Why is it unfashionable to like Fight Club in today's society? How do we change this?

Why is it unfashionable to like Fight Club in today's society? How do we change this?

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Because the author is a faggot

because people who hold that shit opinion are in their mid 20s or younger and think it's cool to hate on it

People (still) don't understand it's satire of toxic masculinity (albeit a rather subtle one) not an endorsement of it

does that mean it's cool to like it again because it's contrarian? I'm gonna start dressing like Tyler Durden and smoking cigarettes

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it's not so simple as to say it's just a satire. Similar to starship troopers, tyler durden was right about far more than he was wrong about

>satire of toxic masculinity

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smoking ciggies and dressing like tyler would probably legit make you cooler

Read the book. It's clearer that way

I tried to join a fight club after seeing the movie. I ended up getting raped in an alley.

Always thought this is a shit argument, the meaning is up to the viewer first and foremost.

Starship Troopers was based on a serious book though. The director decided to make it satire because he's a leftshit.

well I haven't read the book.
At the very least, tyler's complaint is legitimate in the film, despite his hypocrisy

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It's fashionable to periodically rotate out movies you like into the trash bin and vice versa.

Who gives a shit I don't pay attention to popular shit

Teens: omg fight club is the best movie ever and Fincher is the new Kubrick, fuck society man
Twenties: heh fight club is overrated and its message about consumerism is shallow and heavy handed, Fincher is a try hard phony and his MTV style is only liked by teenagers
Thirties: fight club is underrated, its depiction of the contemporary urban masculine malaise is really on point and Fincher is a really compelling filmmaker *sips*

you have to have been raised by a single mom to appreciate Fight Club



Unironically this.

Fight Club's a weird movie, it criticizes and mocks masculine culture for being single-minded and destructive but at the same time it makes it look so fucking cool. I can see why some people hate it but I like that duality.

It's not a satire. It's just showing what happens when people try to tear down all the rules of society. It sympathizes with them, modern society is sort of sterile and pointless, but it shows that just replacing it with anarchy doesn't work.

The only satirical aspect is Brad Pitt's character being basically a Hollywood version of rebellion, the good looking, charming, cool guy, but that's because he is literally a figment of imagination.

>toxic masculinity

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just turned 30 and i never didn't like fight club. fuck you contrarian faggots

>look, if you had one shot or one opportunity to sieze anything you ever wanted for one moment would u capture it?

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do not read the book, it's absolute trash.

To say it sympathizes with them is a bit of a stretch. This is the core of what I'm trying to say. People who find themselves trapped in the very society this is satirizing feel sympathized with, but this is not necessarily what's happening.

>enjoying Fight Club
>having any desire to make people conform to our own likes
Something isn't adding up here user.

I mean it definitely does sympathize with them, they all have mental illnesses and live unhappy lonely lives. It's not laughing at these miserable people, that would be weird. What it doesn't sympathize with really is their solution, to go completely off the rails.

Bret Eaton Ellis is a faggot too but he writes excellent books, and Rules Of Attraction was kino of kinoi

you lose the battle, you give up the asshole

Why? Because of mass shooters and gang violence, and organizations like isis. Simple as that.

You change it by making people watch everything on this list. As long as you can say you like everything listed on here, you will never be seen as unfashionable even if you like Fight Club.

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people act like people only like the movie to be an edgy try-hard but that ignores the cinematography and pacing which make for a great film

This movie (and book especially) really prophesied this time.

Why is every other movie an adam sandler movie?

The ridiculous idea of toxic masculinity, or 'toxic' anything, didn't even exist when this film was created, so that's a stupid argument.

well, Hegel once said that you should be very knowledgeable of the ideas you hate, in this case, Sadam Andlers whole existence

>I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who have ever lived an entire generation pumping gas and waiting tables; or they're slaves with white collars. Advertisements have them chasing cars and clothes, working jobs they hate so they can buy shit they don't need. We are the middle children of history, with no purpose or place. We have no great war, or great depression. The great war is a spiritual war. The great depression is our lives. We were raised by television to believe that we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars -- but we won't. And we're learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed-off.
Please, user, explain to me how this isn't a perfectly valid argument that can lead to someone realising they don't *need* the latest iPhone, that maybe learning a trade rather than staying in a dead end retail job, and maybe saving for a house to raise a family in might be a better than blowing every paycheck on useless shit that they don't even remember they bought a few months down the line? "lel, you don't understand, durdanman bad" isn't a good rebuttal to some of the sounder points the movie made.

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>a generation of men raised by women

that's how you got incels

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oh, it's a muslim country.