What’s the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

What’s the most disturbing thing you have ever watched?

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Other urls found in this thread:


that one video of david hasselhof sitting on the carpet shitfaced drunk trying to eat a cheeseburger

The video of those two European hikers getting beheaded was cool.

1 Lunatic, 1 Icepick

That video of the dog eating a man's peepee Yea Forumstards keep spamming.

that faggot who keeps posting some tweet about a trannie's pussy
Just stop it, is disgusting... oh and a webm of a kid being beheaded

Disturbing? Couldn't tell you. I don't "feel" emotions the way a normal human would.

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Funky town/face guy, dogs eating mans genitals, i dont remember. Search for rekt threads on gif or bestgore if you want to see shit like that

don't fucking remind me please

Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs video where they ambush and slowly kill that old man on the bike.


>Disturbing? Couldn't tell you. I don't "feel" emotions the way a normal human would.

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good shit


i used to have a list of movies like that but in retrospect it was just edgy highschool stuff. here are some I remember

Cutting Moments
August Underground's Mordum
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Visitor Q
Cannibal Holocaust
The Green Elephant
Flowers of flesh and blood

you'd be better off just watching cartel videos or stuff on the darknet if you want to be actually disgusted

2 guys 1 hammer

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my reflection in the mirror

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not counting gore/rekt: a few months ago someone posted a video here on Yea Forums where a woman was in a grimy rape dungeon, had a tube inserted in her vagina, and through it her belly was inflated. what the fuck.

was this a webm about one rock falling in a car killing some woman and her family screaming at it?

Search "Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs video" or "3 guys 1 hammer"

russian neonazis sawing a guy's head off with a knife

your mom when i fuked her

not the most disturbing but refreshing in a disturbing kind of way

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I suppose the NZ shooting video

>this is the worst thing you've seen

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lost all sympathy desu

the cartel one where they cut the guys hands off and peel his face off with a box cutter while he's still alive, then start stabbing him and he tries to stop them but he doesn't have hands anymore to defend himself

also some Brazil prison one with this dude getting shanked like 30 times while staring into the camera. it was fucked up but pure kino

lately that pit bull eating that guys privates. but the ukrainian monsters was pretty bad

Green Elephant Calf

>cutting moments
Totally forgot about that. One of the first DVDs I rented from Netflix

You still go to current year Yea Forums? Faggot

The state of the American presidency am i right guys?

Some Russian guy decapitating someone else with a chainsaw. Wish I had the link

The 2016 election results

a webm of a guy cumming on baby's face

who else here watched the Unknown Russian Soldier video in the old days of Limewire?

2 girls 1 cup easily. I threw up after watching it.

man shitting on baby
it is incredibly vile and evil


Absolute worst thing I've ever seen committed to film, utterly horrific.

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you don't even see gore

yeah that was a webm posted in this board and Yea Forums i remember that... stil not as fucked up as that kid being decapitated, that shit just make me lose my faith in humanity

That video of that dude who picked out his eye

This askreddit thread, downvoted

my sister fucking a nigger

damn, always heard about that one but never believed it to be true

birth rates by race

>jennifer connelly
i doubt it

yea that was a bad one

like shitting on the baby's chest? that old Yea Forums gif?


Knew what was coming but watched anyway.

It's not acceptable to bully the mentally undeveloped anymore.

>stil not as fucked up as that kid being decapitated, that shit just make me lose my faith in humanity
seen a few of these, assuming you mean the kid in Syria (Raqqa i think?). Was he the one that got beheaded on a truck bed in front of the town people?
also remember a few kid ones in Africa with machetes and a few getting the tire/gasoline treatment

The cartel vids.

Cartel video where they cut a guys head off in front of his son and then rip the sons heart out
Dog eating guys genitals
Baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers

The chink? I member


Shame it seems to have gone to shit, not much of a containment board when the Yea Forumstards keep coming here instead.
Now that you remind me, most disturbing thing I've seen would be the video of a couple Russian guys raping an alleged pedo with a loaded shotgun.

>then rip the sons heart out
i swear it's in their genes


>Was he the one that got beheaded on a truck bed in front of the town people?
no, it was one that was obviously beaten up, crying and some guy cutting his head off, like a vlog or something like that

>baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers
jesus fuck bro

That's pretty based tho.

WTF with that Baby video? I don't understand torturing babies, it seems stupid.

