
Forbidden Topics Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Data does not use contractions.

>Forbidden Topics Edition
Will Star Trek ever unfuck itself and give us kino again?

still hotter than troi

I watched an episode where Kirk says Spock looks like satan at the end. Is it because of his Jewish heritage?

If Starfleet isn’t a military, why do they wear uniforms?

>I watched an episode where Kirk says Spock looks like satan at the end. Is it because of his Jewish heritage?
They're both Jews though.

They mention Spock looking Satanic a few times (e.g. The Omega Glory). It's because of the pointy ears and eyebrows.

>If Starfleet isn’t a military, why do they wear uniforms?
Starfleet was the deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets. Its principal functions included the advancement of Federation knowledge about the galaxy and its inhabitants, the advancement of Federation science and technology, the defense of the Federation, and the facilitation of Federation diplomacy.

ask a walmart employee

Uniforms on a ship where everybody knows everybody. Are they necessary?

yes but only one man can do this you know his name


did you copy that from a wiki or do you just sound like a robot?

Pips look more futuristic. Chevrons we have today.

Space autism. There's no other reason.

Aperger's. I was diagnosed at 7.

I want to insert my tongue in Seven's Jefferies tube.

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Next time someone asks, say it was from a wiki.

>that one time she punched a fan

He was groping her.

>getting sloshed and shit-talking Insurrection in the DVD commentary with Frakes
she keeps calling their uniforms 'space-suits' hee hee


Dukat was fucking Kira behind the scenes

That was what all of the cast and crew called them.

Frakes called it that when he was on Arsenio, I assume they all refer to them that way.

Demand user seriously needs to go somewhere else.

i want to shove a funnel into kiras bent over asshole and pour in live writhing gahk, then I lay down and she farts most of it on my face. The smell and feel and taste is exhilarating, but there are a few dangerous stragglers, so I affix my lips to her bajoran star and suck out the rest manually. Its a sensory overload, and I arrive from the sheer pleasure of it.


>Hi user, care to join us?

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I like you even though you're unsettlingly nasty

>tfw these threads have become so shit, no one even bothers to troll anymore.

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No. I dine alone.

*pretends to get message*
"uuuuuhhmmm eerrrrr"

It's what happens when a bunch of uncut aspies are allowed to speak

hell no i bet you old farts dont even know what instagram is

Yes but I'm vegan so....

her hair was edited....right? she really doesn’t have grey hair?

OMG YES! Can you guys all be in character right now and pretend to be discussing a problem on the bridge? PLEASE! Also beverly I need you to pretend to be giving me a medical examination under the table as I have a talarian flu and it's making me hold a lot of fluid in my penis which I need you to drain.

>did you copy that from a wiki


user, I...

>I couldn't play him now. He shouldn't age. It would look ridiculous."

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after the perfect Fat Riker fanfic is written.

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I let my sources speak for me, through me. I am their emissary.

I don't eat in public.

I only eat Mother's cooking.

Statistically your posts make no sense

>>Hi user, care to join us?
Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.

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it's to downplay the military side of things. It why badend future stories get the rank on the badge.

>yfw you realize Q was always invisibly watching Picard even when he was pooping and jerking off
>yfw Q was watching Picard fuck Vash and got so horny he decided he needed to make a move
>yfw Q probably watched Riker every time he was fucking and jerking off and cooking, too
Was Q really testing humanity or was he just a perverté?

>It why badend future stories get the rank on the badge.

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I'm dedicating this one to all the Founders out there

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Honestly that sounds pretty hot.

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youre hurting my feelings you nigger.

the smols

Commander Niles...

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If you could invisibly stalk anyone from Trek 24/7 who would it be?



Friendly reminder that Picard bashed Vash's gash.

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don't open up old wounds.

>If you could invisibly stalk anyone from Trek 24/7 who would it be?
Chase Masterson.

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just a gul looking for his kai


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>Friendly reminder that Picard bashed Vash's gash.
And that's not counting his time spent on the holodeck. Who knows how many dames he's laid as Dix.

From the show, cretin

He pulled the Picard maneuver on her vagina, if you know what I'm sexstarved?


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Troi just for the little moments when she pulls out a bottle of Romulan ale from her desk after Barclay sessions

is there a difference at this point?

you have to be 18 to post here

It's low hanging fruit

>after Barclay sessions

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Just found a Combs treasure trove

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>Star Trek; The Sex Penetration

>start a trek
>remember what happens
>watch it anyway

what does it say on geordie's PADD? can anyone zoom and enhance this?

