Just started this show

what am i in for?

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Bads will be broken.

N O · M O R E · H A L F · M E A S U R E S · B E T T E R · C A L L · S A U L · W I P E · D O W N · T H I S · S T A Y · O U T · O F · M Y · T E R R I T O R Y · I · A M · T H E · D A N G E R · I · A M · T H E · O N E · W H O · K N O C K S · Y E A H · B I T C H · Y E A H · S C I E N C E · I · A M · I N · T H E · E M P I R E · B U S I N E S S · S A Y · M Y · N A M E · B O O Y A ! · H A V E · A N · A 1 · D A Y · J E S S E ! · A · C R I P P L E D · L I T T L E · R A T A · I · W O N · L E T · U S · C O O K · M I S T E R · W H I T E · I · W A T C H E D · J A N E · D I E · R E S T R A I N · T H I S · W A N T · T O · C O O K ? · T H E Y · A R E · M I N E R A L S · M A R I E · N O T H I N G · S T O P S · T H I S · T R A I N · D O · I · L O O K · L I K E · A · S K A T E R ? · W H E R E · I S · B R E A K F A S T ? · I · F U C K E D · T E D · F R A N C H · C O W H O U S E · W E · A R E · D O N E · W H E N · I · S A Y · T H A T · W E · A R E · D O N E

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A masterclass of cinematography, screenwriting, and acting, as well as an astonishing level of attention to detail.
That being said, I think Better Call Saul is superior. But you're gonna watch them both anyway. Enjoy OP.

A hell of a ride. It’s one of the most well written shows of all time(probably second best next to The Sopranos). You will most likely love Walt and then begin to hate him and root for his demise, while also rooting for Jesse.

probably won't live up to the hype because it's been copied to death since

You'll be saying to yourself Bravo Vince at the end of every episode.

maybe the best first season of any tv show ever followed by a steady decline indicative of the writers having no fucking long-term plan.

Except the Fly episode. Still hate that thing.

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s2 was also comfy mostly because of jesse and jane. Then it became very ridiculous

jane was the worst part of the series

fuck you

Yeah, I loved watching Walt doing what he did. Fucking junkie cunt.

i love how people prop this up as some great piece of art when the only reason they did it was because it aired the same time as the lost finale and they knew no one would be watching.

I picked up the blu ray this week and started rewatching it for the first time since it aired, it's just as great as I remember

It's fun to watch and well acted but every plot and subplot is hecking asinine. Only basics think this show is great.

It's not horrible. There are a lot of great moments in there. It just didn't need to be a whole fucking episode of... that. The critics who claim it's the best Breaking Bad episode is emperor's new clothes tier.


Also, depending on how smart you are, you may end up loving walter white and wishing you were him. If you do this, realize you are a fucking retard.

Never forget that Hank was the best person on this show.

Best scene in the show


I liked jane, seemed like the only time Jesse was actually happy in the entire show, before they started doing heroin anyway, but that was hardly her fault.

“My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself.”
One of the best lines ever.

the eternal hatred of women

2nd viewing you will realise skylar was in the right all along

>t. woman

you know what she did

I mean, it's obvious from the first viewing. Walt had the option of having Gretchen and Elliot pay for his treatment, and if he died, they certainly would have taken care of his family. All he has to do is take their money, and the show's over.
But he's a very little man and he had to have it his way. Walter is the villain of the story and it should be abundantly clear from the get-go.

It is. But you don’t “hate” him at first, that comes later. Later on you truly see how selfish and deranged he is. Anyone that roots for Walter is a retard.

She smoked while pregnant.

Yeah. The only person you really feel you can root for is Hank.

the show builds you up to cheer for walt though so you hate anyone who stands in his way. i wanted him to heem jesse and hank at the end on first viewing too

judgemental bitch who's also a klepto
cheating naggy bitch
junkie, enabler, blackmailer
neurotic murder crazy cunt

I can't think of a single likeable female character, except the hispanic chick jessie hooked up with, but even she was a junkie.

>the show builds you up to cheer for walt
Literally the opposite.

By far the best character in the series. A funny guy that was a dick, but the only actual good person.

>living on welfare from successful acquaintances
rather die from cancer tb.h

That money was rightfully his. They even said as much. He wasn't just some charity case. Walter was simply too macho to accept it, and so rather would become a drug kingpin.
Mike is also very likable, albeit still a criminal. Better Call Saul in particular helped make Mike one of my favorite characters ever.

