Which Hollywood actor will you miss most when they retire?

Which Hollywood actor will you miss most when they retire?

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he's gonna fuck this girl in 10 years

>implying he's not already doing it

that's pretty based

none. and I sincerely hope they all retire penniless, friendless and addicted to several types of narcotics.

But she's legal in 8.

after she was born

>Which Hollywood actor will you miss most when they retire?
I already find myself missing Robin Williams the most.

unironically Tom Cruise.


I've never like Leo

Is this the new cun thread?

it's better to retire like Gene Hackman and Sean Connery than to end up doing shitty comedies like DeNiggro and Pacino

more like he's gonna dropp her in 5 years
he seems to be enlighted

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Based Leo

Tom Cruise.

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cute cara's nipples doesn't look very safe for work

I see you noticed them

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julia is just starting to shine. thinking about retirement at this point is premature at least

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why does this ugly rich bitch insist on wearing her eyebrows like Addul Aziz- al Dunecoon?
does waxing kick her psoriasis into the strato levels?

It's hot

What's wrong with them?

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she is literally the eyebrow meme girl, that is why she is famous

I'm willing to bet leo has kids the public doesn't know about. He has pictures with a few kids he's talking to and is close with. One of thme is probably his kid, OP's pic could be his kid.

100% sure, she's already in love. He can age as badly as he wants, that won't make any difference.

Tom The Cruise.

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you could take them as the raw materials and weave a tuna net big enough to feed Japan?
that ugly skank should be forced to wear a burkha
2/10, would not bang with your wife's boyfriend's dick
stop posting this critter, she makes that sexpot boxxy look good

>she is literally
millenials cannot die off soon enough

You're trying too hard.

>le no standards man

Ezra for sure

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and you don't know what a woman is supposed to look like
I'll miss pic related, she is walling

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>Fuming this hard


>nooo don't turn 16 you're so pretty haha

Leo will never wait that long.