“I wish I dressed as fresh as Shia LaBeouf"

>“I wish I dressed as fresh as Shia LaBeouf"
Kanye West

How come he could pull of the transformation from nerd to Hipster-Chad so effortlessly, while Jonah Hill could not?

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Jonah is simply a mess with low self-esteem.

Shia is genuinely unhinged and insane so when he dresses like a homeless person, it seems real rather than his stylist dresses him.

With Shia it's authentic. Jonah probably spends hours browsing instagram to carefully construct his faggy outfits.

shia is a madman
jonah is just insecure

i wanna know where shia gets all his boots from

Dead American soldiers he assassinated in Iraq.

Both look like, and are indeed, total fucking fags

chad character actor vs the virgin one character actor

When was Shia a nerd? As a child? He's always had chad energy as an adult.

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Remember to work your traps, kids.

Those are just imitation WW2 combat boots. You can get them almost anywhere but finding quality ones that you can properly break in is probably impossible. you can find MUCH higher quality versions if you're willing to have heeled soles.

>Jonah is simply a mess with low self-esteem.
This, in every skinny pic he looks uncomfortable.

Dubs confirm.

Chad Deranged Shia vs Virgin Insecure Jonah

The secret is in the eyes. While in Shia I see pent up rage, a very chad trait even though he is a faggo, In Jonah all I see is absolute despair. The guy always looks like he is two inches from crying.

Also, it is fair to notice he only started to look like this after the froggocaust. The lady really destroyed him, mentally and spiritually.

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Heeled soles like, platform shoes? sorry im a brainlet

Jonah is fat even when he's skinny, its a mindset

They look pre-worn like those faggy jeans with holes. I like Shia but patina must come naturally. If not you are automatically hipster tryhard

It's the fat too. He looks better and happier when fat.

What does she say when people accuse her of nuking Jonah's mental health?

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>implying anyone cares

pretty accurate how do you get in a fight with the big guy on set and knock him out? Shia has some real anger problems

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watch even stevens the first season is chad shia but he has this weird nerdy period for a year or two before his Hollywood career took off

He should act in a serious drama.

>chad energy
are bugmen really saying this now

He should do psychoanalysis. He tries desperately to protect a very weak front. Nobody takes him seriously

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uh, thats Logan Marshall-Green & bro, not Tom Hardy.

Three seconds looking at Shia and you can tell he is a little crazy, and could lose his shit easily. That closeted aggression ready to explode is often confused with a Chad personality, no wonder women get rekt so much in a daily basis by aggressive partners: They don't really know how to tell the difference.

That's because Shia is generally good looking.

If you passed through your childhood an teenager years as the fat guy, you will be forever damaged. Even if you lose weight and get fit, there will still be something there undermining you in your mind.

I have seen many gym people who looked like straight 9's that for some reason I landed my eyes on them and thought "beta" and couldn't really grasp why. After some talk, I discovered that in 100% of times that happened, is because they grew up as fat people.

Is there a difference?

>Implying there is a difference

shia actually has a sense of fashion and is fairly handsome

What happened to the he will not divide us 4 year exhibit?

shia looks so tryhard with his twig legs and shitty boots and cartoon shirt
jonah just looks like a fat guy trying to lose weight

Why do his cheeks remain despite weight loss?

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Problem is he desperately wants to be a Chad. Like a handsome one blessed with great genes like Brad Pitt, or even Leo (he cleaned up real good in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to be fair). He can never be that being a not every handsome 5'6 guy, and that drives him up the wall and really makes him insecure. The insecurity prevents him from being happy with who he is and being some gregarious Chad in spirit everyone likes.

he did that netflix thing with emme frog that was pretty cool

Genes. It's not fat, just the way his bones are. He has semi full looking cheeks in Maniac pics I look at, and I think that's the thinest he's ever been.

He gave up after realizing he became a laughing stock after getting his flag stolen by /pol/ users a fuckton of times.

I don't know but what I do know is that Shia is just kino. Even his negative qualities are amazing
>they will not divide us autism

he wont cut the last of the body fat he did get skinny face for the first 21 jump movie

>That confidence
Jonah can't hold a candle to Shia. They're not even in the same sphere of conversation as far as I'm concerned.

Jonah Hill Feldstein is 5'5

I think you are right. His cheekbones are not prominent at all. He should have to cut to 12-13% bf to look angular at all

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God he looks gross like this. Sorry but stay fat J.

of course he looks gross, he is a jew.

He looks better fat. Many people do. /fit/ is wrong to push leaning down as a universal beauty redpill

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he's got that old lady turkey neck

Facial fat is the 2nd last fat to go. The last is lower belly. It's dependent on genetics though, and Jonah is blessed with strong anti-famine genes.

Can confirm
T. Insane and incelcure

They're Nike SFB

is that henry cavill in the background?

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>grow up strongfat mode
>don't give a fuck about any of that
feels good, if i'm being honest

I bet Jonah posts here.

daddy loves his bingo wings

But where does Shia post? /fit/? Yea Forums? Maybe Yea Forums?

Is that Ryan Gosling on the left??

>implying someone like shia has time for pathetic shit like that

They're lighter and more sneaker-like, made by Nike

They don't make them pre-worn, he literally just wore them everyday and did everything in them. It was "method acting" for that one role he was researching at the time or something

/pol/ kept finding the flag and trolling him

He unironically lifts, he's just a manlet and wears old skinny jeans and buys his shirts from thrift stores (at least then)

Shia is only like 3 inches taller

they both are

yeah i'm a skinny guy but sometimes i wish i could be fat, like brian wilson in the 70s
I don't think i would look good though

I don't think he's a pedo

>Yea Forums
lol no

What now frenchie?

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>believing that twink Shia could knock anyone out
Kek you’re a retard

and skips legday erry day

hes not actually acting there is he?
that thousand yard stare is just his normal expression now

shia has better genes

The fact he still walks around in public after the He Will Not Divide Us saga really shows his true character. He is not a fake, he has real confidence in himself. I don't agree with his politics, but I can respect Shia as a man for being so surefooted.

I dress similar to Shiain op's pic (I'm pretty much always wearing my old raggedy work boots) because I just dont give a fuck. I get accused of stealing a lot. Sometimes I'll completely ignore it and just walk out and sometimes I troll the shit out of them for the laughs.
>Sir. SIR!
It's always women too. Always. As if I was actually stealing there is anything they could do about it

You are very cool


because Shia actually seems like he tries in the gym and dresses how he wants, not like he thinks people want him to dress. He may be braindead and borderline psychotic, but you get a sense that he's being himself and that he's real. Jonah is as fake as they come and trying way too hard.

shia is a movie star
you evidently look like a homeless and/or junkie if you get profiled as much as you say you do

Yea. I do and I dont care

This, Gen 1 in Desert Tan. Never cared for the Nike myself, they're a decent office boot but they're shit for rucks. I prefer either my Rocky or my Garmont

>by /pol/
lmao, kys

That jawline.

By /pol/

Do people really care about these rich Jews? That's just pathetic

>t. incel who thinks he's a chad because he punches his walls when he fails his speedruns

Thanks for making it clear that i will never make it out of my insecurity problems.
What usually gives away are the eyes. When i look myself in pictures I always have eyes of someone who's obviously dead inside. People can tell, especially women.

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if you dress like that you should be ridiculed
