What should be the first movie we show the aliens when we inevitably meet them?
What should be the first movie we show the aliens when we inevitably meet them?
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The Room, they finances it after apl
Gay niggers from outer space
>when we inevitably meet them
FTL isn't real. Aliens will never visit us. Humanity will die in this planetary system.
We will never meet aliens, it’s a pipedream. They don’t exist, get over it. We have more important things to worry about
freddy got fingered
they will wipe out humanity bring it on
The only logical choice.
Sure MiBniggers.
dude where's my car
or evolution to warn them about the dangers of using head and shoulders.
wtf the guy seemed like he was schizo on joe rogan
is he legit ?
fake and gay, I could mock that up in after effects in under an hour
just another distraction during the Israeli elections while we yield more banking powers to the jews
this guy gets it
Is this peak 21st Century Jewish "Journalism"
>joe rogan believes bob lazar but not based tom
>Rick and Morty Co-Creator Dan Harmon once said
>mark and travis are making shitty music for kids
>based Tom is exposing aliens to the masses
Tom won
>see ufo footage
>*scratches beard adjust glasses*
>how can i tie in rick and morty and trump into this