Sounds about what I'd expect from a hack Director who hasn't made a movie since 1992 and known for an overrated piece of shit (Hardware) and starring Nicholas Cage who has only two modes or acting; droopy hang dog moroseness or manic screaming.

Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well. It focused on mood and atmosphere which is what you need to translate his work. Nightmarish surrealism is the way to go.

Anywho, Mother Hope's nipples have run dry!!!FACT!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well

no matter how bad that flick is, id take anything with nic cage over retarded some feninist propaganda garbage shit flick.

>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well.

Attached: maybe.png (595x548, 495K)


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>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well

>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well.
how the fuck was it lovecraftian?

remember when natalie portman fucked a nigger

My eyes fuck up reading this constantly. I always want to view it as "the color of outer space"

>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well.
I don't think anyone who uses the word Lovecraftian has actually read Lovecraft.

As a graphic designer, this poster is so fucking ugly. They couldn't even make it look natural. The well and the sky are pasted on. The lighting on the house is shit.

Fuck this shit.

Attached: MV5BMzhhMDhmODYtODFhYS00MzZlLWEyOWEtODY0ZDBjYjA2OTUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDU0NjA0Ng@@._V1_SX782_CR0,0,782 (782x999, 117K)

but how is annihilation lovecraftian?

it's not lovecraftian per se, but it's clearly influenced by the color out of space

>Netflix original movie
>it's bad

Attached: 6842757.jpg (624x624, 153K)

It's Roadside Picnic with girls and a relationship drama subplot.

>Last years Annihilation did Lovecraftian Horror extremely well.

Attached: 258ac16dc4477d276dc632229b2850911a0d67dfb2a4fea9f9d3578c0c4414a0.png (381x400, 28K)

me too. idec about the all female cast but that movie is almost as overrated as a quiet place. pacing, performances, and ending all felt derivative and uninteresting. only scene that was praise worthy was the one with the near

>Nightmarish surrealism is the way to go.
Bullshit. Hot monster-on-blond sexy time is the way to go. Look what one ten-second scene did for Galaxy of Terror. Give us a solid minute of CGI-enhanced eldritch beast-raep that turns into forced sex and I'll give you an instant cult classic.

Attached: maggot raep slow & bright.gif (480x270, 3.32M)

I'm going to keep posting eldritch monster sex until I'm certain the point has gotten across.

Attached: the untamed mexican tentacle sex.webm (1204x720, 1.65M)

Damn I was looking forward to this. Just watched Mandy too

Ummmm what movie??

Whatever the Wapanese do in anime, we can do better in CGI. Think of the possibilities.

Attached: lady neris ravaged 3.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

Filename, newfriend. It's in the filename. Hover your pointer over it.

Attached: urotsukidoji window woman looped.gif (364x273, 2.75M)

Jeff Vandemeer, the author of the book series, literally said TCOoS was his primary inspiration.

That's another word for theft of intellectual property.

Attached: fishfuck.png (916x427, 769K)

Lovecraft's work is in the public domain and August Derleth basically owns what little estate he had. You can make Cthulhu plushies on etsy and not have to pay anyone a dime.

My phone doesn't have a pointer. The file name is Spoiler Image.

>As a graphic designer

Attached: tumbr.png (1024x576, 1.3M)

The Untamed, 2016 spanish movie.

The Untamed. It's some cheapie Mexican flick and that's the only good part in it.

Attached: wormhump loop 2.gif (480x270, 3.46M)

of a man from 1890?

GAWDDAMN Mexicans are some crazy motherfuckers, I know its inspired by Japan but still.

Attached: nursie getting rekt.gif (364x273, 958K)

IT 2 could have been an perfect lovecraftian movie

Attached: 1567186957701.png (500x306, 85K)

No it couldn't have. Not even if you threw in the underage orgy King put in the original. It would take at least one mindblowing alien rape scene to save the day.

Attached: wormhump loop 3.gif (480x270, 3.15M)

I like the aesthetics, very 70s. But it doesn't really fit the subject matter.

Annihilation is kino.

Annihilation was nigger cuck propaganda with Natalie Portman acting so fucking bad, it makes Michael Cera look good

He's also a fucking hack who went all 100% ORIGINAL CONTENT DONUT STEEL when people pointed out the obvious similarities between his shit and Roadside Picnic and Stalker.

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>some feminist propaganda garbage shit flick.
I love how you diss one of the best 2017 movie because the cast is mostly female. It never aboard 'feminist' themes at all in the movie, good job.

>nigger cuck propaganda
so fucking obsessed over 10 sec worth of screen time exploring the SELF-DESTRUCTIVE theme of the movie. I swear Yea Forums is full of moronic teenagers and /pol/tards

The Hardware based easter egg in Ion Fury was pretty amusing

Hardware actually good?

Kill yourself. FACT!!!

>reading spoilers for this movie
>at one point in the movie the spoilers say a male character "catches the eye" of Cage's daughter
>jokingly think the male character is black
>google the actor playing him
>he's black
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped.

oh fuck dont remind that exists. It was actually interesting for a season or two but i dropped it when they ended season 3? on random Tunguska bullshit.


