Favorite skit from TELEVISION show Million Dollar Extreme?

favorite skit from TELEVISION show Million Dollar Extreme?

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The man who would never Sneed what they made him to be

The one where Sam gets btfo by a spic:

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quadroon sam

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>television show
no, CANCLED television show, incellular...

When Tim cancels it

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>How about i'm doing none of them

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MDE had like two interesting skits. I say interesting because it wasn't funny.



Television is a dead medium
Youtube is a dead medium
It's about paywalled videos now

literally blackface, how does peanut arbuckle (aka sweezy, aka pink dress, aka pineapple man, aka go go nuts) get away with it.

>Tyler, The Creator referenced that skit
really makes you think


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Reminder the Charles was the real talent.

close but it was actually nick, watch any hydewars with nick, obvious nick was the funnyman of the group

Hey, Sam. You're a scammer and a jew nigger.

>You're a scammer and a jew nigger
Prove it

All three are geniuses with their own unique talents. I wouldn't rank any of them ahead of any other.

You repeatedly say you love jews, and you groom fat friendless losers to work for you giving them pennies or nothing at all.

No proof pal

Literally nothing wrong with anything he said in that picture

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I've talked to sam on multiple occasions. He told me they did this scene just to get adult swim to pay for a new pair of hd650s. He still uses these headphones to this day

Bro, you need to write better shit. You're unfunny as fuck right now.

How much do you guys think Sam is paying this shill?

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Dunno, do you get paid to make these awful photoshops or do you do it for free?

How many pennies do you get paid to shill?

What ever happened to that public access style show Sam was working on? I remember him posting some early clips from it sometime around the beginning of this year. It was all black and white, and I think it showed him playing some character and interviewing a woman in a dark room? I don't remember very clearly

Sam is lazy and too hard to work with so he's unable to manage a consistent cadre of editors, it can take upward of 2 years to put together a vid from shot footage.


Tissue Box is peak MDE-kino.

MDE is awful for the most part. A handful of genuinely funny skits buried among dozens of bizarre and unfunny bullshit.

The comedy sets by Same Hyde are unfortunately even worse, with Sam literally holding a list of "edgy" non-jokes and statements. I thought the video where he managed to pull off a TED talk was gold, but I don't understand the cult following for this weirdo.

2019..... i am forgotten

There isn't really a following, just him shilling indirectly his shit here to try to force discussion about a stale, cancelled show because anything else gets deleted.

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Doctor Manslave is my favorite

That's Theatre of the Aire, he's released a couple already.
fuck off faggot

There is nothing wrong with sodomy?

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You will never be cool in /gif/ like goose is

The fact that Charles isn't doing a skit show is the biggest crime in the world

Id be turned off from sketch comedy too if I got treated the same way Sam treated Charls.

>cant even spell his name right
your opinion is worthless


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Goddamn I wish I had the pics of this guys tinder conversations

Fucking based

sodomy is based? I thought Sam and his fanbase were supposed to be against jew-pushed degeneracy?

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Do you really think this is in any way harming to Sam's image?

believe it or not some people care about hypocrisy, Sam literally has the same taste in underage girls that Jeff Epstein had.

I fuck my gf in the ass all the time, she loves it.

do you also have her lick the shit off your dick?

Nah I save that job for your mom

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we're watching blue velvet

>you know that spic is right about everything if Sam's dick suckers are unable to refute any of the points he lays out

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Didn't watch the video and don't even care about this feud
I just think that picture is hilarious

Dios mio..

How does it feel to know that you're losing the culture war, incels?

We'll win it again when we expel the shitty ecelebs like Sam who are trying to exploit us


This is my buddy and is meme videos. If your gonna shill Sam's crap here I'll shill mine. We are better than mde. Our newest cop video is supreme

>roasties and some bitter ex-employees crying
yea real truth bomb there, next you wanna tell me about the 13%

Early and often

It's shit

then it's about on par with what Sam is releasing these days

The wall show or the new virtual house arrest

>tfw got all episodes a couple of months ago in HD from an user who posted Mega links that were taken down a few hours later
thanks user whoever you are

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The only thing Sam did wrong here is fornicating. If he married the 15 year old that he turned into his anal slave, there wouldn't be a problem.

Charls was the least talented one

He didn't.
He referrenced the make-over one.
>And your secret name...

The last HydeWhatevers is Nick unfiltered. Sam barely even opens his mouth.


>I'll call them dick-suckers, even though I personally support all my LGBT friends as a good ally. That will show them.

feels like a sad parody of sam's shit, do something new

You sound like you are projecting. Are you that tranny that Sam sucked off?

