OH NO NOT ANT-MAN :(((((((((

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Fuck capeshit

This is misleading. Ant Man 3 was cancelled but they specifically mentioned making a Disney+ series using him (and nothing was said about him never being in the movies again).

Oh not...who?

Man they just can't stop fucking themselves up.

he small

One of the last likable people they had left.



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This, plus the fact that it's one of the only series that really felt different that the rest.

wasp is way more likeable female hero than captain marvel. This is a big mistake

Good news!
Phase IV will more than make up for it!

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>White guys named Chris move over
Ah, my sides.
Hopefully they can get the audience replacement actually happening too. If "representation" really IS a thing, then white guys will stop going to these, not being able to see themselves in it anymore. Bye bye billion dollar box offices.

He's a white male so can't have him in MCU.

It's what they deserve for fucking over Edgar Wright

Disney knows what they're doing.

Endgame was the last blowout for a lot of people. It's been over ten years, they're bound to start losing viewers.

They've made their money and all the heavy lifting is done on the series. Everything from here on is gravy. So, yeah, just hand it over to the woke crowd. Either they continue making money or when the series dies out anyway they get all the woke points.

holy shit endgame was antman's last film wtf

no wonder the kids hated him :(

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>learn how to print money
>fuck it up
the absolute state of marlel

What would a threequel be about?

The guy in that pic be like:





Edgar Wright fucked himself over and is an overrated hack, have you read what he was going to do with Ant-Man it would have been a fucking trainwreck

Nonstop bants & probably 50% of it would be that spic's monologues about other people's conversations.

>white foids

$0.02 has been deposited to your account by MR. FEIGE.

Have a nice day.

There’s no woke crowd, and those posts don’t matter to Jews. It’s just a brainwashing opportunity like all the interracial woman first commercials during sports watched by white men.

Unironically this. I liked both entries.

>but they specifically mentioned making a Disney+ series using him
they never said any of that

>supervillain appears
>amazing quips while shit happens
>Ant Man goes back in time and everything is fixed because he can just do that
>the end


it made millions but for marvel standards they're low tier, even the superheros kept shitting on him on endgame

ant man more like CANT MAN am i rite

The age of white male superheroes is over!


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>she literally steals the suit
Classic nigger and even better, based marvel for being so woke they didn’t even notice what they did.

>It's simple. We CANCEL the White Man...

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Sad but true

You could always tell the writers who were seething having to do the woke shit.