Walter was a small weak man in his life. He claims he did everything for his family, but he didn’t. It started off that way at first, he had that intention. But then he got the taste of power(which he never had since getting fucked by Gretchen and Elliot), and then the greed. He did everything for himself, ultimately.

>Mike is also very likable

It genuinely has good dialogue between Walt and Jessie. His whole "perfect moment to die" monologue was really good.

Yep exactly. He even admits as much to Skylar near the end.
>I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it
Tells you everything you need to know about the character.

Sorry if you're still here OP, you're getting some spoilers.

Are you fucking shitting me that lost was still on while BB was airing? Shit

Jane is way better looking but I wanted to fuck lydia do bad. Don't know why.

Walter was a piece of shit. Like I said, the only good genuine person on that show was Hank. He stayed true to himself from the start until the end

Jesse is a good person who had terrible influences

Ohh fucking bullshit. You can sympathize with Walter even in that moment. You cant hate a man for being prideful and not wanting to accept handouts.. And then later on when you realize why he has so much built up resentment towards their success it makes even more sense.


Doesn’t matter, he still did shitty things. Hank’s moral compass was always intact. I rooted for Jesse over Walt, yes....but my point still stands

Yup, no arguments. I'm on my first rewatch, just finished the Fly episode. It pisses me off how all the miserable shit that comes Hank's way is directly the fault of Walter's actions. Walter is a human cancer (no pun intended) that destroys everything that crosses his path. Everyone he encounters is worse off for it.
>And then later on when you realize why he has so much built up resentment towards their success it makes even more sense.
Oh? All the information me have about his break from Grey Matter is the conversation at lunch between Walt and Gretchen. They have different sides of story. Gretchen's account is more detailed, and she seems like a forthright person. Walter's account is vague and laden with anger, and since he's a pathological liar I'm inclined to believe Gretchen anyways.
Walter is a piece of shit, the end.

Anyone remember the BB imdb forums? So many people on them were rabid unironic Walt defenders who hated everyone who got in his way, because he was always 'trying to do the right thing'.

Second viewing really drives home how good of a guy Hank was, and I felt more for his ending and Gomie's ending than any other characters.

So resentment is a valid reason to turn into a piece of shit, destroy everything around you(including your family)? Yeah, ok.

This is why women shouldnt be allowed to watch or discuss kinos

>directed by Rian Johnson

I think a lot of people confuse "protagonist" with "hero." Same thing with Tony Soprano.

Hank was racially abusive to Gomie

acting and cinematography was bad

In the end he is a piece of shit sure. But at the beginning he cant really be faulted, which is why so many people found themselves cheering for him. And yeah there are two sides to the story. But it boils down to him leaving gretchen because he felt inferior to her families wealth. And then sells his share in the company for peanuts. Yes its his fault, never claimed it wasnt. All I said is you can understand why he feels resentment towards their success and doesnt want their handouts. Or anyones for that matter.

It was banter, bro

>but that was hardly her fault.

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m8, Walt told Skylar that to relieve her of her guilt, he was too far gone to actually believe it

Based Hank, fuck beaners

That isnt until way later on. Early on he was doing it with good intentions. And was actually destroying nothing.

if it was black and white and in the 70s or before then the fly gimmick would've worked. show is too photorealistic to have that sort of performance.

I mean, Walter also kills people but your point stands too.

This. Ozymandias rocked me more than any episode of any show, just because of how bad I felt for Hank and Gomie. Hank finally had his moment, the moment he had been chasing the entire series....and it’s ruined by none other than Walt.

Over acting and cringe dialogue. This show is only good for a first watch. It's highly forgettable.

Directed by franchise killer Rian.

>But at the beginning he cant really be faulted
All he had to do was accept the money and the show was over. Considering the alternative in his mind is to become a DRUG KINGPIN I would say that Walter was at fault as soon as the show becomes.
>But it boils down to him leaving gretchen because he felt inferior to her families wealth. And then sells his share in the company for peanuts. Yes its his fault, never claimed it wasnt. All I said is you can understand why he feels resentment towards their success and doesnt want their handouts. Or anyones for that matter.
This all boils down to Walter being a small, insecure, macho man, who puts his ego before the well being of those around him. How can you say he isn't at fault then detail his greatest fault? Everything nasty that comes Walter's way (except the cancer, I suppose) is HIS fault. Why would I have any sympathy for this character? He's entertaining as all hell but there is no doubt in my mind how deeply flawed and immoral he is.

thank you. it's so weird that we are in the minority in this.

