It Homophobic??

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>Pennywise torments and eats kids
>nobody gives a shit
>kill gays
>everyone loses their minds

I mean, you can look at it that way because Andre (I think that was his name) reacts to five hicks threatening to beat him up, by being suggestive and seductive. "Oh, just my hat? Anything ELSE you want me to take off, big guy?"

Yeah, that's why fags get beaten to death.

If a horror movie makes you feel uncomfortable then it has succeded as a movie.
>wah violent movie is violent!
These 'people' are unbelievable.

Why are so many people complaining that the villain of the film is doing bad stuff?

Faggots are mentally ill and deserve to be bashed. The Muslims who will soon make up the plurality in most of the West agree.

Can't wait for the construction cranes desu.

It's almost like gays are okay with torturing and eating kids

Only the heterosexual kids, it's the only way the gays can reproduce while mitigating the growth of the hetro population.

its in the book...

I'm gay and I can say for a fact it's not homophobic.
IT is a fucking serial killer clown of course he's going to kill people. Doesn't matter the sexuality.

It's time to cancel Pennywise.

He killed the faggot character in the movie? Spoil me please

For anyone that hasnt seen it, at the start of the movie theres 2 gay characters who get beat up to almost death by like 5 teenagers who hate gays. They throw the one that was being cherky back to them over a bridge into water and then pennywise kills him

because believe it or not gays and lgbt+ "allies" are fucking faggot babies about everything

Fucking poof cunts, harden the fuck up

It’s like we live in a society or something...

You mean, a few clickbait writers and almost no-one else.

tbf that guy was basically asking for it by mouthing off


Thermian argument.

The problem isn't the morality of the actions depicted, it's that the question "why was this included in the movie?" has very different answers, and arguably in the later case, problematic answers.


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why does he kill him? if he wasn't dead after hitting the water he could have saved him, I think thats what the advocate means

>why does he kill him?
Because he wanted to eat him.

Okay then, that's how it works. Now lets go over all the action movies and see how many of them only serves the purpose as porn for heterophobes. James Bond series is a doozy, wow how can they get away with it?


So pennywise is gay?

Men getting hurt in movies serve no purpose other than spreading misandry.

>"why was this included in the movie?"
Because just like children, homosexuals exist in real life and were there an evil clown running about, why would he not target the homosexual just as he targets the child?

>why would he not target the homosexual just as he targets the child?
It's the entire point really. A gay getting beat up is probably the only thing capable of being as scared as a kid. Makes perfect sense.

You can't read, it says right there that gays are familiar with violence and that the scene gives them Nam flashbacks, unlike kids who are fine.
I don't know how Jonathan Lee can read gay thoughts especially considering gays are different people with different experiences but he is absolutely right. All gays should hang.

>gays are familiar with violence and that the scene gives them Nam flashbacks,
Most gays in the West today have never been subjected to violence because of their sexual orientation, stop bullshiting.

Also, gays are also familiar with AIDS, do we have to censor films that show AIDS victims so that we don't hurt homo's feelings as well?

the way LGBT people rant about this is so fuck't up. Like i read somewhere that the scene was so incredibly triggering and that it could lead to people getting PTSD....

but you watched him literally eat like a 6 year old with no problem in the first movie? Add to that, that Stephen King wrote this scene to actually put focus on homophobia

>see jewtube shit of this
>fags shipping babadook and it
>they'faggot icon
So are they mentally ill or just plain evil like It?


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Did anyone else think the script was really bad

What was the point of this moment?

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Funny, I'm gay and it was textbook homophobia. Makes me believe you're just pretending to be gay for argumwnt's sake

To make my pp hard



That boy looks like he sucks dick

Where is this constant threat you speak of?

Degenerates have no moral compass - surprise surprise motherfuckers.

I knew coming into the movie that Richie was gay for Eddie, but I was blown away by this scene. The absolute madman Andy putting this weird shit in the film for no reason, fucking nice though

The black community

Just look at this thread
To be gay is to live on constant defense

wtf I love spooky clowns now?


Congrats user, now we know you're an imbecile.

I'm openly bisexual and have only ever received praise and support. Nobody cares about sexuality anymore outside of social media comments. Don't lie to yourself. People are more scared to criticize this agenda than you think.

>Stephen King wrote this scene to actually put focus on homophobia
This is why it is so transparent that they only care about being victims and outrage. He wrote the book in the 80's when gays REALLY had problems.

