is it true she got booed?
Last Christmas
Colton Jackson
Samuel Phillips
>autosages a thread because xhe dislikes it
>it stays up for another hour because Yea Forums is dead as fuck
Nicholas Green
I haven't found any proof for this despite what Yea Forums says
Noah Lewis
no that is a lie
James Reyes
certainly didn't happen in the recording
Gavin Hall
what's his endgame
Jack Cook
She didnt got booed, and the reason the show ended early was because she almost died as we all know
Asher Jones
She never should've been cast in the first place. I love Emilia but she's completely wrong for a character like Sarah Connor.
There is none. He's just bitter and butthurt.
Matthew Evans
I couldn't find a source on the show being cut short either
Jackson Perry
She is still mad that she didn't get Ex Machina