Its amazing how there is a BB thread on Yea Forums where the show is mostly getting praise. Typically these threads are filled with retarded contrarians shitting on the show.

If by villain you mean antagonist, then you're completely wrong.

nigga literally put on a fedora (if you correct me on the hat type, have sex)

Yeah, exact same situation with Tony Soprano on the IMDB forums. Was hilarious and a little frightening to watch those people contort their moral compasses on anything to support Walt and Tony.

Your brain problems aren't a criticism

he also directed that one episode where walt has a cringy mid life crisis to the tune of dubstep

You are. Give me shows that you think are SO much better. I know, The Sopranos is a given, but what else?

By villain I mean villain you fucking moron. He's the villain and he's the protagonist. Why did you even bother posting this?

All Skyler ever did was have an affair while her murdering druglord husband was putting their kid's safety in constant jeapordy.

Never said he was moral or perfect. I said you cant really say the guy is wrong or evil/bad for being prideful and unwilling to accept handouts. You are praising Hanks character when he is just as prideful as Walter

breaking bad was cringey and didn't hold up even 5 years after it came out. weeds was much better.

The ending to Tohajilee is some of the tensest shit on tv

Try watching another show.

What kind of tranny can't identify hats?


So at what point was Walter too far gone? I think it was when he killed Gus.


>I said you cant really say the guy is wrong or evil/bad for being prideful and unwilling to accept handouts
Yes I can when his pride ends up destroying everyone and everything in his path.
>You are praising Hanks character when he is just as prideful as Walter
a) Hank didn't destroy everything and everyone in his path
b) Are you trying to tell me that Hank would become a drug kingpin before accepting charity? Don't be obtuse.

...and she also knowingly went along with his shit and never spoke up. She was just as guilty as him. Hank>everyone

Letting Jane die.

what type of hat was it then, virgin?

Found the angry manchild.

Blowing up Tuco's hideout . He enjoyed it way too much.

you seem dumb

>never spoke up
Did you watch the fucking show? She went apeshit when she found out but Walter is a sociopath and basically trapped her. That's how abuse happens user, why do you think she tried to fucking kill herself?

Deadwood, the wire and Boardwalk

A you'll never pass, tranny

His pride didnt do ANY of that shit early on. Yes later seasons he is definitely gone. But that's because of his greed and lust for power. And sure you could say those things were brought on because of how prideful he is. But when he turns down the charity he isnt destroying his family or anything and his intentions in that moment were good.

As yes Hank would turn down charity. That was the whole reason they kept it a secret on how his PT was getting paid for. Beyond that Hanks pride definitely led to some destructive behavior, but sure not as much as Walts.

rent free.

>that’s how abuse works
Mentally weak women. Fucking typical.

Ok mgtow, thanks for the input as usual.

>the wire

Also at what point was Walters situation hopeless and he was doomed to go down? Was it really just being unlucky that Hank took a shit and found the book? Or was it something before that?

My point still stands, Hank was a better person than her.

these posts read like they are written by a woman or a tranny

Smarter than you.

actually, yes :)

OP here. Well guess I dont need to watch the show anymore. Thanks fucking faggots

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And this. S3 is shit. S4 and 5 are okay

shut up bitch

The Wire is literature. Breaking Bad is just a comic book.

>His pride didnt do ANY of that shit early on. Yes later seasons he is definitely gone. But that's because of his greed and lust for power. And sure you could say those things were brought on because of how prideful he is. But when he turns down the charity he isnt destroying his family or anything and his intentions in that moment were good.
We're arguing in circles now. I'll leave this one to lay.
>As yes Hank would turn down charity. That was the whole reason they kept it a secret on how his PT was getting paid for. Beyond that Hanks pride definitely led to some destructive behavior, but sure not as much as Walts.
The reason they kept it secret was mainly because the story they concocted about where the money came from was very shady and possibly illegal, and Hank is a law enforcement officer. Obviously he wouldn't be okay with it.

>tranny tranny tranny
Why can't we have a real discussion? Skyler's character was researched by couple psychologists specialized in abuse. She's a literal abuse victim trapped by Walt's actions.

