Most expensive TV show in history

Is it time to apologize to Amazon?

Also how BTFO will Netflix/Witcher be once this releases?

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Nice digits

After seeing the WoT cast I have no faith in anything Amazon-related. Not to mention that "prequel" is just a get-out-of-jail free card for writing whatever retarded shit they want.

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>some have speculated
so there is no proof they're giving it this obscene budget, also wtf is amazon thinking? WoT AND LotR? Do one or the other, and do it fucking right, we already know WoT is fucked but how long until we find out how terrible this will be?
>inb4 tolkein estate bullshit about not changing characters
I'm sure they'll find some way to poz this shit right up.

It's all going on English lessons for the African cast

Yeah can’t wait to see the Black Far Harad character who was really the hero of the Second Age and the strong LGBTQ female character who nearly brought Sauron to his knees. No thanks.

so Christopher Tolkien alright with this shit?

the witcher series will probably have ran it's 2-3 season standard netflix course and finiished/cancelled before this show even releases, has it even properly entered production yet?

>the most expensive TV show history is a fanfiction nobody asked for

>Is it time to apologize
fuck off

don't forget opening up the borders of Gondor for all the poor and oppressed Orcs

They sold the rights for like 500 mill. But under an agreement that they change the main plot points of the story. They are free to fill in the blanks in better though...

Money well burnt.

cry harder faggot

*they don’t change

>I'm sure they'll find some way to poz this shit right up.
Why do you think they're making """prequels""" completely unrelated to anything that has been written?

change the main plot points of what story? it's not LOTR, it's set in the second age in a period we have almost nothing written about, it's going to be 100% fanfic.

>cry harder faggot

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>Is it time to apologize to Amazon?
Not a fucking chance in hell because they're going to shove niggers in it.

>Amazon spends 1 billion on LOTR show
>Warner (HBO Max) spend 1.5 billion securing The Big Bang Theory and 2 and a half men for their streaming platform
>Netflix literally giving stand-ups 20 million for a one hour special
What the fuck are these streaming services endgame? Even if they get a bunch of subscriptions they surely couldn't make all their money back.

I meant don’t. But Idk like the Numenor stuff, making of the rings of power, the elves and Sauron’s relationship stuff I guess. But yeah there’s going to be a lot of fan fiction. They have a Tolkien scholar working on set as well

Fuck off heeb rat

>gets told to cry harder
>does it

absolute madman

>Tolkien scholar
You mean a wikifag.

Tom Shippey. So no, not a wikifag.

bummer, let the forced diversity begins.

Whenever they say shit like “We have a dedicated historian on set”, it’s all just PR.
I once read a blogpost by the guy who wrote the Percy Jackson books where he was talking about the first movie. He said that he saw the script, then wrote like 10 pages of revisions and comments to send back to the studio. They proceeded to ignore everything he said

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we wuz expensive n sheeit

didn't some African invader say something like that to a Swedish girl he was raping

it's not about money anymore it's about subversion

Fuck I fucked this post up hard.
Let me start again.
They sold the rights for 500 mill, they CANNOT change the main history of the story (Numenor, Sauron and Celebrimbor forging the rings of power,) they have a Tolkien scholar to oversee the production as a Tolkien estate representative, they can make new characters and stories within because obviously not much was written about the Second age.

glad i got to enjoy Tolkien's work years before they turned it into a pile of shit.

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>a wikifag
tom shippey was a consultant on the movie trilogy, he's been in tolkien documentaries and the bts stuff on the extended dvds, and there's plenty of him talking about tolkien at length on youtube. he's a college professor, and been a massive tolkien autist since before the internet existed.

>The Chad Melkor vs The Virgin Elflett


>In late 1969 or early 1970, Shippey wrote his first academic work on Tolkien. He then delivered a speech at a Tolkien day organised by a student association. This lecture, "Tolkien as philologist" became also influential for Shippey's view of Tolkien. Joy Hill, Tolkien's private secretary, was in the audience and afterwards she asked him for the script, for Tolkien to read. On 13 April 1970, Shippey received a seemingly formal letter from Tolkien.[3]

>The two, Shippey and Tolkien, first met in 1972. Shippey was invited for dinner by Norman Davis who had succeeded Tolkien at the Merton Chair of English Language. When he became a Fellow of St. John's College, Shippey taught Old and Middle English using Tolkien's syllabus.[3]

Definitely not a Wikifag that’s for damn sure, lel

>Netflix, Amazon, Warner Bros all in the Bilderburg group with Disney and have the same agenda

Why would I bother with it when the movies already exist?

This show will suck balls

it's not a remake of the movies.