Why was he such an incel?

Why was he such an incel?

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feed and seed

His costume sucks. Is this worth pirating?


How can you be "such an involuntary celebate"? You either fuck or you don't.

Well you can either be a total shut-in NEET hikikomori, or you can be kind of good-looking and talk to girls but still be totally incapable of sealing the deal.

This kid was like 12? How is he an incel? Are you supposed to have sex at 9 or something?

he wanted to make secks but he couldn't

He just wanted Caitlyn to be his queen when he ruled the earth.

It's just a gay buzzword insult that retards have picked up, most probably don't even know what it means.

LMAO you didnt? Yikes my guy

>or you can be kind of good-looking and talk to girls but still be totally incapable of sealing the deal.
This is worse than being a gross ugly shut in because I cant really figure out the problem but I know there is one
I think it's just a complete lack of luck

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No. It's because you're not attractive to women, probably just because you're not trying or are actively trying something that doesn't work. Your behavior is everything with them. Elliot Rodger in instructive here: being well-groomed and living upper-middle-class on easy street is not enough to get laid. You actually need to be a certain kind of person, and you need to make an effort unless you're a celebrity. Regular mortals don't get groupies.

FWIW I'm failing too and while I know it's my fault, I can't really act any other way without feeling like a fraud. For me I could succeed if I played a numbers game but my ego won't allow me to get shot down dozens of time before I run a warm bath.

Fake it till you make it, dont worry about being a "fraud", most people do that to get laid

Yeah that's not me though. Besides I don't know what to say to girls. I'm just a difficult person I think. All my relationships have been girls that basically threw themselves at me.

I think when I was younger I used to fake it, because I did date a few girls I met on the internet, but those relationships only lasted months.

White skin

Browncels are much more numerous than white incels

Do you think he raped the lady at the diner?

I liked the gore in this shit, too bad he didn’t kill the black kid though, he deserved to die the most.

>using the word "incel"
>one-line writing prompt
>no context, content, discussion, not even sure what this is supposed to be about or be from
OP is a spambot. Do not reply to spambots. Put it in all fields.

I was furious when I saw the black kid speak, I blurted out "fucking nigger!" without thinking. My wife was shocked, she probably wants to leave me now.

>You guys dont reply to OP pls

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he should've attacked him instead of the cute girl

Bad writing.

He spent too much time on Yea Forums