Yes you do. You still have no idea until you actually watch it

Dilation pain getting to you?

you seem gay to

I mean, what did you expect? 100 posts of people saying
>watch it it's good
>don't watch it it's bad
Obviously people are going to discuss the show. Idiot.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Literally rent free.

idk what that is you gay retard

You seem like you're in high school.

You have to go back.

When he surpasses his goal he had calculated out at the beginning. Thats when you know its all about him for sure.

Hank was even willing to let Jesse die at the end if it meant Walt would be caught. Skyler is the only person you should root for.

>what am i in for?

the wire was full of comic book shit, Omar "nothin personnel, nigga" Little immediately comes to mind, every scene with him is concentrated reddit.

Extremely slow burn. The whole series could have been 3 seasons but they stretch it to 5 with artsy fartsy cinematography between scenes and Skylar bitching for 4/5ths of the show. It's good, though. But not as 'OMG!!' as people make it out to be

Fucking kys if you think Skyler was better than Hank. He was the best boy.

Definitely killing Gus. After that he got WAY too fucking full of himself and thought he was just smarter than everyone and could do everything himself. Honestly I think if Walt would have just fucking chilled out he could have continued working with Gus for as long as he liked. They had the perfect set up, but Walt got paranoid and started overreacting to literally everyrhing.

Pretty much. If i remember correctly at this point he was completely out of the business so he would have been scot free without this incident. Although ig Jesse figuring everything out was still a possibility?

you seem like a writhing worm

Wow, One character versus Reddit: The Show

You just got btfo bro

just tell me what hat it was, i just want to know now

>he hasn't heard that BrBa is reddit yet

You sound upset. Hank has violent tendencies and nearly murdered Jesse and broke into his home.

>he could have continued working with Gus for as long as he liked
You can't retire from the mafia, my dude. You become loose end waiting to be tied up.
Consider the German workers that made the lab in Better Call Saul

literally kill yourself. this is one of the few shows that actually ends in a graceful timeframe rather than dragging on

It was Jesse that fucked up the Gus situation. Hank beat him up so Jesse was going to press charges and Walt had to bring him into the operation to make him chill. Then Jesse tried to kill those gangbangers so Walt saved him, and after that Gus hated him.

It's good but it's not the best show ever.
That would be Spartacus Season 1

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A pork pie hat

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>i love how people prop this up as some great piece of art when the only reason they did it was because it aired the same time as the lost finale and they knew no one would be watching.

name a worse show
I dare you


So the fuck what? He beat a scumbag, oh no!!

Isn't that the one that's full of fags and the worst greenscreen backgrounds ever shown on TV?

>name a worse show
mike and molly
two broke girls
man with a plan

Skip all of the women scenes and you'll be fine

>skipping gothfu

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Actually havent watched Better Call Saul for some reason. But Gus seemed like he was fine with letting Walt live. I mean the original deal was for 3 months. Do you think Gus was actually gonna kill him after that? Gus didnt seem like the type to kill unless he absolutely needed to or if he was personally wronged.

Yeah I guess it was Jesse. I still feel like Gus didnt actually plan on killing him, at least from what I remember. The whole "Gus wants to kill me" was always just Walter going on about it. Like he was paranoid.

It wasn't she was sober and Jesse got her back int drugs.

the last episode of the series was so reddit that it created a reddit singularity, making it infinitely more reddit than BB

>gets jesse hooked on heroin
Shit tier waifu

just watch her on eric andre instead

Gus was about to kill Walt and have Gale replace him, that's why he had Jesse kill Gale

Jesse seems happy when he gets with the spanish chick and her son. Also in the last season for a little period jesse seems pretty happy. Like before they murder the kid i think. He even gets Walt a nice watch for his bday

>t. Redditor

>But Gus seemed like he was fine with letting Walt live
Gus is a textbook psychopath. He doesn't offer a retirement plan. That's how organized crime works. You can *semi-retire*, as in be a lieutenant and show up to pick up an envelope or run an errand here or there, still be somewhat involved in the organization. But you can't retire from the mafia. It just doesn't work like that.
>Do you think Gus was actually gonna kill him after that?
Absolutely, yes.
>Actually havent watched Better Call Saul for some reason
Do so. I honestly believe it's the better of the two shows, and it will provide some insight into Gus' character. He allows for 0 margin for error.

OP must be super pissed off right now hahahah. OP get out!!

face it the wire was garbage after season 3 whereas BB remained at least watchable throughout.

Jesse wasn't doing any crime at the point of that, Hank went above the law and committed assault and battery.