>Cartel video where they cut a guys head off in front of his son and then rip the sons heart out
>Baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers
what the actual fuck?

most remarkable videos:
pain olympics
2 girls 1 cup (classic)
cartel chainsaw beheading
hot chinese girl stomping on kittens with stiletto boots

the grifter

it takes a special kind of deranged fuck to find pleasure in torturing innocent kids

I'm pretty sure watching all that gore at a young age did a number on my psychological health and it has made me the existential NEET I am today.

If you're a newfag please don't watch this shit thinking it will make you hardcore like I did. You will be sorry.

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>I don't understand torturing babies, it seems stupid.
shock value kid, shock value, they do it for disturbing people and for the pleasure of sickos

this but unironically

Owen Hart's death video, i had it in 2002 or so off Kazaa or WinMX but my mom deleted it

>be me
>lurking /int/
>jap korean hate thread
>nip posts a sexy girl thumbnail
>literally a gif of a pedo rubbing his penis and cumming on a infants mouth and face while its seen crying and frantically moving its arms legs
probably the worst one desu lads

no you were already a loser
watching this shit just desensitizes you, doesn't make you any better or worst than a person

Obama presidential inauguration

Weren't the screams proven fake?


Then dont reply dickhead

Nigga just fell

Nah, oldfags will remember the baby and the screwdrivers

There was a famous morgue video like 10 years ago where you could see some dude butchering the bodies like it was fucking nothing.
I was 12 and that shit really fucked me up.

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maybe the first time i saw some gore thread on Yea Forums all those years ago but seeing all those mexican/isis threads or the brazil webms just don't phase me anymore from all the desensitization.

am i weird for not being bothered for a video where say someone gets their throat slashed and eyes gouged out with a better knife
but i fucking can't stand watching videos of broken bones from things like skateboarding, especially if a bone is sticking out
i don't get it

i'm not clicking that shit
describe it

this is exactly what i was talking about, most horrible thing ive ever seen

Most of them involving minorities being killed/tortured so I can't bring myself to care.


Like I care.
We're all gonna fucking die anyway and the worms that will feed on our bodies shall taste no difference between a NEET loser and some successful big shot.

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based PC

yeah your post is a big yikes from me dawg

le scary story time 4chanerian facebook thread!!


it's a dead-looking, dirt-poor asian girl talking about how she has no food to eat.

Watching the movie hostel and enjoying it

or the baby tied down with rope on a table and a man taking a dump on its chest

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>tfw 2008
The only ones you genuinely feel bad for is child/animal abuse, if you actually get your jimmies rustled watching some grown man smash his balls and mutilate his cock you need to go back and stay on reddit

Anyone else here used to watch tons of these videos as a teenager but just stopped as you got older?

How bad the world is... I honestly thought when I was a kid the Deep Web was real and there was going to be fights to the death and live tortures mainstream everywhere lol

Even then, only if the child is white and male. Women and niggers/spics deserve no sympathy

The video of that tranny being shown its new hole.

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>Women and niggers/spics deserve no sympathy
based burger

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Tie between Funkytown and Brandon Dances
Those fucking eyes on the dancing corpse

that's me. i remember when shock video reactions were huge on youtube. then after 1 lunatic 1 icepick they seemed to disappear.

This. This place has gotten me so callous I don't even care any more, but this one got to me.

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after a while all gore videos seem the same. I guess highlights would include that mexican vivisection and heart extraction video. animal gore makes me sad but it doesn't disturb me.

I guess some movies that unsettled me were Gummo and Lilya 4 ever

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If you've ever felt an ounce of sympathy for any living creature you're a redd*tcuck. /thread

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The cases of Junko Furuta and Sylvia Likens

have sex

it isn't that bad retard

BD isnt real you nigger


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saw it on Yea Forums some months back. really bizarre. but better than regular Yea Forums.

>Cartel video where they cut a guys head off in front of his son and then rip the sons heart out

it's not actually his son in the video. that's a totally fabricated backstory

Serbian film I guess
wasnt that disturbing but still

In what way does that relate to my post?


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>you mean the kid in Syria (Raqqa i think?
Aleppo, by Noureddin Zenki Brigade.

Fucking Landis

>actually arguing against the sanctity of white males vs the genetic dead-end that is the nigger race
Why are you even here?

myself on video

your post reeks of inceldom

>Baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers
I did this to myself as a kid.

Fuck You!


Sexual relations have nothing to do with recognizing crime statistics, user. Why don't you go back?