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Hyper Gen X is a skit I show people often

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All of Sam's new shit is like a self plagiarized parody.

the one where sam is banging on news trucks asking to be let in and they need to collab on a scoop that will once and for all take down drumpfler

>literally stares at the camera after he says it
He knew

We're both right!
But I hadn't seend the "peanut arbuckle" part hot damn.

WE MUST LISTEN TO THE WOMYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is that image supposed to prove? It's just some tranny begging for a response lmao

Even more projecting. Im as right wing as they get and anyone that isn't some soi laced zoomer can see through Sam's kikery and fraud.

Sam himself admits to just about all of the shit, just not publicly.
Email him yourself and ask him about it: [email protected]

fuc kkkkkkkkkk i forgot how amazing this show was

The part where Charles almost falls over gets me every time.

MDE doesn't deserve 1/4 of the attention it gets, world peace was at least 50% unfunny garbage
sam hyde is making pure shit content for no-lifers that want a friend simulator. the only things remotely interesting are his IRL trolling bits.
charls is trying to be a philosopher but he's intellectually bankrupt and doesn't control his emotions or thoughts; he honestly appears 'schizophrenic' as he blabs about literal nonsense that can be refuted easily if he actually had conversations rather than lectures
nick is boring, he has no good insights, his act never changes, he's lazy

basically you got sucked into this habit of worshipping these guys because they were the only real people making content, and they've turned out to be shit and you can't tell the difference because you're a retard with no taste from consuming nothing but shit.

the only thing more pathetic than the fans are the anti-fans whining about sam hydes supposed sex life, but you are all suffering from the same kind of pointless brainless fixation for the most part

tl;dr go outside and make friends you actually want to have instead of wallowing in stagnant subculture.
nothing is ever going to get better until we take our lives seriously and take out the trash in this society by any means necessary, and i mean ANY means.

pure shit

Mud fi

true, but doesn't change the fact of what the other guy said

sodomites should be called out and publicly shamed desu


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nick rules fuck you

i mean of all the things you could choose to attack about sam.
seems like controlled opposition, if you meant your hatred you would turn up evidence of his jewish blood

but you're kikes arent you

go outside and make friends you actually want to have instead of wallowing in stagnant subculture.
nothing is ever going to get better until we take our lives seriously and take out the trash in this society by any means necessary, and i mean ANY means.

why do fags like you project like this? all you're telling everyone is you're incapable of having friends and watching internet videos at the same time.

Nice try tranny

Teacher scene

I only hop in mde threads every once in a while but holy fuck how is this “drama” stuff still going on? It all reads like it’s written by one person.
>post picture of Yea Forums greentexts calling Sam a pedo, a picture that appears with 20+ pages in the archive
>say he’s a Jew afterward

Is it really one person or shillbots?

it literally is just one or two people

they're ex fans from the eight-ch mde image board

>i can't be wrong about anything
>everyone is just projecting
since you're both illiterate AND retarded I'll slow it down for you:
if you actually enjoyed the company of your friends you wouldn't watch sam's videos.
but you don't, you know they're lacking something, or you're lacking something, and instead of doing anything about you sit here and be a faggot just like you are now


most of the attention is drummed up astroturf that Sam or one of his employees does on his dime.
the guy is a businessman/marketer first and comedian second

Literally the only thing that sounds like it could be coming from astroturfers are the “Sam is a pedo Jew posts.”

its literally one guy posting with a phone and computer
in the threads on mde in pol, the posts are minutes apart written in the same style but different ip's

Those posts are all reactionary, meanwhile Sam's shills are the ones making the actual threads. One of them has been spamming these "favorite skit" threads every day for the past week or so.

the pol threads are also "1 post by this id" garbage further cementing a shill operation run by Sam and his cronies.

wow mde is popular so shock that people want to discuss it
its like the retards on Yea Forums whenever a big game drops, you get accused of being a shill when people want to discuss a large games its not some shill operation you brain dead shit

YOU are the shill operation repeating the same lies in every thread fuck off

what lies?

>comparing Sam's shitty content to a big game dropping
lol, if Sam wasn't spamming threads about himself there would be 0 discussion about him except when there is a mass shooting

>Responds in less than a minute with the same shit as every other MDE thread
Gee, I wonder who made this thread?

What, for an entire year? Every single fucking thread? Bs bro..

There was a huge tipping point when Sam's show got cancelled and he desperately tried to coral his fanbase and turn them into paypigs.

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Perhaps you shouldn't have made this thread OP. Any Sam thread attracts his tranny haters.
Anyway, my favorite is the one where he pimps out the guy in the wheelchair and tries to teach him to pick up girls. It'a not a very subtle skit but it made me laugh the most.