>Star Trek: Deep Schlong 9"

Are you invisible to everyone or just the person you're stalking?

What do you call a prehistoric monster who enjoys sci-fi and paranormal shows?

Nobody can see you. You're absolutely free. You can even be naked if you want.

a /T-rex/

I follow Barclay to the holodeck

A dinosaur?

>Star Trek: The Original Sex
>Star Trek: The Sex Peneration
>Star Trek: Deep Schlong 9"
>Star Trek: Vaginal
>Star Trek: Enema

You're going to mentally scar yourself for life, user.

who wouldn’t stalk william shatner he is one of us anyway

Ensign Ho Laren, star of my erotic fanfiction.
>Ensign Ho, my ready room -- now!


The second in command is called "number one".

Don't lewd about Ro like that.

>Star Trek: The Meme Generation

Nothing is certain and no one is safe in these threads.

Captain's log. I've seduced a charming man by the name of Sam Malone.

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>Star Trek - The Catgirl Persuasion

/paranoia/ agent

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>computer replicate me a pocket pussy
i need it for science

>specify pocket pussy design

blue board

Vulcan pls.

only food replicators are in the quarters. you'd need to go to the industrial replicator for one of those. that's public.

say it's for barclay


>say it's for barclay
>*walks by Captain Picard with your sex doll (that looks exactly like Dr. Crusher) under your arm as you go back to your quarters that's not on the same deck as Barclay's*

>pocket pussy rips your dick off

>barclay outranks you and you have to share holodeck fapping time with reg
>he's got the bigger dicc

The best Trek uniforms

"computer. disable safety protocols on holodeck 3"
"computer. run program klingon_rape_fantasy_04.hol"

>The best Trek uniforms
Only ones that come close are First Contact

You think Shatner will let me be his personal assistant if I tell him I'm from /trek/? I'm willing to wipe his ass.

Commander, tell me about your sexual organs.

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>Computer, run program "King user of sexslavia.exe"

>if I tell him I'm from /trek/?

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soft and hairy

>"ensign user, why do you always carry those isolinear chips around with you, and why are they marked "XXX"?"
>n...no reason sir.

>have to get a specially fitted boner hiding uniform
>relegated to cargo bay 4
>denied holodeck access

>resort to watching old 2D pornos stored on the starfleet archives on the cargo bay console.
"ensign user...where did this sticky discharge come from"
"u...uh...it was from a leaking container sir, i apologize I thought i cleaned it all up ages ago."
"i believe there is a lifeform growing out of it. i better get commander data to investigate."

>crew quarters TV only has nature channels
>have to jerk off into rolled up duvet

It's nice to see there's some benefit to being a black man, eh? The bros look ready to jump back in with a time travel episode. Also weird Troi didn't get hot until she was allowed to do her own hair, make-up, and slutty wardrobe.

"Ensign user, Counselor Troi tells me she won't be seeing you anymore. She told me you'd know why."

>>have to jerk off into rolled up duvet
*jerk off onto dinner plate*
"replicator, reclaim dishes"
*jizz turned into energy*
*Enterprise now is preggers*

>"Ensign user, Counselor Troi tells me she won't be seeing you anymore. She told me you'd know why."

>go to ten forward
>everybody complains that the chocolate sundays taste "funny"

/trek/. Asking the important questions.

>trashtalk Commander Riker
>He's standing behind you

Yeah and what's the deal with those NASA astronauts wearing uniforms like they're Hooter's waitresses? This uniform stuff is puzzling, man.

>>trashtalk Commander Riker
Did he fuck your girlfriend or something ensign user?
Otherwise, I see no reason to do such a thing. Riker is based.

Weird how Anglo/WASP Shatner looked when young.

The fact thst Starfleet is the only branch of the Federation military is unbearably stupid to me. It's like if the Navy did fucking everything. Why isn't there a Starforce or Starguard?

>ten minutes later Sirtis is sucking you off in a bathroom stall

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>bajoran cutie: "Wow, ensign user! I can't believe you get to be on the Enterprise, Flagship of the Federation!"
>neglect to mention you've been put on Jefferies tube inspection duty for getting hammered in ten forward and calling Guinan the n-word.

Where is the Star-penal battalions where all the Barclays go when caught?

>Weird how Anglo/WASP Shatner looked when young.
Yeah. It's how they always manage to sneak back in.

>Riker is based.
Like Riker but something about his face exudes smugness. Especially after the weight gain and beard. Like he's as close to smug pepe as a human can get without looking like a freak or uncanny or something.

