What is the saddest film ever?

What is the saddest film ever?

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This never happened


either salo or the girl next door

Downfall - we lost our great hope

Princess Mononoke.

What is OP's pic?

Schindler's Grift.

I went to japan and never saw any ghibli movies before
when I came back I saw it in a private theater and I was blown away. How did I miss this shit?


Attached: gay hitler 1.jpg (494x378, 76K)

Last time I almost cried during a movie was Only the brave. I've only been moved by ten movies or less through my life.

You spend all your time fucking prositutes and buying sam-yu-rai swords.

Ah yes, the famous medical procedure known as the "homo test".

Yes it fucking did.

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how do you figure that?

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Go to to /pol/ stormtard

Did you forget the main character?

bridge to terabithia

Dear Zachary

Get back to/lit/, you stinky roasty

I smell fine

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What did he mean by this?

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Malcolm in the Middle

You could have chosen Grave of the Fireflies if you were going to pick Ghibli

But I don't care about humans.

All women have the same humor, nothing different. Always fake.

greatest story never told

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that nazi tranny posting is based and your seethe makes it better

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Name a better rivalry than Nazi tranny poster vs Schindler's List poster you literally cannot

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more like the gayest story never told

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can't say saddest film ever but made me cry like a basedboy

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Land of Mine

Hello again jew

Same, didn't even expect to cry

My diary tn h


I thought it was a comedy film

Your birth tape.

Hello bogan

why do historical facts make him jewish?

There's a retarded australian here obsessed with jews. Anytime you point out he's an idiot he just screeches something about jews.

If you want to take into account the "hitler gay took female hormones" and "hitler gay lover" images they're probably equal.

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Didnt expect it either, it's one of my favorite films

The video of my birth.

>hitler was gay
Better start punching faggots because they're nazis

>the butterskank has escaped its containment board
Fucking hell

trash flick


Simon Birch

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Home videos of me as a child

The House of Sand and Fog starring Jennifer Connelly and Ben Kingsley

Jesus, that user must be mentally ill

Lorenzo’s Oil

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jews suffered the most