Whats your favorite werewolf movie?

whats your favorite werewolf movie?

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Da jokah baybee


The Howling. Plenty of blood and titties in that one.

You mean wurwilf?

absolutely fascinating

American Werewolf In London

The Howling II (Because of the End Credits)

Dog Soldiers.

Joker (2019)

Attached: joker-2019-joaquin-phoenix-warner-bros.-pictures.png (1328x724, 829K)

Ginger snaps 1&2 because uwu

I like the sequel too for some sybil danning titties

Bad moon
Ginger snaps 3
The werewolf of fever swamp episode of goosebumps

The Company of Wolves.

This. It may not be a particularly good movie but I found the werewolf design unsettling.


Either or Silver Bullet.

>The werewolf of fever swamp episode of goosebumps
BASED and rlstine pilled

those titties were absolutely fascinating

Silver Bullet

>Wacky Busey
>Handicapped Haim

For some reason I found intersting that werewolf movies never really exploit the fetish aspect of the beast wanting to bang chicks , well, theres wolfcop where they play it for laughs and some shitty one were they talk about it but it never really happens, just thought that a werewolf movie with erotic horror edge to it would be a success.

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Probably The Howling, but special mention to Werewolf Shadow aka The Werewolf vs. the Vampire Woman. Paul Naschy is kino.

>You're a hustler.
>No, I vas een Hustler.

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I think you mean...


Poll! Yer warewilfe?