Here’s your new mystery gang bro

here’s your new mystery gang bro

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3s in google tells me its fake

checked and confirmed. here's Daphne ass from Scoobynatural to save the thread

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we will never get a more kino crossover

I kinda like the art style.

>Scooby isn't a pitbull

Shaggy is supposed to be taller than Fred, it's his one redeeming trait

>practicing muslim and dog

>one redeeming trait
he can also storage more food in his belly than everyone else combined
he can eat dog snacks without getting sick
he also solo'd a bar full with biker
he also got multiple gfs, Fred got none because he is too fixated on traps

Til tomorrow

"If only she knew the things I could do to her with that hammer"

>Dumb incompetent one is still white

Shaggy is the only one these Tumblr redesigns never racelift

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>thinking these people have any common sense

>Asian chad
Thank God this bait is extraordinary lazy

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>shaggy survived unchanged
based, best guy

>The slut is now Muslim.
I'm okay with this.

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Why is the japanese character for five 五 on his shirt? like, whhat?

I think modern interpretations suck!

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to remind him they are 5 people so he doesnt forget whenever they split up

based shaggy remaining white across all shitty tumblr redraws

shaggy is a furry hippie. He reminds the tumblrinas of all the male soi boy teachers they had in uni. So, they dont change it, out of their sensei complexion

holy shit she was into it
what a slut kek

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