A self-destructive punk rocker struggles with sobriety while trying to recapture the creative inspiration that led her...

>A self-destructive punk rocker struggles with sobriety while trying to recapture the creative inspiration that led her band to success.

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imagine her smell


why do people all have a smell? too many smells to imagine

it’s only smellz..hehe

What?.... its only the smell of it

Do people unironically enjoy watching Elizabeth Moss on screen or is it one of those things like when you can’t look away from a horrific car wreck?

One of the hurdles of getting sober is the worry that you'll lose your edge. I can relate sorta.

doing the illuminati one eye, probably MK Ultra with a title like that

she was good in Top of the Lake

I'm so fucking sick of Cara and her bushy ass fucking eyebrows.

i thought punk was dead

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imagine thinking alcohol sharpens the mind

I think its ment to convey that the movie is for programming an for Illuminati initiates not to watch.

Thats what happens when you drink too much, you lose brain cells.

I do. I think she's cute despite that big nose of hers.

Describe her smell

How the fuck do you even pronounce ngn?

She's one of the best television actresses working today.

Too bad she's a Scientologist.

No no no no no no noooooooooooo

>punk rocker
>being sober
Why? It sorta comes with the territory.

Elisabeth Moss as Courtney Love is good casting tbqhwy.