>tfw when you go down to the archives and start pulling some old files
Tfw when you go down to the archives and start pulling some old files
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what are you building for him now, a rocket thread?
Nice thread I lol'd
Reminder that this guy was the riddler
is that captain america's car?
I want... 10 dollars, a year, for the rest of my life
He was?
His name was mister reece
I want... a rocket ship.
>if you want to shut me up, Wayne Industries is gonna have to buy me one steam game, of my choosing, every month, for the rest of my life
Mr. Edward Nigma-Reece
I want 10 million babies a year for the rest of my life.
>tfw when you go down to the archives and start pulling some old dubs
I like that Wayne Enterprises theme played during that scene, the music was really kino.
Which is not The Riddler's name.
Let me get this straight. You think your client one of the wealthiest and powerful men in the world is a
> Tfw you're a white man trying to extort a nigger and somehow the situation gets turned around on you and you realise that this isn't the natural order of things for a reason
N-word? Yeah.
>guys thats totally the riddler, riddler confirmed for dark knight sequel
Let me get this straight, you think that your client is secretly a chihuahua who spends his nights beating travel agents to a pulp with his bear hands? And your plan is to email your client and beat your client to a pulp with your bear hands? Good luck.
He's trying to extort Bruce Wayne, really.
>"I want a subscription of BLACKED.com every month for the rest of my life"
wrong and satanic confirmed
and Robin's name was not Robin
If this was made in 2019 his demand would be a shoutout every month for the rest of his life.
For my birthday, I want two cakes
There's a lot of unused concepts of the whole Nolan Batman trilogy floating around, wouldn't be surprised if that was considered. Heath Ledger dying really killed Nolan's drive to do anything with the trilogy further though, there was a plan to have the Joker in TDKR initially before that even. He was going to have Scarecrow's role and then be more major again in the movie after that.
Riddler's name is "E. Nygma."
>and Robin's name was not Robin
So? TDKR's Robin isn't any one comic version of Robin. There is nothing to suggest that "Mr. Reese" is The Riddler.
What are you buliding for now, a big guy?
He should've asked for more, like a well paying job that has respect and upward mobility as well as a decent health plan.
What is nygma supposed to be?
Edward Nygma, which is the real name of The Riddler. Saying, "Oh, this guy is The Riddler because his name is 'Mr. Reese'!," proves nothing proves nothing, because that's not The Riddler's name.
Lucius should have tasered that faggot and dumped his body into the buildings incinerator!!!FACT!!!
Mr. Reece = Mysteries = The Riddler
you're trying too hard to fit in
nygma balls lmao gotem
>you're trying too hard to fit in
I have no interest in "fitting in"!!!FACT!!!
>So? TDKR's Robin isn't any one comic version of Robin. There is nothing to suggest that "Mr. Reese" is The Riddler.
>Robin's name does not need to be his actually name but the Riddler's one needs to be.
How fucking dense can one be?
get behind me SATAN
There is more than one Robin, retard. Claiming that Mr. Reese is supposed to be Riddler just because his name sounds like "mysteries," is moronic.