Here comes the Yea Forums screenshots.. people posting the “Sam is a pedo Jew” screencaps are still doing it to this day, meanwhile you’re linking spam from 2 years ago
>turn them into paypigs
And? If people want to pay to watch sams stuff that’s on them. Why does that piss you off so much to shitpost relentlessly about him?

>an entire year?
Try 3 years



The show's (which doesn't even have 2 hours worth of content) been cancelled for years now and everything to discuss about it has been beaten out of the now pulverized horse, anyone with a functional brain sees that multiple daily threads about it are not some natural occurrence.


People bring it up now and again for either nostalgia or to discuss other MDE skits, what is wrong with that?


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no shit its so the faggot mods dont delete it
its to discuss sams new shit for better or for worse its not some shill operation unlike you where you posted your pictures in every mde thread for years


Sam is

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>no shit its so the faggot mods dont delete it
So you admit that it isn't just "DISCUSSING A SHOW YOU LIKE" and its some attempt to game the site rules to put up content that isn't TV and Film related. You realize that people see through this and it would annoy some of them right?

Fucking this

I'm a loser incel, I get it.
Best one is Utopia, if there were no women it would be great. I'm not getting any so I wouldn't see any drawbacks.

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>blacked threads
>robert threads
>pol threads
>no brad pittu
yea this thread is shitting up the good board culture!

>board culture!
Only reddit tourists use that term.

MDE was shit

You're the only one brining up Reddit.

It's great, fuck you. Finally found a bunch of comedians who align with my views.

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get your brain checked fucking shit brains

You sound like you'd be a Hannah Gadsby fan in another life.

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Literally who?

I guess you weren't around when Sam's sub got shoah'd and all his little faggot zoomer fans came here to spam up the board complaining about it.

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>logical non sequitur
>from a reddit retard
the only solution is murder

read this post: then take all that no fap energy and get a fucking brain

rent free

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Imagine if Sam Hyde was a feminist dyke with a vagina.

You guys watch happy world daddy?

I'm not a cumbrain, I only jack off once per week. As I said before I'm a loser incel so his post has nothing to do with me. My brother and I are going to like MDE as much as we want.

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Nah man, feminist dykes are faggots.

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Only a retard would give Sam money for that nu-MDE crap. He's barely hanging in there even by paying Nick to appear in his shit.

why do you keep repeating this lie that sam pays nick to appear in the vids?

Sam made the same offer to pay Charls to shoot vids publicly, but Charls obviously didn't bite.

>logical non sequitur
I did not
>from a reddit retard
Your accusations are hollow

Why are these threads full of people who post shit like this over and over? Don’t you guys have shit to do irl? Is this what inageboard brain looks like?

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>if you actually enjoyed the company of your friends you wouldn't watch sam's videos.

this is the most retarded shit ever, like nobody is allowed to like the "what's going on big guy" sketch unless they have friends.

see this is the problem with guys like you, all you're doing is telling everyone you're a recovering bitch. you, and I mean you personally, were most likely what you describe. you had no friends and liked these sketches for some creepy and gay reason. then you broke your own fucked up conditioning, totally unaware that there are normal people who can both have friends and also like funny videos. but for psychos like you, you can't fathom this reality.

you're like a degenerate alcoholic who becomes an AA nerd and lectures everyone having a pleasant beer about how it's a demon in the bottle and everyone should jog instead.
i'm sorry your life fucking sucked and you're a gay retard now, but that doesn't mean we can't like World Peace.

discussing old media on Yea Forums

this must be a conspiracy.



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Name a comparable old media show to MDE that gets threads spammed about multiple times a day.

Sam has said it directly, he said he needs to pay Nick and offered to pay Charls. He said this to get more gumroad donations. He even said Nick was thinking about going back to selling cars on the side to pay the bills.

This was essentially proven in a recent video clip where Nick talks about a recent car sale he made.

None of this is bad mind you, it means he pays his people which is pretty rare.

it doesn't get spammed multiple times a day.
you want an example of one that does?
The Boys. Like 5 threads a day for a week at least. Midsommar too.

You easily make 50-100 posts a day about MDE and I'd wager you make at least half the threads just so you can samefag and post the same shit a couple hundred more times

The office.
Blade Runner 2049
Literally all anyone posts about the Simpsons is old Simpsons
Inglorious Basterds

If by "old media" you mean shit a few years old

i know sam pays nick for mde shit. but the way this autist is framing it, is that nick hates sam guts and only appears in sams video because of the money. i say that nick and sam are still friends because in the latest hyde wars, sam wasnt even supposed to film. at the start he asks nick if its cool to film them hanging out.

this autist says the
>sam had to pay nick!
as proof that they are not friends anymore, all the way back from the first hydewars with sam.