>Like Riker but something about his face exudes smugness. Especially after the weight gain and beard. Like he's as close to smug pepe as a human can get without looking like a freak or uncanny or something.
His smug could be used as a weapon in battle. More devastating than a full barrage of photon torpedos.

Just steal that blue bearded fuck's s8 ideas, incorporate them into Picard s2 if they're using that show as a vehicle to explore the whole universe post-Nemesis and bring back this Chadassian from the fire caves shit and give him his proper due.

>bring back this Chadassian from the fire caves shit and give him his proper due.
Not in this era of #metoo and other glories. No, Dukat is a man...out of time.

>all you want to do is cuddle her and lick her pussy, but you can't because she got raped to death by scaly barbed penises in a Cardassian prison camp
It's not right, bros.

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>implying she wouldn't jump your bones if you showed up to her quarters dressed as a Gul with a bottle of Kanar.

wrinklenoses deserve it


Ah right, when I think about what could be I remember how the franchise is in the cluthces of the Abrams-Kurtzman chimera. Plus I don't really like Ira Behr. Came across as a fart sniffing prick in the ds9 documentary. But, then again, Alaimo came across as a wacko too, so whatever. They've got good will where Abrams and his lackeys have none, or very, very little.

>destroys the timeline

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Dukat will be put on trial for his crimes against the Bajoran people.

It's fine please make it entirely of roastbeef

didnt kira do something to dukat's ass?

>holodeck back to slavery times. never end program.

The Navy does do just about everything. Hehe. Kidding, friend. The point was showing they tried to move beyond the 20th century and focus on broader missions beyond pewpew. Like how the Navy does humanitarian aid and research as well as blowing shit up. But they probably didn't get into it much until DS9 and the kinda sorta MAKO retcon thing representing Marines. Sadly not everyone loved that show. If we're being autistic (and I'm super into it) should there at least be Marines? Sure. But then again battlecruisers shouldn't get into WW2 dogfights in the vastness of space. You can roll with it or go with non-canon stuff to sooth the pain.

>It's fine please make it entirely of roastbeef

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Harold? So he was on TNG before he did the movie?

>didnt kira do something to dukat's ass?
He sat on a cactus and he wanted her to give him medical attention.

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>go with non-canon stuff

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>it's movie night on the NX-01
>Trip picked an old movie for everyone to watch
>it's D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation
TRIP NO!!!!!!

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>yfw T'Pol agrees with the message of the movie as it's "logical."

>watching tv in space
i haven't seen a commercial in 15 years

>of course, there's no money

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still better than ENT

And DS9

Come on now. You know that's not what I meant.

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It's just a movie, bro.

Oh shit forgot the image.

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Voyager is GOAT

Last night a Florida Man made everyone watch ancient entertainment at phaser point. The one black guy on board said he was "totally cool with it" and is only seeking transfer to a cargo vessel to spend more time with his family. Everyone else admitted to being both frightened... and bored. Back to you.

>in the holodeck
>Troi walks in on you as you grind on holo-Troi
>she just laughs at how sexually awkward and clumsy you are
>her and Commander Riker kiss in the arch
>you can hear them laughing in the hallway on their way to a runabout to their Risa holiday
computer...end program.

ENT killed Star Trek fucking zoomer asshole

Why aren’t you watching TMP in theaters, /trek/?

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I already own the blu ray and they're just playing that

>by one of the greatest films of all time
zoomers amirite

That’s fair. There is something about the opportunity to see something in a theater that played before you were born to me.

>ent killed star trek
i think you mean over saturation killed star trek

Not trying to fall asleep

It'd be something if they were playing an actual film print. You're just watching the image stretched.

Lack of fresh ideas and all of the good writers leaving in 1999 killed Star Trek.

>you run into Captain Picard
>it's obvious he knows

this again

Who were the best caretakers of the franchise?

UPN bombing killed Star Trek. Essentially, moving away from syndication killed Star Trek.

Roddenberry, Piller, Berman

I don't even watch star wars

star trek

Classic Trek > (Picard Probably) > Discovery >>>>> Kelvin Timeline

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If you want to come over I'm making chicken quesadillas, we can watch New Hope and hang out

one day...

>grampas bitching about grainy show from 40 yrs ago

ENT being so god damn shitty killed star trek

One day what?

>Now listen here, young man! Deep Space 9 was a grand television show in its day. All the children would flock to the general store to buy little action figurines of the protagonists.

>std good reeeeee
go away cbs shill

Moonves killed it. Ratings were okay and season 5 was already in the planning stages.

Picard (2020) will be watched by every poster in this thread.
And that's not a good thing.