I'm gay and i didn't give a single fuck about that scene


>my experiences are universal
I wish I was still that naive and self-centered too

They are and I guarantee it has happened to the vast majority, minorities dont matter

It was just an example. Don't read too deep. I can't name a single time this year someone in a first world country was physically assaulted over their sexuality, aside from straights, of course. Rather than reading articles, you should check statistics.

>fucking IT

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Die of AIDS, dogs

Obviously to show why Richie became gay in the first place.

>the monster that eats children ate a gay child!!

How did they Quinton Tarrintino to help them make this film?

It was a grown man. Which states in the first movie that he has no qualms eating adults.

You've literally read zero data about this, are you fucking retarded?

A lot of these people project politically-correct paranoia onto minorities

IT is actually female, Pennywise is just one of many forms it takes on

Faggots are a protected class and cannot be harmed even in fictional situations.

Let me guess... is a parody, right? that was the excuse the last time.

It happens in the book though. Fucking retards.

Pennywise doesn't assault the gay couple, the hicks do. They do so because it shows how Pennywise affects Derry as a whole, turning them into hateful people (see: IT Chapter 1). The fact that the scene was unpleasant is the whole fucking point.
Is everyone in this thread dense?

I wonder if in 20 years we'll be the internet version of boomers who still watch mainstream media. Getting pissed off and mad at literally who's writing intentionally shitty clickbait articles.

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If something depicts LGBTQ+ in a hurtful manner then yes, it is -phobic. How is this even a fucking question?

Being disgusted with something is not a fear.

No one is afraid of faggots. They are disgusted.

To be fair, the novel had some pretty fun anti gay slurrs

Fan service

I think I'm already above it, and I'm not even a zoomer.

Gays are sacred to Liberal Humanism, kids are not.

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>porn for homophobes

isn't that just gay porn that they shamefully delete and purge their browser history immediately after they blow their wad?

Its a fucking horror movie, how else better are you going to make gay people scared if not by having a faggot die in a horrible way in the opening
It doesn't even make sense, it's not a fucking documentary

>arachnophobes secretly want to fuck spiders
Tiresome non-thinking

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Leftism is a religion. Anything that goes against leftism is a sin. Including movies.

Well, seeing how women who hate white men secretly all want to fuck white, I can see his reasoning, however flawed it may be

>the film opens with a scene straight from Stephen King’s original novel,
>Trump’s America strikes again!

is this a satirical website or not

>dont include gays
omg where is my representation
>include gays
omg how dare imply gays are mortal or have flaws by showing one get killed
>include gay fantasy where noone dies
omg how dare you portray gays in such a stereotypical way we're real humans like everyone else

fuck off

also, where to meet bi grills
asking for a friend

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perhaps it serves as horror

>evil character says or does something bad
>here's 1000 words and a clickbait title why that one specific deed is NOT ok in current year

post the explanation pls

So when someone kills a gay character it's homophobic.
But when someone makes a straight character gay it isnt an agenda?

Are there dozens of high profile arachnophobes who are outed as fucking spiders every year?

i wouldnt be surprised, spiders are qt

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Because you cant give bad guys a platform ever. Not even in fictional movies

>What do you mean it's weird?

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>reading books
Shut up grandpa

>Thermian argument.
Fuck off with this fallacious bullshit.

You can tell it's bullshit because it goes like this:
>you know that gut feeling that you have about X?
>well it's actually wrong
>Read these 5000 pages on why you're wrong
>when you're ready to agree with me you get to have a say again

>go out to get drunk alone last weekend
>random group of normies invites me to drink with them
>gay guy calls me gorgeous and asks for my number
>decline politely and continue drinking
why is it never grills that hit on me fuck. it's always faggots mirin my /fit/ gains


>It’s not right, I say, all these public orgies with animals and toddlers, that ain’t how it’s suplosed to be. Sure we had sex, but it was done in private and you had to at least have started puberty. Not like today.
>Daaaad! I’m sorry ma’ams, he’s from another time. Your wife looks amazing in that diaper.

wew. fast&furious really traumatized me because i was in two car accidents

>we demand gays in the movie for no purpose

>/fit/ gains

So you are a faggot

Just come out of the closet already

tell me why 99% of movies depict sex scenes even though they serve no purpose

Same as anything else, it's for the normies.

She's got a point. I unironically enjoyed the opening scene. And that's good enough.

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>movie starts
>flamboyant fairy faggot in a pink shirt leans into a little girl and whispers into her ear
>hope he gets killed in a horrifying way
>he gets killed in a horrifying way
The rest of the movie was shit but I liked the opening.

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>Porn for Homophobes
Wouldn't that just be straight porn?