So we’ll just excuse every other shitty thing he did? Ok, got it. And I never said Hank was perfect, I said he was the most moral person, and he was.

He broke into someone's home and nearly killed Jesse...

its actually just battery

Imagine if he would have. And then had to cover it up. Would’ve been awesome. Face it, Walt and Jesse were both shitheads. End of story. Sure, rooting for Jesse over Walt was easy, but that doesn’t mean that Jesse wasn’t a shithead.

That's why the only morally consistent one is Skyler.

She was right, all the way up until she involved her dumbfuck self in the meth business. She's still a hell of a lot better person than Walt but Walt's a pathetic petty little scumsucker from the first time we see him so that's not saying much.

Jesse was just a loser, a kid with no prospects who became a small time drug dealer and got blackmailed into being Walt's accomplice, he never wanted to hurt anybody and definitely didn't deserve what he was put through by Walt and Hank.

comfy desu

>i wanted him to heem jesse and hank at the end on first viewing too
what the fuck is wrong with you dude

>drug dealer
>he never wanted to hurt anybody
does not compute

Skylar was lost when she put the cigarette in her mouth

You’re a retard.

based /our coalburner/

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Drug dealers aren't any more responsible for harming people than companies that make alcohol or tobacco. Nobody is forcing druggies to buy from them or use their products to excess.

Great argument. You sound pretty upset.

he was putting chili powder in his meth. clearly he wanted to watch the world burn

You are a literal retard if you think being a scumbag drug dealer is equal to committing battery once.

Not upset, I just don’t like people that don’t use their brains and have no rational thought.

>Beating someone half to death is better than selling a product, if you disagree ur dumb
I don't even know how to respond to that. Are you a nigger or something?

Imagine siding with a drug dealer, who is also a murderer.

He wasn't a murderer when he was attacked by Hank.

That's not what we were discussing, I'll take it from your moving of the goalposts that you've conceded the point, thanks for playing

So upset? Ok

I’m talking about overall in the show, not certain seasons or episodes. Overall, Hank>Jesse. But according to some of you, it’s Skyler>Jesse>Hank. Laughable.

>look mom, I posted it again!
>no one would be watching so that's why they wrote filmed acted and edited an entirely new episode instead of just putting on a rerun

another pleb filtered

Jesse crying

That's just a cop out from the writers akin to Light being retarded with the Death Note at the very beginning bc the writer needed him to be chased by L

Also is Walt really a villain if his actions resulted in the deaths of all the other drug dealers and hitmen? Also Walt Jr ends up a millionaire because of him so there's that

Why do people forget he poisoned a kid?
>inb4 he knew the correct amount

>Oh no, he wasn't completely morally bankrupt like muh badass bald genius. How could I self-insert as someone who sheds a tear?

Watching her die was truly a pleasure. God i hated that bitch almost as much as skylar.

The fags dont show up until the later seasons but you can literally skip their every scene and miss absolutely nothing.

Anyway, it has some unbelievably sexy women so youd have to be a fag not to like it.

>only good genuine person on that show was Hank. He stayed true to himself from the start until the end

>fight pointless drug wars that enable vicious cartels
>smoke Cuban cigars
>belittle his nerdy brother in law on his birthday

You could argue that Walt became true to himself by the end of the show. Fulfilled a dream of being a drug kingpin and secretly left millions for his family.

Like that was any worse than letting him stay with his crazy ass mom and turn into a murdering gangster like the rest of his family

Skylar engaged in fraud for Ted, then gave him her husband's drug money to try to fix it

She also inserted herself into the money laundering scheme instead of letting the expert (Saul) handle it

>murdering druglord husband

So when Walt's a drug lord that's bad but when other drug lords get "murdered" by him that's also bad?

>good person


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>so when Walt's a drug lord that's bad but when other drug lords get "murdered" by him that's also bad?
Yes...? Both are bad? You are talking to two different anons, sweetie.

>a) Hank didn't destroy everything and everyone in his path
You have a point about the charity, but Walt did Hank's job better than Hank. Walt took down Emilio, Crazy 8, those two drug dealers who use kids as hitmen/dealers and who killed a kid, Gus, one of Gus's assistants, Hector, Mike, the Neo Nazis, and Lydia. Hank took down Tuco. Jesse took down Gail and Meth Damon.

Add to that, Hank arrested the Latino school custodian for having some weed in his car.

