What are your favorite drug related films?

What are your favorite drug related films?

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and we're stuck with awkwafina

>Fear and Loathing
>a scanner darkly

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Boogie Nights, Dazed and Confused, A Scanner Darkly

I grudgingly admit thst i kinda like snow on the bluff

Requim For A Dream
Boogie Nights
Drugstore Cowboy

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sorry, just like posting this pick from the Sopranos

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there's only one answer, Ken Russell's Altered States starring Bob Balaban and William Hurt

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Cant believe i forgot to add trainspotting and requiem
Ive seen people shit on requiem for not being realistic but anyone who says that hasnt had much experience with drugs. I used to think losing an arm might have been a bit over the top but my co workers son in law just lost his arm to shooting h.

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Altered States
bonus: Pineapple Express because is retarded fun

>altered states
my nigger
>I need you to take pictures, pictures of my neck, before I reconstitute

>a scanner darkly
Good taste user

>scanner darkly
>not scanners
sequelniggers should be in camps



The only version of Pineapple Express I can sit through is the tv edited version where all the swear words are replaced with hilarious nonsense

A scanner darkly is based on a phillip k dick book

which is a sequel to the hit film "Scanners"

Altered States, Jacob's Ladder or Enter the Void.

If you count Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas drug-related films, then those I guess, but if you want more directly related to drugs then Scarface and Layer Cake are pretty good off the top of my head

I feel like Requiem is one of those films that was huge when it came out, and for good reason, but just kind of got forgotten. Fear and Loathing will always be timeless, and is easily Depp's best performance.

>The Panic in Needle Park
>Half Nelson

Was Layer Cake that neo-noir set in a school or that proto-Craig Bond flick? I always get those two mixed up for some reason.


My life when I narrate it in my second language therefor separating myself from it.

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are you ESL? it's okay i won't tell anyone

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Enter The Void
Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

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WEnt to work on DXM today lads

Overall it went better than exprected

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LSD, shrooms and DMT are based but I never bothered trying DXM. I heard the visuals could look like spiders lmao

No that's DPH

you're thinking of DPH, DXM feels more like your hair is growing

Yeah, you're right


after the addiction

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I'd honestly be surprised if five people on Yea Forums has seen any Joachim Trier films. Kudos to you for putting Oslo, August 31 on blast, though.

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Half Baked
How High

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I love working on mushrooms. It gives me energy and i dont need to eat and can just muck nonstop

based and scannerspilled

what do you do that you're keen to work on shrooms?

he probably microdoses

Yup i forgot to add halfbaked too. I feel like him when i go to court ordered therapy group and the class is full of metheads

I’d say I wouldn’t be able to work on DXM but I went to work high on smack for 10 years so I’m probably underestimating my composure and professionalism

enter the void

I did microdose. Took a few caps here and there. Not enough to see patters but was mostly goofy and happy. A mucker is soneone who hops in wet concrete with boots and rakes it smooth. I can do it all day on shrooms.

The drug movie of all time is More. Look it up.

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I've seen it praised several times on Yea Forums
Don't underestimate that board ability to appreciate kinos.

it’s all good I forgot to add Requiem and A Scanner Darkly but I figured 5 was enough and I didn’t see anyone mention Blow in the first couple posts, which is one of my favorites.
Half Baked is one of the funniest movies ever, it’s unironically one of the things that got me interested in smoking weed as a kid. that and DARE class hyping up all the drugs and letting me know that only the cool badasses did them.

but now here I am lol my life sucks

Be happy you dont get randomly drug tested

One of my favorite movies is the big lebowski but i dont really consider it a drug movie by definition. Also i consider dazed and confuzed more of a high school movie. Am i wrong in these assesments?

Never really thought about it but I'd agree about both statements.

Heaven Knows What is very underrated IMO

I regularly see this in peoples top 10 of the decade (and for good reason). It's such a fantastic movie, I should check out the directors other films sometime soon

I love cocaine

what do you like about it

Black Tar Heroin: Life on the Street

Oops it was "dark end of the Street"

HBO. Whole thing on Vimeo

Kino of the highest order

Anticipate hot Asian.... Ew, it's Lucy Liu.

I’m not that guy but I love snorting it and the feeling (or lack of feeling) that I get on the roof of my mouth

Yeah i like to carch a drip and then everything above my shoulders is numb. H is the best though.

is that like the butthole clenching feeling amps give you?

Except for the obviously gay beaner with the ugly gf. Black Tar heroine is pretty good. The girl that got her hips broke by getting fucked at 8 by her grandpa, only to contract hiv by whoring herself out for Crack and the titular drug. Sad.


Idk I don’t use speed but if I understand your question correctly then I would say no. It’s more of a relaxing pick up, like a confident “I can do something”, as opposed to an uncomfortable “I need to do something”


Imaginary heroes, sigourney weaver milfcore

>doing drugs
>kissing a darkie

disgusting. no wonder she had to go for a surrogate mother.

I have before when I was in outpatient rehab. I used to bring vials of my friends pee with me every day just in case lol

not a movie but The Corner is excellent drug kino. made by the dude who did The Wire but it’s shorter and focuses more on the addicts than the dealers.
it’s very accurate to how the game really is.

I wouldn't call Boogie Nights a "drug" movie, but it does have the greatest drug scene of all time, perfectly capturing the paranoia and fear of being on a bender, needing to score again

Candy with Heath Ledger.

I enjoy the early seasons of breaking bad. Drug dealing kino.