He didn't fly so good.

My father raping my brother.

I remember that. PNW if i recall

ah, i just remember there was a few extra pictures in addition to the video and it was sort of a big deal at the time, as far as gore shit goes. guess there was just a lot of fucked up shit out of Raqqa for a while there like 4 years ago when the 'caliphate' ran the place


You saw those?

extreme Japanese pornography
those people are fucked in the head

Oh yeah because women commit so many crimes.
Why don't you have sex?

The Station

i.4pcdn DOT org/tv/1568836239881.webm

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t. faggot


Black women give birth to niggers, so yes, they are the precursors to crime.

Something that is now buried in my mind that i hate is this small video i saw of a guy putting his dick on a mouse trap that has a fucking pin on the end of it. Snaps down on the head and blood starts leaking out as you see the guy start to panic as he tries to lift the trap off his dick without causing more pain.


>puffy lips
>huge clit
This is the girl of my dreams.

what a puffy clitoris


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Reading them is more or less as disturbing. There are also some pics.





Reading them is more or less as disturbing. There are also some pics.


What was it

Ease up on the Fedora tipping

if dubs i go to heaven


the ant hill kids is pretty terrible to read about. this is one of the few times i've been shocked reading something.
>In 1989, when follower Solange Boilard complained of an upset stomach, Thériault laid her naked on a table with no anaesthesia, punched her in the stomach, jammed a plastic tube up her rectum to perform a crude enema with molasses and olive oil, then cut open her abdomen, and ripped off part of her intestines with his bare hands. Thériault made another member, Gabrielle Lavallée, stitch her up using needle and thread, and had the other women shove a tube down her throat and blow. Boilard died the next day from the damage inflicted by the procedures, but claiming to have the power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill and then had other male members (along with himself) ejaculate into the cavity. When Boilard inevitably did not return to life, her corpse was buried a short distance from the Ant Hill Kids' commune.

a girl with huge lips and a puffy clit

was this the one where the cop is screaming as hes being shot to death by the guy he stopped?

>Baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers
what the fuck? I don't believe this is real

based edgelord

I cried when I watched this and then my doggo licked my face while I was still crying.


i'm a coward, what is it?

No it's breeze block through mom's face

go on archives and find out for yourself SHE sure was a beaut :^)

Ooooooooooh no she didn't.

something based and dare I say redpilled

A cute sloth

>If a person wished to leave the commune, Thériault would hit them with either a belt or hammer, suspend them from the ceiling, pluck each of their body hairs individually, or even defecate on them.

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funkytown is easily the worst
>shoutout to a old vid i wanna say eastern yuropoor, stabbing some shaved head guy in the neck on the ground. havent seen it since like 2007

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im too pussy to watch funkytown, what is it?




The reason you stay in your comfy 1st world country and don’t ever go to Mexico

>too pussy
No. You're smart. Don't ever watch gore vids. Promise me.

Baby catapult. They take the woman's baby and she's screaming and crying. They load it into like a minicatapult pointed at what looks like the ocean and the girl is flipping out, but they hold her. Masked dude pulls a lever, baby goes flying, woman REALLY starts screaming. Guy mocks her screaming, baby splashes vaguely in the distance. Girl just collapses and looks like she dies of shock.



holy based


A man, whose face was flayed and hands dismembered before the video, is stabbed in the neck a dozen times all to the tune of funky town

Flower of Flesh and Blood is my favorite ASMR video. The sound of darth samurai's hammer and chisel against that girl's humerus is comfy and tingly as fuck.

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cartel gets a rival all doped on coke or meth. skins his face, stabs him a bunch- all while alive because hes all drugged up; all with funkytown playing in the background

basically this

She didn't even die or was permanently injured or anything

Definitely the baby tied down and shit on. That made me stop coming here for a long time

Sounds awesome. Is it Mexicans? ISIS?


>Connelly and Swanson lesbo scene
>hated it

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>this thread

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Okay but the redemption though:
>MacDonald had stabbed Thériault in the neck with a shiv, walked to the guards' station, handed them the weapon, and proclaimed "That piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife, I've sliced him up."[12]

Forgive me Lord except for real

Aww fuck you dude fuck you

They also slash his armpits if i remember correctly

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i've noticed jap videos typically do have great sound design. sound makes me more queasy than the visuals most of the time

>that bestgore scrawl

You mother fucker

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>Is it Mexicans? ISIS?
sounds more like your edgelord shit you will get in the shittiest place of USA... or Russia


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Most of the guys in the Funkytown vid eventually got theirs though. Beheaded and stuck on spikes, two of them. Fuckers

Goddammit why did I click that?!!!

