This is Trevor Noah's fan base

This is Trevor Noah's fan base

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what does your fan base look like OP?


op's average fan

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he says things they agree with

I wish I was a black South African with white features who was handsome so I could make millions of dollars

Amer*cans are so easily amused by identity politics

Quintessentially muttish


Happy now?

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What if I just walked on set one day and called him a nigger? What would happen?

ur mom

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I would kick your racist ass, user.

who the fuck is trevor noah, have sex

Anyone in Atlantic City is subhuman.

Have a hard time anyone would identify as a fan of Trevor Noah. Maybe they were just there because of free tickets.

sounds about right
he'd do a 3 minute monologue about you being a blumpf supporter

people would unironically think worse of you than if you actually killed him

I'm not joking. Saying the n-word in america is worse than murder.

>file name


Normal happy people of all creeds and color. This is what you choose to keep you up at night?

b u g m a n


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