Nazi or Tranny?

>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny


seriously this show fucking sucks and I don't know anyone who was a fan who doesn't look back and cringe

Lefshit. I know


this mfer unironically likes cops

do you suck off janitors while they're cleaning toilets to show your appreciation for their service? lmao

lol bootlicker

>Only of the few person with good morals on the show
All lefties deserve to be hanged.

Hank and Walt aren't that different. They both have a violent drive to power. It's just that Hank's is validated by the state.

What Hank did to Jesse is unforgivable. Hank's a bastard.

Jessie was a drug addict and a drug dealer. If I were Hank I would have unloaded my magazine at him. Call me fascist scum


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>Better Call Saul is superior
this is simply not true

>single likeable female character

his life is shit. he's constantly being belittled by the people that surround him. he's hardly the villain. we root for him because he's the underdog

>That being said, I think Better Call Saul is superior. But you're gonna watch them both anyway. Enjoy OP.
Bcs is boring dogshit post s3 and nothing much happens

Hank and Marie are the biggest bunch of hypocrites in the show.

the best seasons of BCS are actually 3&4 but your assessment of nothing much happening is true. It's also written quite poorly.

Hank? How?

>the best seasons of BCS are actually 3&4 but your assessment of nothing much happening is true. It's also written quite poorly.
Kek yeah what a fucking waste
So how bad is the breaking bad movie gonna be

it's okay, not great, not bad either
highly forgettable show

mainly because he treats drug users and people in general like shit and him and his department celebrate killing these druglords like a sport. He keeps these souvenirs and photos of the people he's killed like trophies. he has no interest in helping people who are badly affected by drug consumption but just enjoys destroying their lives out of spite. he's living out his power fantasy but it's okay because he's on the "right" side. After he gets a big pay check he goes home and smokes cuban cigars bought and trafficked illegally and then goes on to illegally brews his own beer in his own house.

It's a good show. Walt is the best character man. Jesse is the sidekick and is ok but reminds you of skyler at times.

>remembers it well enough years later to pass judgement

I honestly have no idea. It could be great or terrible, my guess is just painfully average.

nah just watched it last night x

>I watched all 62 hours in one night
no you didn't

Homebrew beer is not illegal and he was so disgusted with the trophy of Tuco (that his co-workers gave him) he threw it in a river

He wasnt disgusted, he was shook

Semantics, my point stands

I'm giving it a rewatch and it's not aged very gracefully. You can feel a lot of the TV-show structure from similar older shows like Prison Break or Dexter.

But it's also not bad. The direction is pretty good and it looks great.
It's not nearly as good as BCS, though. But that's just Gilligan growing as a director and that the medium is allowing more artistic freedom these days.

Overall 7/10. It's alright.

yes my bad. homebrewing was though once illegal and meth, as Hank says used to be sold in pharmacies. I would say alcohol has ruined more people's lives even though its effects are less drastic than meth. Also
>Hank laughs and mocks Combos death
>Takes photo smiling when Tuco's subordinate is found dead and bled out in the junk yard

That’s an odd way of spelling Isaac.

Regardless that it was once illegal you can't use that as an example of somebody's negative traits. I'll admit taking pictures with corpses for fun is a bit too far but it doesn't make him a hypocrite. Marie 100% though

You can't say Hank is a unsympathetic person because he likes beer.

pleb status: filtered

no that's not the point I'm making. Alcohol can be an extremely addictive substance that can ruin lives - just the exact same as Meth. Just because one is lawful and one isnt doesn't make it better or worse than the other. (Yes, they exist on a different scale, they are the same in principle).

Didn't she put her baby daughters health in jeapordy by smoking while pregnant?

>meth, as Hank says used to be sold in pharmacies
meth is still sold w/ prescription

>I would say alcohol has ruined more people's lives even though its effects are less drastic than meth
i wouldn't say they are less drastic, just different
you don't have to smoke meth, it just provides the most intense effect (like most drugs)
alcohol is more toxic overall

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why are you calling him Hank when it Issac Goldbergsteinman

What a joke of an opinion, kys


Does anyone else find some of Breaking Bad a bit tedious? First, fourth, and fifth seasons are great, but there's a period in season 2-3 where nothing is developed and it gets boring.

