Absolute kino

absolute kino

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agreed completely

imagine having the title of coward and you're dead so you cant do anything about it. history just names you a coward forever

And then in the 21st century a film is made about you where you are gay for Brad Pitt. Posterity can be a bitch.

found the woman

I love this film user, but there are undertones and you know it.

I think it's the best film of 2007

You're the same type of moron who projects faggotry onto Batman and Robin. LITERALLY GUARANTEE you are either a woman or a raging homo yourself who doesnt understand male relationships


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Yet he was the ultimate chad, ironic isn't it?

>jesse shoots ed miller in the back
>still a chad
>rob shoots jesse in the back
>forever known as the coward
moral of the story don't brag about doing shitty things

It’s the 3rd best film of the century

>uses the word kino
shut the fuck, imbecile

>His grave just says "Robert Ford, the man who shot Jesse James"

This movie doesn't get enough attention. Any other good movies of the 2000s that are less well known?

shame we'll never get a good blu-ray

I must be the only person who didn't care for this movie, beautiful, great acting, but I just don't love it like everyone else seems to. Dick Liddl is best boy though.

He did sucker shot an unarmed man on the back though

chuck liddell

Why is Bob so tiny in the poster? He's regular sized in the actual movie

Who was going to kill him and his brother if he didn't take the opportunity placed in front of him.

I never liked this.

Killing Them Softly is better underrated, understated Pitt

Because he lived and died in Jesse's shadow

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