What is a movie that everybody has seen but you didn't?

What is a movie that everybody has seen but you didn't?
mine is pic related

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Watch it right now OP.
For me it's The Godfather

Is that Devon in a Bounce Tube from the 1973 Canadian-produced science fiction television series Starlost?

Honestly? Any of the Avengers shit. I just no interest in it, not even memeing

Too many to list. I have large gaps in my movie knowledge mostly of big "must sees" not for any real contrarian reasons, i just dont care

Yeah, I liked the sequel more.



>Honestly? Any of the Avengers shit. I just no interest in it, not even memeing
Or this. I've seen three or four MCU movies but only because my friend wanted to watch them when we were hanging out together. Not like we watched them at the theater or paid anything for them.

Fuck, I envy you. I watched almost every MCU movie just to keep up with popular culture or some idiotic notion like that and I hate myself for it. It's not even about the wasted time, we're all wasting our time on this shitty site after all, but the depressing thing is to actually know the shit content all the spergs on here, youtube, the media etc. keep raving about. Couldn't even be bothered to finish the torture and watch Endgame after 20 something movies, that's how much I care for these "characters". Just don't bother man.

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lord of the rings
gremlins 1 and 2

last one i saw was iron man 1 lol
or the first james garfield spider-man, if that counts

Classic: Jaws
Recent: Anything with Star Wars in the title

There was a time we’re I wondered if I was missing out by not keeping up with GoT pop culture. Given the reaction to S8, I’m glad I didn’t waste my time with it past S4

How though?

All of the 90’s Disney animated movies: The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and Aladdin.

i tried reading the hobbit in 7th grade before the movies came out
it sucked so i never wanted to see it

I remember the first time I watched them was on TV a few years back. Same with Star Wars.
Give 'em a chance at least. They're by no means bad movies even if watched by people who don't necessarily don't like the genre. There's a reason they're regarded as well as they are.

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'cause pseuo-intellectuals like women and reddit feel smart for watching movies based on books and suck tolkiens dick

Also they're probably the last 100% white blockbusters.

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Since when does Satan give a shit about what pseuds and women think?
Country roads...

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the tarantino films apart from Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

space odyssey too, and i love sci fi, but it just seems so reddit and pseudointellectual
all marvel shit past the first iron man and except deadpool
tarantino except reservoir dogs and pulp fiction

I have never seen Avatar or any Marvel movie after GotG 1.

Read the book first, its a game changer and you will be able to actually enjoy the film. It also gives the ability to identify pseuds in seconds.

I've never seen any series.

>suspiria (either one)
>The original sci-fi movie that was remade with George Clooney about the living planet
>Speaking of Clooney, The American
>A lot of 80s comedies (not counting buddy cop comedies)


Apocalypse Now
The Godfather trilogy
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
any of the Alien movies
The Hunt (even though i'm Danish)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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2001 sucks, dont bother
As for my list:
21 jump street
Star Wars sequels
Literally every sinngle Marvel movie

probably this or the Godfather movies

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21 Jump Street does not belong on this list

4got to add Terminator, Starship Troopers, and the new Marvel/SW movies if we're talking modern stuff

literally everyone I know has watched that movie but me so that's why I included it

I was talking about it with a friend yesterday, since we both watch a lot of films he was surprised I hadn't seen Jaws.
Back when I was a in college was was trying to watch a "classic" almost every other week, a movie with a shark as a villain just REALLY didn't seem too interesting.
I thought "Just don't go into the fucking water"