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Did Yea Forums like it?

Attached: MV5BN2U1YzdhYWMtZWUzMi00OWI1LWFkM2ItNWVjM2YxMGQ2MmNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_.jpg (650x939, 139K)

I liked it.

I liked how thirsty the old lady was

dunno about reddi/tv/ but it's a legit 10/10 classic

Jake was an incredible scumbag in this movie

Yeah, good acting

Okay movie, not a masterpiece. Solid 7/10


Pure kino.
Definitely one of the best films to come out of this decade.

Probably the only movie I've ever considered shutting off because of how disturbing Jake's character was. I mean that as a complement though, it was a masterpiece of creepiness.

It's true, if he was to be recognised for anything it's this

Its a 10 even though the faggot who played his assistant is a shit actor. It has Bill Paxton so it evens out though.

Great movie. One of the best of this decade.

How do I become more like Lou?

This was Yea Forumscore for like a year but it was deserved for once

Why are people born in tbe 90s such weak, feminised queers.

try moving out of home first

I'll wait and see what my Yea Forumsbros think first.

Attached: Homer_dr.gif (480x368, 1.56M)

I'm in college.

live in a society

reddit nigger

Top tier movie, made Jake my favourite actor.

I'm in your sisters cunt.

I only have a brother. You might be gay.