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It's really not that bad. I think it's the fact that he doesn't have a face that dehumanizes him enough that I don't really feel for the guy.

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thought they were autistic trannies then i realized too late because we gettin vanned bois

Ukrainian neo-nazi teens pepper spraying then stabbing homeless people to death. Then they record the corpse 2-3 days later.

not watching this (also assuming its not a "reply to this post or you will die in your sleep" vid) but the only thing that can make me feel better about this is thinking that the dog was probably having a good time on the way down. unless he was terrified, in which case my night is ruined


I videoed myself fapping once and watched myself cum. I nearly threw up.

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If it makes it any better, they're sisters

>unless he was terrified
nigga the dog needed to jump very high to be terrified, from the height it was just like a random jump

Worst one I've ever seen was a large chimp was allowed to beat and rip a woman to death. It was in some kind of room or pit. It took something like 30 minutes for the woman to finally stop moving. Chewed her face off, ate her hands and just generally savaged her.

I've never seen it hear, it was years ago, came off on of those limewire clone, sharebear I think? I can't remember what it was called.

I saw a preview of DD and was scared for life.

Looked Mexican.

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who gives a shit, it's not like the babby is going to remember and it won't cause him damage in any way

Daisy’s destruction isn’t even that bad considering all the shit I’ve seen over the years, but it’s definitely the one that has scarred me the most perhaps because it was one of the first things I saw coming here when I was 14.


Oh shit. What the fuck even is this though?

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Ive heard about it for years yet I’ve never seen it

>Daisy's Destruction, as the name suggests, is that unfortunate and sadist series of 3 videos available on the dark web, in which 2 girls (aged 8-12) and one toddler were sexually abused and tortured leading to the death of one among them.

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Yeah, that one is overrated.

The Last Jedi

I've posted here since 2007 and I've never seen any child porn, never any really ridiculous gore besides the dog eating the guys nuts and some other cartel / isis stuff

I don't know if you guys seek it out or what.

The human psyche is a lot more complicated and fragile than you think it is.

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Not many people have actually seen it and those who have are likely in jail or work for the FBI
It was sold on the dark web many years ago so who knows if some retards here actually saw it

very based and very euphoric

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Kek I think I've seen this one. Is she the one that makes no facial expression whatsoever?

I've heard fathers being called incels, it's a meaningless buzzword.


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isn't this like the audio version of Daisy's Destruction?

Worst part was, she cowered at first, but once it really got going she tried to fight back some, but she was already way to injuried to do anything but agitate it more.

I have a vague memory of hearing that it was some kind of fucked up torture indulgence in africa, and that the chimp was coked up to make it crazy.

most of the nasty shit I've seen came from spoilered images posted on Yea Forums

great way to get banned on Yea Forums

Nah that's a meme. It's just audios from dads molesting their daughters .

I'm a bit of a completionist. Is this one worth watching just to have it under your belt or is it like a ten second shaky cam?

I hope that asian girl is okay after seeing those videos. They were pretty fucked.

das it. first experience with online gore, prob why it stuck with me

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It's easily found on cp sites and it's a series of videos, not just one.


your mom lol

You are talking about the actual cp video, that’s the trash metal album with only the moans and screams.

What is this?


I fapped so much to this. Good memories.

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A facedown naked corpse floating in the ocean while his wife is sitting next to me in the boat screaming, thinking her children have shared the same fate.
We found the kids alive, thankfully.

I've seen them all on major sporting event threads on Yea Forums. There's always some autist ready to dump them without fail during an owl/world series/etc


>Not rottenegg.com
Few these youngns these days

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cute girl

the cartel dog eating the guys dick recently took top spot for me. I would be curious to see the lady chimp one user mentioned, though.

There's that one video of a zebra that had its stomach opened up by an alligator and the zebra manages to escape the water but its stomach and guts are dragging all over the dirt and the zebra is kicking and writhing as it runs.

Is that the one where they stab and slice a couple of guys’ necks and then drag them around on the floor?

It's an album with audio from CP-Torture videos.


Yeah. I think it was on limewire. Dude kept nutting on her soulless face. Sad. Why did I have to accidentally come across shit like that as a kid, God?