Not really.

Based James Cameron

It had the tenseness of the zone, to be fair. The monsters, too. The randomness. Not even just referencing the game or movie either. It really made me think of Roadside Picnic.

>Monster on human female shit
>Its so popular and accepted now you can easily find it on the most normie porn sites
>Theres never any good Monster on Human male porn
>The MoHM porn that does exist is gay shit

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Lovecraft was shit too so no wonder

Annihilation was such a shit film. literally just pointless nonsense with a god awful cast.

>send women on suicide mission
>still create drama
Annihilation sucked aside from some gore and monsters.

>Kill yourself. FACT!!!


Anywho, Annihilation (which I liked despite the coal burning) creates a sense of ominous dread which is what Lovecraft was all about. The search for the unknown and being confronted by things incomprehensible.

The first 45 minutes of ALIEN is everything Lovecraft was about. There's basically no actions. Just mood and atmosphere enhanced with sound and music, two things that filmmakers fuck up when making horror movies.

The intro to the Tales from the Darkside 80's TV show is a great example of what I'm talking about. Just a series of shots, nothing special, but the music makes it creepy.

Carnival of Souls (1962) is one of the best Horror movies ever made and it's all due to the fantastic music and sound.

If you don't understand what I'm talking about you're a cretin. Go enjoy IT part 2 you fucking douchebags!!!FACT!!!

as far as i know there is also forced black male white female romance in it.

>>reading spoilers for this movie
>at one point in the movie the spoilers say a male character "catches the eye" of Cage's daughter
>jokingly think the male character is black
>google the actor playing him
>he's black
>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped.

Guess I wont bother seeing it either but maybe it's to show how much the girl hates her father!!!FACT!!!

Why are racists so fucking sensitive?
They literally run inside their white bubble at the mere sight of a tanned white person

>Why are racists so fucking sensitive?

Why are blacks soo sensitive to a word like nigger that shatters them?! Also, it's race mixing propaganda. Furthermore, you might have forgotten but Paramount FREAKED when they found out that Portman got blacked in Annihilation which is why (((they))) threatened to send it straight to Netflix. Turns out the kikes LOVE showing white girls fucking blacks but don't want any of their precious daughters doing the same. This is because they don't want their daughters to become single mothers with low IQ offspring!!!FACT!!!

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Only movie that I was actually waiting to see, and the nigger lovers have to put their race mixing fantasy in it too

Well said

Annihilation wasn't really racemixing propaganda.

They show natalie portman fucking a black guy as something that leads to a disaster, ruining a marriage. definetaly not shown in a positive light.

> "Color"

> Not "Colour"

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it doesnt matter, the goal is to desensitize and lower resistance by exposing this concept over and over again.

> I'm putting together a crew.

Attached: its -- colour -- damnit_.jpg (800x534, 263K)

is that the kid from stuart little?

>Annihilation wasn't really racemixing propaganda.They show natalie portman fucking a black guy as something that leads to a disaster, ruining a marriage. definetaly not shown in a positive light.

Then why specifically make the guy black? Could have been Asian. Indian. Mexican. NOPE. It had to be a black male. It's propaganda Portman knows it's killed her career which is why she's crawling back to Marvel for Thor 4!!!FACT!!!

>it doesnt matter, the goal is to desensitize and lower resistance by exposing this concept over and over again.

100% correct!!!FACT!!!

>is that the kid from stuart little?

No, he's in prison for raping and murdering an entire family and livestreaming it. But that was in Sweden so he's only serving five days!!!FACT!!!

It was the same shit with that other Nick Cage movie people were praising. The Parents I think? 30 seconds into the fucking film and Cage's daughter has a black boyfriend. Couldn't even watch it after that.

>natalie herschlag

yog sothoth, you're an idiot

>dude its just a word lol

Anyway when have you actually ever seen a black person get "shattered" by the word nigger?

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>Anyway when have you actually ever seen a black person get "shattered" by the word nigger?

Every day in the media and that's why people are scared to say it publicly no matter the context!!!FACT!!!

Reminder that The Colour Out of Space is about the insidious influence of immigrants who refuse to assimilate (literally aliens poisoning the land and victimizing it’s previous occupants) and most film critics won’t pick up on the story’s problematic subtext.

I’ve seen it. While working at a daycare center a little white boy approached his best friend, a black boy, and said “did you know you’re a nigger?” The black boy was utterly devastated, he didn’t become angry or violent, just heartbroken and defeated. The worst part was you could tell there was no malice in the white boy’s words and he didn’t understand why he was put in time-out or why his friend started crying. Just real depressing stuff, man.

Wasn’t Hardware plagiarized from a comic book?

But how does it compare to this version?

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Formerly Chuck's

>But how does it compare to this version?

The Curse is surprisingly close to the story but it's sooo fucking cheap looking!!!FACT!!!

the meme for decades was japs and tentacle porn but i've hardly ever seen any

is there a trailer?

>is there a trailer?

Not yet!!!FACT!!!