Why don't they make more tornado movies?

Why don't they make more tornado movies?

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lol i just saw this on reddit

They got figured out

This.tornados are NOT a threat at all and even the biggest ones can be easily stopped.

Tornadoes are no joke. Once I was at home eating dinner with my family when a tornado ripped through our neighborhood destroying our house and every house around it. My aunt's face was filled with splinters. I got hit by a brick. We never found our dog, Dixie. Most of us made it into the basement but grams didn't want to go. She said just leave her, she'd lived enough. She stayed upstairs and actually survived. She cried for so long about it afterwards, it broke our hearts. Anyway, no tornado movie will ever top 1996's "Twister". That was a blast, although when I saw it, it brought back painful memories. Where are you, Dixie? Where are you, girl?

She is hiding in the toilet

how can we stop em?

Attached: tornado.png (1450x742, 621K)

>We never found our dog, Dixie.
;_; hurts to picture this

God I wish that were me. Literally my dream to see one of those once in my life.

Oh no if only American contractor companies didn’t continue to build stuff out of matches and plywood. Oh well the free market will fix it I’m sure.

I expected this to turn into a comedic slapstick story about how you were left sitting at the dinner table, fork in hand but with no house around you.

Move to Tornado Alley. They're beautiful and terrifying.

get off americas dick retard

The house was built in the 1920s. The neighborhood church (a brick fortress) bought all of the ruined real estate afterwards, for more than it was worth. That was really nice of them.

How come they never think of the dogs, bro?

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Oh was that what I was stepping on? I thought it was a piece of gum.

based redditor user

He’s on your fucking free market dick, retard

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>« Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE


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>tornadoes are pussies

Attached: surprise tornado.webm (480x270, 1.61M)


they can't top Twister so why bother


>names the fucking dog
>not the family who were greviously injured


is that an f3?

Sure can’t

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Because they don't want to trigger people who have had bad experiences with tornados and get sued. Jesus user get it together their are simple answers to these simple questions.

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your IQ is probably 85.

Rent Free(tm)


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thaf picture is from the 90s fag

I want more "extreme weather/natural disaster" films in general.
I love Twister, Day After Tomorrow, 2012, etc.

Explain how brick houses get ripped apart by tornadoes.

Because those are brick facades with wooden frames.

Tornadoes are serious business. Was in Topeka in '73 at a family reunion when a "rip-slider" (as we called them) tore through our barbecue. Lost an expensive gas grill, the thing just got hurled into the air and then smashed down right on to my uncle's Mustang. Over nine puppers were drawn up into that cyclone, and we never saw them again. Mistie, Doran, Jenkins, Booparoo, Mr. Filthypaws, Daggit, Ranchero, Sam, Princess, and Lady Princess, where are you, buddies? Where are you, pals?

It's a cyclical trend.

Don't even see where that person came from. Did they jump out of the van?

As a tornado, I would prefer that Hollywood not shine any more light on myself or my kin. We're pretty much universally hated as-is, even though we can be merciful (we've spared grandmas many times before). Gotta say, though, we do love our doggos. I have a collection of over a hundred at the moment and am preparing to spin up and touch down and grab a few more.

kill yourself

We all browse reddit, you don't actually believe the memes, do you?


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D-do you at least take care of the doggies?

man i loved tornadoes as a kid. used to play with my friends and pretend we were being pulled away by a big one, having to grab on to trees and shit, and try to find shelter. was more fun than it sounded.
also i would run home and imagine the houses on the opposite side of the street were being torn to pieces by one, and i was just ahead of the tornadoes path. it was awesome lol. like it was so vivid in my imagination. i must've looked mental, running and looking sideways the whole way.

not in the slightest but i know teenage rejects from the site come here with a false sense of superiority about their pathetic forum of choice
i'm not ashamed to admit i browse a few subreddits

>Was in Topeka in '73

Attached: skateboarding old dude.gif (210x373, 2M)

Occasionally they get into fights amongst themselves and we have to spin up and hurl them apart, which sometimes causes damage (Fearwind hurled a pupper like a hundred miles one time, but everyone already considered him smog before that and he is an extreme exception), but they're happy for the most part.

tornados is peak boomer crap


fucking boomers...


That was Clark after saving Lana in season 1

you can't top the all time tornado kino

Attached: twister-movie-alan-ruck-philip-seymour-hoffman.jpg (800x342, 90K)

I used to have dreams about giant tornadoes wrecking shit. it would be cool to see a big one one up close.

Isn't that an industrial accident in China?

It's getting sadder for me to see pics from the 80s and 90s because how comfy and white it was. It's not fun anymore to look back.

The world was real then; we live in its echo.

Did she just not want to get off the couch?

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I'm really beginning to realize this. We're living off the fumes of Western Civilization and it's not going to last much longer. You can view the breakdown all over.

A sure sign somebody isn't laughing at their own comment is if they include "lol" or some variation

You /pol/tards need to get a hold of yourselves. We live in the happiest and most prosperous times in human history precisely BECAUSE of diversity and how we have changed.

I always dream that I finally see one in real life. Then when I wake up, I realise it has been a dream once again.

Attached: nuke it.jpg (600x350, 25K)

I was laying face down on my bed one afternoon when a tornado funneled in through the open window and violated me. Literally no one in my family believed me, and they asked me where our dog Chalmers was. We never found Chalmers.


Dixie landed safely in Canada, Adam is looking after her now

to be fair even if the tornado is big/close enough to do that brick could still survive something smaller or further away that would have destroyed a plywood house

We had a movie about hurricanes in Florida recently.

Yo, you ever seen a waterspout? I've seen tornadoes but never a waterspout.

It comes down to cost. It is actually cheaper to have your wooden house be destroyed and rebuilt than it is to do the massive repairs to a stone or brick house.

2 main reasons:

1: disaster movies fell out of fashion in large part due to 9/11

2: tornado's are the least reported on and least intimidating natural disasters. it can be done, but its very hard to achieve that same sense of scale

Tornadoes are basically an american only phenomenon. The rest of the world has no real context for what it is like.

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Yes, those all white inventions were because of diversity.

How many patents do you yourself hold?

I lived through tornado once too

One came through my house in town. The wind blew too hard and rippen through my ceiling and took my favorite ball above me. I guess it fling my ball about a block away before it landed in somebody's yard.

We still live in the same house, but there's a huge duct tapped patch in the ceiling.

Based European retard

Why don't you properly fix your fucking roof, idiot?

Because they can't top perfection.

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>we all browse reddit

The most of I have used reddit is when its a search result on google for something. I think I have seen the front page like 2 times in my life.


An actual movie with this concept alone would be so fucking kino.