No Country for Old Men is 10/10

Is No Country For Old Men the only film Yea Forums agrees that it's a 10/10 movie?

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it's absolute nonsense but yaggsparro dude killing people was worth watching

> only film Yea Forums agrees that it's a 10/10 movie
Are you forgetting something?

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Garbage anime story with anime characters but with fantastic acting

>only film Yea Forums agrees that it's a 10/10 movie?
faggot, Amadeus and robot were universally loved on Yea Forums before the reddit/zoomer/tranny invasion.


Book was unironically better, I liked the movie but after reading the book I liked it less because of how the Cohen brothers decided to adapt it

Good film, zero music and it’s like one of the last movies in my recent memeory that doesn’t think it’s audience is too stupid to put the story together

The limping good guy lost in the end. Tragic.

it’s 8/10 at best

A Serious Man is better but both films are still kino/10

There is minor disagreement on it. The movie most of Yea Forums wholeheartedly likes and can't remember seeing criticized is Amadeus.

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Yea Forums's favorite movie.

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The Man Who Wasn’t There is 10/10 also

>be sheriff
>there's a lunatic killer on the loose
>"What is this world coming to? I'm gonna retire"
Am I getting it?


Absolutely not.

The shit ending ruins it though

alien is unnecessarily gross ew

god i hate people like you

wtf is this sentencing of numales. u can also find these cringey sentences in reddit too

Do we all still agree Ep IV and V are the good Star Wars or we still being contrarian fags over that

and thin red line

Attached: master-and-commander-2-sequel.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

I don't get it
>dude war has changed lmao

Is this bait or are you that much of a troglodyte? The book is really worth reading too.

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Kino, maybe a tad too long.

>the absolute state of this post
The movie would be a 7/10 without the pure, concentrated kino that is the ending.


The Thin Red Line and The Tree of Life are certified Yea Forums kinos. Lynch and Malick are the most Yea Forums approved living American kino directors. You can't refute this.

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>american directors

So they are shit

Nah, it's overrated.

Come on now. I do agree that American cinema is incredibly overrated but you can't write them all off.

Rare case where the book is awful but the movie is great. I wasted money and time with the book.

t. tourist

It's shit so of course it's highly rated on Yea Forums.

I'd call Godfather and TGTBATU 10/10
The Thing is 8 or 9, it's not 10/10 perfect.
I managed about 30 mins of TRR before I had to turn that shit off

This is true. It’s far less jarring in the book because you read passages from Bells perspective every chapter or two. It’s far less jarring when Moss dies in the book

No I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10
>Master and Commander
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Das Boot
>The Assassination of Jesse James
>American Psycho
>2001; A Space Odyssey
>Barry Lyndon
>The Thion Red Line
>The Tree of Life
are Yea Forums approved kinos
based malickposters