Hello FBI, slow night?

>Baby having its teeth ripped out with pliers
You have my attention. Can someone source this?

LMAO retard. what a croc of shit

>mfw I listened to the whole album

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I don't think the chimp one is real

The dog landed in snow, a very short fall.

its the beheading of a russian soldier with a knife; gurgling sounds etc. not the worst thing but it sticks with me


Funny enough i recognize a lot of these pics but it still turns my stomach.

nigger :)

Yeah. I'm talking about the video. In the vid she doesn't scream at all. Only small meoans at most, and she makes no facial expression whatsoever. She just takes it like a ragdoll.

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>can't watch gore since I was 24

Who else?

Guys, PLEASE reconsider the current direction of your lives. Most of you are still pretty young and have the opportunity to correct bad decisions. Stop watching this stuff RIGHT NOW. It's not good for you.

Fuck that will give me nightmares

You can get this vid on triforce BTW 155


You got me.

This is just sick.

Right now, it's threads that don't belong on Yea Forums.

>and I've never seen any child porn
Kek there's some itt. There's no way you never saw cp on pre '09 Yea Forums

I went to a Death Grips concert and saw irl memeing faggots yelling memes. They got the shit beat out of them by two Chads, but seeing those fags in real life made me never want to go to Yea Forums again and I never did. Scary shit how retarded losers can get with the influence of the internet.

>Guys, PLEASE reconsider the current direction of your lives. Most of you are still pretty young and have the opportunity to correct bad decisions. Stop watching this stuff RIGHT NOW. It's not good for you.

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i honestly don't deserve forgiveness
my room at the hell super 8 is already booked
>Inb4 why didn't you reserve a suite at the hell hilton
fuck you

>reconsider the current direction of your lives. Most of you are still pretty young and have the opportunity to correct bad decisions. Stop watching this stuff RIGHT NOW. It's not good for you.

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Is this an actual album? What’s so bad about it and how can I listen to it?

It's fairly natural for men age's 15-25 to seek out and get exposed to fucked up shit. Our ancestors have been doing it for thousands of years. Can you imagine how much death the average roman legionnaire saw?

I want to die

You just aren’t very observant
There is literally CP in this fucking thread.

soulseek. It's >daddy will you come in my mouth so I can taste it


>Guys, PLEASE reconsider the current direction of your lives. Most of you are still pretty young and have the opportunity to correct bad decisions. Stop watching this stuff RIGHT NOW. It's not good for you.

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It contains actual audio from CP-Tortue videos. Go ask Yea Forums and someone probably will give you the downlaod link.

I didn’t choose to watch it mate, I just came across it after years of living of the internet.

that webm of the old asian person that got gangrene so bad their eye sockets and ears were filled with maggots

there's a video of a guy called justin who's cut his wrists and he's bleeding out all over his bedroom and bathroom floor form about 5 minutes and it ends with him saying he needs to upload it quickly. i would post it but it's way over the file size limit

What is it? I was too chicken


Hit up any of the Yea Forums archive sites and look for the term.

It’s pretty overrated actually

a loli making out with her older sister, he's just a fag

A GG Allin concert.

Oh, fuck
I can’t into torrenting

>those videos where the doctors take out the maggots/botfly larvae
sex can't compare

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thanks for the laugh m80

Not really, Masha later said they weren’t actually siblings.

An omegele connection I was in many years ago. I won't go into it but nothing has ever come close before or after. Worst part was it wasn't recorded or fake. I'll never forget those teeth.

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probably a trump rally

Great point. Because our ancestors were fucked up that means it's okay for me to be fucked up too right?
You have a choice. Stop watching this BAD shit. Avoid being another fucked up internet boy.

literal child porn

That one fucked me up, I hate it when shit is done to defenseless kids. Torture all the brown people you want and I don't give a fuck, but that shit stayed with me for a bit.

>Great point. Because our ancestors were fucked up that means it's okay for me to be fucked up too right?
You have a choice. Stop watching this BAD shit. Avoid being another fucked up internet boy.

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Unrepentantly based.

What do you think it is?

oh yeah. I forgot about that one. fuck you for reminding me.

What? You don't like hearing the sloshing sound? I even turned on my volume to hear it. I like to see kids enjoying sex.


is their such a thing as figurative child porn?