The people who made the best Berman era kino:
>Michael Piller (RIP)
>René Echevarria
>Ira Steven Behr
>Robert Hewitt Wolfe
>Peter Allan Fields (RIP)
>Ronald D. Moore
Rick Berman pissed most of these people off and they left the show. Some stayed on to the end of DS9 but that was it. ENT had to make do with leftover writers from VOY.

what does retcon mean?

I'd like to transport my photon torpedo into her ship if you catch my drift

You mean sexual assault.

he invented it in the first place

it actually might be good
i hope milf 7 gets naked, being cable and all

Berman doesn't get enough credit for keeping the execs at bay. Yeah, he's not a great Star Trek writer. Yeah, he doesn't sacrifice everything for artistic vision. But he was a great middle man standing between the writers who just wanted a good story and execs who wanted money.

See you in two hours or so /trek/

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whatever gramps

innit? idk i only torrent bruh


Can I come?

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that image is me after a bowl

that would be a no.

Based Star Trek dabbing in Asian masculinity

How come trek has such a hopeful, passionate, enlightened vision for the future but the fanbase have this thread?

Because Star Trek has gotten gradually worse since BOBW Part 2.

>How come trek has such a hopeful, passionate, enlightened vision for the future but the fanbase have this thread?

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they dont think it be like it is, but it do.

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You don't even need to ask, you're always welcome here
Actually I'd be offended if you didn't come thru

>but the fanbase have this thread?
Sci fi attracts a certain kind of person. and this is Yea Forums.

can i com?

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>Sci fi attracts a certain kind of person.

No frogposters allowed.

/trek/ is like revenge of the nerds, except none of them are likable or know math.

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/trek/ is the Chad of Yea Forums compared to the capeshitters

god, i hate those morons

/twek/ is for fwends

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I always watch tng until I cry myself to sleep

Did people not like DS9?

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sound like u need hug

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no it was super popular that's why they made all those movies

and I think we all know why.

The final frontier.
These are the threads of the /trek/ general.
Its continuing mission:
To explore strange new topics...
To seek out new fanfics and new memes...
To boldly go where no one has gone before


>Did people not like DS9?
DS9 is my favorite trek. because it has plot.

Picard calls Wesley to the ready room. Data is present.
>Wesley you have violated the prime directive for the last time, it's time for some hard discipline.
Picard undoes his starfleet uniform as Wesley begins to cry.
Picard now fully nude reveals an erect 13 inch penis as he begins to walk up to Wesley.
Wesley runs for the door but is blocked by Data.
>Mr. Data restrain him.
Data grabs hold of Wesley and brings him to the floor.
Picard rips Wesley's pants off and begins raping him in the ass.



>high pitched version of main theme plays
>credits roll


Mind if i get in on this bros? It’s a little less gay that way haha...

what is wrong with you?

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If Lt. Commander is two full pips and one hollow, shouldn't Captain be tree full pips an one hollow?

Best and worst characters per series










/trek/ is toxic and kills all conversation but at least it's not /r/startrek.

in all honesty tho upn was supported by it so the rating had to be super high

Have fun. What kino snax did you get?

>If Lt. Commander is two full pips and one hollow, shouldn't Captain be tree full pips an one hollow?
No because commander is three full pips. you're skipping an entire rank.

now if you were arguing that commander is three full pips then captain should be three full pips and one hollow you might have a point.

Best captain by series

TOS - Kirk
TAS - Kirk
TNG - Picard
DS9 - Sisko
VOY - Janeway
ENT - Archer
DSC - Lorca

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Based and sexpilled

Sisko was only captain for 58% of his series

Give me one reason why Curzon shouldn't be the next spin-off series.

>Likeable and funny
>Chronic womanizer
>Ambassador for the Federation
>Has lived centuries worth of lives
>Mentor to the Sisko
>Honorary Klingon warrior
>Went to Risa to die by snu-snu

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i member when watching star trek was considered a nerd only profession then memes circulated and suddenly everyone who used to make fun of it is a gushing retard

>dax's ass pulsates
>the fresh gahk comes out
fuck yea

So we know the replicator can't make an actual human, but could it make a fairly life-like human body? It doesn't actually need all of the complicated stuff like nerves and working organs, but could it look and feel completely life like? Could you replicate beautiful women's bodies as lifeless dolls?

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/trek/ will never do butt stuff to me

[insert greentext banter]

If that pic before was actually you, I'd all sorts of butt stuff to you

I should be able to make humans in Picard, but it should be illegal to.

Check with the guys down at cargo bay 4.