Fucking faggots itt.
Badger was the best character.

he didnt deserve to die the way he did

season 3 is probably my personal favourite

rather die and have my dignity than get some cunts who cheated me to pay for my treatment

Good stuff, but not that quite good on a rewatch because getting surprised by twists and scenes sis a big part of it. After season 4, things go downhill somewhat


Spielbergian ending, no real balls.

Speaking of which I always had this fantasy that the baseball bat beating scene in Casino was in this show and it was Walter seeing his son and wife beaten to death with bats, then they bury his baby with their corpses and he begs "my baby's still breathing, please!" then they chain him up and make him cook meth, but he gets revenge and kills everyone including Jesse and survives cancer. He wins everything while simultaneously losing it all, he becomes Heisenberg, cut to a year later and he is forever stoic in sunglasses ruling over his business.

Just been thinking of that for years had to drop it somewhere. The ending we got is gay as fuck.

The producers also said he bailed on Gretchen when she brought him to meet the family and he got scared because they were so much more sucessful than he was.

Replying to my own post, I also thought a good death for Jesse would have him and Walter chained up in the same meth lab but their chains keep them just out of reach. They spend weeks cooking and being paranoid eyeing each other, the second Jesse finally warms a bit back to Walt they plan an escape to burn their chains with some chemicals, Walter burns his chains then tosses them on Jesse and watches him burn, but he only burns halfway to death and is cooked in agony while Walter laughs at him.

Nothing interesting ever happens in shows.

Andrea is superior. Has her shit under control, is awesome mom, hot and Brock is adorbs

If the Salamancas hadn't started shit, I think Gus would have been fine letting Walt work until he got too sick to do so or died on his own. 12 million payout to Walt is certainly enough to kill Walt to avoid paying, but I think Gus is smart enough to just pay and then make even more cash with Gale/Jesse.

it was so obvious they were offering just to assuage their own guilt and not out of the goodness of their heart

Bcs is nowhere near as good why do u faggots keep saying that
I've watched both and bcs is just dull and boring most of the time not for lack of action but it's just dull writing ooh mike stands around looking and yammering for 5 minutes so interesting

Better end would have all of the last episode be Walt being delusional as he dies in the Granite State cabin. The end of the show has The Extractor ccome in and then get a barrel and acid. Walt goes in barrel, gets dissolved and buried in the wilderness. He meets the same end as that kid in Dead Freight.
Extractor for best character and smartest(I catch you gone from the house, I am fucking off)

I like that too. I thought Walter seeing the end of the road at the cabin and being too weak to make it the short walk was pretty brilliant and even made me think about what it will be like if you live long enough to die from being sick.

That'd be a solid ending, but I think his family should have been killed. It would have been good if his wife killed herself, not cause I hate the characters I just think the show needed a truly grim ending.

Skyler killing herself? Eh.. No special hate for her but having Holly go to foster care would be fine **Shrug*

>alcohol is more toxic than meth
What the fuck am i reading?

You think? Upon rewatching the show it seems like it moves surprisingly fast. Maybe its just because these days i am used to television shows going way beyond 5 seasons.

Oh come on user. Just because I drink a few beers here and there doesnt mean I cant see someone strung out on fucking meth in a negative light.

Jesse was the saddest character. Seemed like all he really wanted throughout the show was for someone to truly like him and to have meaningful relationships with people. But all he gets instead is belittled, manipulated, or beaten by literally everyone around him, even those he at times seemed like he was trying to befriend (Walt). And anytime he did form a meaningful relationship they always ended up dead. I mean sure you could say he was friends with Combo, Skinny Pete, and the other guy (cant remember his name) but it always seemed like they were mostly just using Jesse and he seemed somewhat aware of that fact.

>other guy

Sopranos ending was better

>Tony is murdered in front of his family
>All his friends are dead / don't want anything to do with him
>His kids/wifes futures are ruined
>Mob continues to destroy lives without him
>Melfi gave up on him

I bring it up because the shows are similar with them both being crime bosses and the ending with them dying. Money doesn't solve everything though unlike BB

Attached: OOOH.png (1280x720, 440K)

Both of your endings are much worse than what we got desu.

Idk BBs ending wasnt happy whatsoever. Almost all the main characters are miserable in the end. and sure you could say "well Jr. is gonna be a millionaire!" But thats assuming Gretchen and Elliot actually give him any money. And even if he does it doesnt change the fact that he still has to live with the shame his father brought upon him and the rest of his family.

>choked a quads post
and yet another pleb filtered

You're bad.