>When Boilard inevitably did not return to life
i actually lold


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pupper is fine. The white see is not clouds...it's snow. Dog is softly tossed maybe 3 feet and lands in about 4 inch deep snow.

Why is REDWOOD/SWAGLORD or JANITOR leaving up a link to childporn?

I’m not even a pedo and I find this shit fucked up but I’m actually intrigued, where do you find this album?


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I always really did wondered. Where did she say that? The reason why it has always been assumed they were sisters was because they have the same last name, the wore the same necklace and pendants but not the other girls, Veronika had a VK where she had pics with Masha, and just their general attitude in the vids. Masha would sometimes snap at Vero like an older sibling would

>cp torture
awwwwww shit son

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god i wanted to forget about that video thanks cunt

Shut the fuck up with your pseudo intelectual bs nigger leave your room and have actual life experiences before spouting nonsense

What nerf or nothin planet do you think you live on bud?

I'm 34 chill'n at home after a day in the office with the family asleep. Doing what I've enjoyed doing since the cockmongler days of early Yea Forums. This stuff is all nostalgia to me you pickle surprised, giga puddie hav'n, epin desu, bacon receiving, pool closing, summer child.

you didn't listen to it

What's a VK? Is there a series?

I did. I have autism so I don't know the difference beteen a scream/moan of pleaure or pain, so sorry if i'm wrong.

Why do you listen to other people? They're just lying to you. This is why namefags are superior. They provide information so you can become educated like them. Like me.

yeah some retard kept posting that webm everywhere some time last year
probably the closest thing to pizza I've watched if we don't count late teens

if you don't like it you don't have to look at it

lmao listen to this glownigger trying to squeeze out info

Yea his bad for not wanting to pirate audio of child porn sheesh what a retard amiright?

This video of a guy cutting his own dick into pieces.

its a meme, daisy's destruction isnt real

VK is a russian social media website very similar to Facebook. Veronika had pics where she's just posing with masha in bathing suits in what looks like normal family pictures.

Fuck off



>torrenting is the same as pirating

In one of her live-streams where she answered questions from her “fans”, someone asked if she felt any remorse dragging her sister into it and she simply said they weren’t actually siblings without getting into detail.


I will never tell people where to find child porn.


kek, gotta buy the original cp audio amirite

It’s literally on the clearnet with all the vintage illegal porn, it’s not even hard to find.

The worst? That old guy who nuts and dies in front his webcam and his wife starts screaming like a banshee when she finds him with jizz on his stomach

Ah. I see. So in 2019, somebody extracted the audio file from Chiharu sex video and spread it around. Now most people only know of it through that audio file.

Soulseek isn't torrenting

Do they only show 90s cartoons in whatever foreign shithole you live in?

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She could have simply lied. She didn't really like talking about it too much. She also said she got paid the equivalent to 150 usd for the video where she did the most heinous act but she didn't say which one.

i am loling so hard

>distorted tracks of audio are cp

It's not even that bad it's just some light bdsm stuff with a little girl. It sounds much worse when you read it than when you see it.

It’s not even from her, in the videos she’s practically mute, it’s just a dodgy compilation of audio tracks from adult porn and supposed cp.

have fun in prison user

That webm of the guy trying to peel his pupil off or some shit. Makes my eye hurt whenever I think about it.

Threads past the bump limit but still really active
Should I make a new one?

unironically beheading is less fucked

>implying prison isn't fun

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What I saw was a screenshot from Chiharu child sex video, not an album cover. I'm old school. Don't expect me to know about zoomer internet memes.

I suppose the bj, there’s a video supposedly of her doing hardcore it I doubt it’s her.


But also, lol. Good ole wholesome fun.

I remember that, heard he was mentally ill and thought there was mind control machines in his eyes I think?


Give it a day or two so some new stuff can surface.

Fuck off back to red dit.

why not?

Give me the names of the girls you are talking about, then you can go

Please no.

Now, it was probably this video where some spic woman got machet'd. Supposedly his husband founder her cheating on him and cut her face with a machete.
She could still move her face but it was so fucking fucked, also, you could her family screaming in the background.

Imagine begging on 4channel


Idris Elba

Everything about this post screams phone posting. End yourself.

lurk moar

It’s not the sight it’s the scream after when the guy sees his wife.

We get it your edgy, deep and no woman can contain you like the alpha you are faggot.

There's a couple of cartel films like that.
Try looking up the one with multiple topless women getting executed.

John "How Do I" Landis

paulette dano and rihanna gosling