie.

>a bit
Lmao i wonder if that's her face during you know what too

>take 16 year old
>make her spout all your viewpoints
>any criticism is now responded with "lol ur triggered by a 16 year old!!"
How further can politics be degraded?

I wish. It would be fucking adorable.