Reddit: The show

Sell me on this show, Yea Forums. Am I supposed to believe a fifty something white dude is just going to up and, I don't know, break bad?

>inb4 he knew the correct amount
And he knew Jesse would know what had happened to Brock because he had Jesse's lucky cigarette stolen from him by Huell.

I asked this in another thread but it 404'd since. What was the Fly about? I have my theories but I want to see what the general consensus is.

>then begin to hate him and root for his demise

What does breaking bad even mean?

he said isaac dumbass it was his real name

You're a retard.

>animefags comparing a character who's motivations are virtually the same from the first episode until the last to a character who's motivations evolve over time

Light's entire character is he's bored but also wants to rid the world of injustice, yet the need to clean the world is disrupted by his sheer boredom. His motivations aren't a copout because the writers aren't there to write multi-faceted characters, just super geniuses who are more concerned with mechanics of a game than their own introspection.

Compare that to Walter's flashbacks with Gretchen and Skyler, both showing him in a much more confident light to his current state. He had big ambitions, and it says a lot when he wanted three children with Skyler but Walter Jr slowed down his life and led him to the point where he had to settle for mediocrity. Its literally spelled out to you here: youtube.com/watch?v=yNh3N3r48-0.
>is Walt really a villain if his actions resulted in the deaths of all the other drug dealers and hitmen?
not even once

this show saw a massive increase in meth use in america.
almost every retard with a double digit IQ tried cooking up meth and selling it bc of the show
tons of arrests resulted bc of it.

>life imitates art

Am I a pleb for only being able to enjoy movie with either
>likeable protagonists
>protagonists with a justifiable cause
>justice prevailing in the end?
I've watched and enjoyed Breaking Bad but I don't feel like continuing after Walter turned into a raging asshole
I also can't enjoy Always Sunny In Philadelphia for the same reason

Lol she didn't actually try to kill herself she's just playing every card she could to get rid of Walter and the whole situation. Skylar is just as manipulative and petty as Walt

walter die in the end xD


>Its a Mike scene
How do you react?
For me i know i'm in for some pure kino

Attached: BB-S3-Jonathan-Banks-560.jpg (560x330, 16K)


Attached: 1564733768420.jpg (1280x904, 627K)

Refute with anything other than "nuthin happens lmao"

Yeah, Breaking Bad seems right up your alley
>I-it's not cuz of lack of explosions

Attached: 1568866384551.png (399x392, 57K)

Why was Walt so fucking bad at lying? And why does he keep doing it when it is never working?

Attached: 1565722069435.png (483x470, 184K)

Skyler smoked while pregnant with Holly and Walt Jr's CP also indicates that she smoked when she was pregnant with him too. She's a giant piece of shit

Even if you remove all explosions and violence from breaking bad you would get a better series than bcs

He gets a little better at it in the later seasons.

You'd still have a power fantasy

as expected from a frogposter

You sound level headed

>I would literally murder someone for selling drugs

She had one fucking cigarette while pregnant, is this a meme?

you missed
>and your eyebrows

Alcohol and tabacco abuse are the number 1 and 2 killers of Americans next to diabetes and obesiety.

the flower gives you flu symptoms, its about as harmful as sneezing on someone

Not all of us are psychopaths, user.

That's only what Walt thinks, since he has no actual empathy left to see the damage he does. I believe Skyler would have tried to kill herself a few more times after that if Walt didn't give in about the kids

You aren't replying to the correct anons.

Ricin is a literal poison, dumb faggot.

Because more people use it. No way is it "more toxic" than fucking meth

Wasnt ricin

Brock was posioned by ricin, yes...

I assumed that user was talking about frequency and rate.

did you watch the show? walt fed him lilly of the valley berries

utter kino

Lots and lots of filler.

The flowers produce ricin. Didn't they?

alcohol and meth (and coke and crack) are pretty fucking terrible for you, it is heroin that is the least toxic and detrimental on your body and cognition, the worst part is what people cut it with, that'll screw your liver up, but still not as rough as booze everyday. you can use heroin everyday for 50+ years and look/feel as healthy as a bull.

the walt+jesse and tuco thing in season 1 and 2 was my favorite part of the show think.

No it was something completely different. The detectives end up releasing Jesse because the toxicology report comes back and says he didnt have resin poisoning

I watched the first few seasons as a comedy and it worked pretty well. Dodged out when the last character abandoned reason and the show pretended like I should still care about any of these retards.

A good time