He doesn't have to, he is sterile cause he is an android.

In Picard, women won't have breasts.

Many jokers itt

>Just finished the Finale for TNG
God damn, I didn't expect it to be that fucking Kino
Holy shit

>lower decks
>get bullied by the other crewmen
>even tho ensign
>Barclay says he has to go
>table for one in ten forward

I'd rather it be like this than circlejerking over Kurtzman-Trek and banning anyone who doesn't agree.

I have not seen all the Trek movies and want to organize a group watch with /trek/ if anyones interested.

Count me in.

I like the anonymity.

set a date

It's not even the fans that are necessarily circlejerking about him. It's that the mods ban anyone for even implying there could be anything wrong with anything made after 2005.

It's nice and elevates Encounter at Farpoint.

i want come but scared

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>first movie
>star trek the motion picture
>anons don’t shut the fuck up about how it isn’t the directors cut
sounds fun

I'll join but mostly to socialize.

I'll watch it begrudgingly and make no attempt to hide my anger. Expect corrections.

So now that I finished TNG, should I go ahead and watch all the movies? Or should I go ahead start watching all of DS9 and and then start the movies?
Also why the fuck is Enterprise's main theme this?
And why is it this fucking good?

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I've never streamed something before so I'll need to figure that out, and acquire all the movies first. When that's done I'll set a date frens.

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>help me watch TV
we have this every day

it's to let aliens know they work for starfleet. like when you are in walmart and you see a minimum wager so you decide to fuck with them and ask them if they have somehting in the back. You don't really care if they have onion spices back there, but you just want to ruin their day because you know they have been trying to dodge customers all shift and now they have to deal with you, someone specifically there to fuck with them.


Exile really packs the pounds on

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Can I not ask questions about the series for which this general is based upon?
I know you're from reddit and you don't like talking to people and you hark on people that asks questions immedately as zoom zoom and boomers, but please just don't speak to me ever again or just don't respond.
I don't like speaking to niggers, especially niggers that add nothing to the conversation and especially when I'm trying to talk about a series in the general for said series, esepcially towards people that I hope have some sort of passion for the series and will actually help newcomers out
Please kill yourself.

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Use livestream and talk over the whole movie


>Can I not ask questions about the series for which this general is based upon?
>I know you're from reddit and you don't like talking to people and you hark on people that asks questions immedately as zoom zoom and boomers, but please just don't speak to me ever again or just don't respond.
>I don't like speaking to niggers, especially niggers that add nothing to the conversation and especially when I'm trying to talk about a series in the general for said series, esepcially towards people that I hope have some sort of passion for the series and will actually help newcomers out
>Please kill yourself.

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You're pretending to be new.

Kill yourselves

lol, this

Personally, I would just jump to DS9 because the TNG movies really aren't stellar.

>ywn work late nights with 7

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>the TNG movies really aren't stellar.
Technically, they are.

>stop touching me, crewman user.

>*comedic drum noises*

>she gives a lucky /trek/ fan the opportunity to fuck her
>they cum before penetration
i’m disgusted with you guys

The Terran Trumpire will be victorious!

It's a medical condition.

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lt. commander is a lower form of commander like lt.jg is a lower form of lt. and there is no lt. captain

"end transmission"

I know but the pattern is still illogical.

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as shown by your pic.

>mfw I've worn all of them

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I love Bashirfag!

O'blaian! You no rike my cookingu?

I love your enthusiasm.

I got banned for racism on Yea Forums because I pointed out how Cardassians are the master race in Star Trek (Reason given- racism). I got banned another time for answering a mods request for a pic of Jazz Jennings sex reassignment surgery picture of a valentine made from cut off dicks. (Reason given: posting gore). What the fuck are you talking about? Yea Forums is worse than reddit and has been since they allowed the mods to be trannies.

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What does this have to do with being angry?

kill yourself

It answers your initial question:
>Can I not ask questions about the series for which this general is based upon?
No. The tranny jannies all gather in discord to fuck with the people that post about their favorite shows on Yea Forums because everyone makes fun of them in real life, so they fuck with people on here on purpose and ruin every thread. Yea Forums has become a joke since the trannies took over.

Attached: 1566224450649.jpg (640x640, 71K)

>I got banned another time for answering a mods request for a pic of Jazz Jennings sex reassignment surgery picture of a valentine made from cut off dicks
>god it's so unfair they are persecuting me this is worse than reddit

Attached: 1554322910760.jpg (540x720, 53K)

>i'm a lesbian
kek bet you wish you still had a dick

Imagine replying to the person in an image as if they were reading your post.