Dying to a wack ass fish

>dying to a wack ass fish

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worst timeline

lol loser

is it disrespectful to coom to his daughter?

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Most people aren't familiar with his second nickname, the Stingray Hunted

What's coom mean


I think i love her

was he THE aussie?

yes, but not if its inside her after youve gotten married to her


he deserved it for all the animals he abused for wacky television

This to be honest.

Imagine getting wrangled by Bindi Sue Irwin as she calms you by saying, "You're alright. You're alright." in her prison island accent.

He was literally an advocate for animals, his entire life's work was based around helping animals as much as he physically could.

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>dude look I'm saving the animals!
That doesn't mean it's okay to grope a gator and play with its dick on Jay Leno

stop being such a pussy, obviously, he was a bit of a meme in his day, he still made a positive bigger impact on the world than 99.999% of the people on the planet.

The reason he died was because he was fucking around unnecessarily with a stingray. Face it, he was a fraud that made money off abusing animals.

What did Steve do that made the jews kill him?

I literally do not know how you come up with this shit.

gib Aussie milkies

not no parkay, not no margarine, strictly butterface

Wait is Steve Irwin the deep from the boys? Mind blown
if they kill the deep off with a stingray barb I'll die laughing and im aussie
Based steveo the lovable idiot

>the virgin steve irwin
>the chad jeremy wade

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