>it doesn't get spammed multiple times a day.
Look through the archives and you'll see that the only times it lets up is around the time Sam is distracted trying to meet a deadline to release something (obvious sign that it's him behind it)
>The office.
Successful show that ran multiple seasons.
>Blade Runner 2049
A major Hollywood production and sequel to a cult classic
30 years of content
>Inglorious Basterds
Another big Hollywood production by a famous director

I asked for a single show comparable to WP that get spammed in the same fashion (old, cancelled/short run, with a very low episode/hour count). Doesn't exist.

friends seinfeld sneed threads coomer threads

those are not shills but people who want to discuss those shows even though those have had more than 20 years to be discussed to death seek help tranny

woah so fans like to discuss sams new content such an obvious shill job

>friends seinfeld
lol comparing WP to either of these
>coomer threads
forced meme from somekind of discord clique

Either way thanks for proving my point about the now obvious astroturfing going on. Especially this person admitting it , probably one of Sam's female interns that he brought in just to fuck.

coomer stage 1

you are the only shill here pasting the same shit, sometimes adding new lies, over and over again for every mde thread

Imagine pushing your faggot youtube channel on Yea Forums


You'll never be on Joe Rogan Sam, no matter what you do.

I do it because it makes you seethe and I guarantee these threads would never last more than 30 minutes if you didn't bump them 1000 times

Good post.

you're obvious somekind of reddit tourist if you haven't realized that you can avoid bumping threads by now.

>Best one is Utopia, if there were no women it would be great.
not sure we saw the same sketch

thats right boy, let the coping flow
sorry man, I barely ever got into it, i've been hanging around watching them stagnate for like 3 years now and they haven't gone in the right direction

I was just hoping they would be worthy, because our kind of people need culture of our own, but they aren't it

>you're just projecting
this isn't an argument. stop it before it becomes a habit

full disclosure: 3-4 of those replies were me who wrote that post just to get you to read it

Checkmate gays

>I'm that gorilla dick nigger, I make dyke pussy wet.
>Now show me some hole, cause this gorilla dick's hungry. If you don't blow me right, I might kill you.

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Is Sam right?

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Is Sam so desperate for relevance that he has a team of NEETS that post the exact same MDE threads and posts across Yea Forums every day? Holy shit, this is getting sad.

It's the same autistic fans that hivemind worship his shitty content and the same trannies that say he's a pedophile every fucking time.

It's so forced at this point, you could not be more boring.

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I meant irl.

The credits.

Are you retarded? These threads are obvious falseflags by that Mexican that keeps spamming the same 2 images and a link to his YouTube channel. People that actually like MDE don't use the same exact image and OP five times a day.

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Okay so your opinion is it's weird that one of the most Yea Forums affiliated shows ever created gets posted on Yea Forums, like that makes zero sense in your retard brain.

take your meds schizo.
>one of the most Yea Forums affiliated shows

>sorry man, I barely ever got into it, i've been hanging around watching them stagnate for like 3 years now and they haven't gone in the right direction

shit you mean you haven't been out this whole time making friends that you can complain incessantly about MDE to? i guess that's why you're here right now doing it, cause you never went out and made all those friends.

This is the correct answer. I like MDE and find their shit amusing enough, but every single time I see a thread either OP or the first poster is spamming the exact same memes and screenshots. It's like on /pol/ where there's like 3 Daily Stormer guys obsessed with saying everyone at Daily Shoah is a Jew, and every thread immediately becomes that and then they complain about how many threads there are.

>Name me ONE other older show that gets spammed this much.
Here's a few.
>Those are good shows that are popular!
MDE is and always has been popular on Yea Forums and was one of the places it built its audience in the beginning.

imagine being this much of a qeird queer.

>MDE is and always has been popular on Yea Forums
imagine actually believing this

fucking hell it has always been popular here you retard
it had a whole board dedicated to it on cripple chan, its always one of the first shit people reccomenned when they go
>duh what redpilled show should i watch

The skit where sam gets his show shutdown and blacklisted because he decided to pander to /pol/donald scum and he literally started crying

>fucks a qt 15 year old
>doesn't marry her and have five kids by the time she's 21

Not trying to be a dick but can someone explain what was funny about this?

Sam's popularity tanked the moment he went paywalled and confirmed to everyone he was just an exploitative kike all along.

So you’re mad because you have to pay to see sams stuff now? Fucking lol

dude you don't have a single argument against anything I said, you're just desperately fantasizing about my life because you can't deal with the truth

get a grip be a man

lmao nice projecting dyel manlet

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Where can you talk about this guy?
>Yea Forums threads go to shit in a few minutes
>banned discussion on reddit
>discord is full of /pol/ faggots who don't even watch his stuff

Yet you took the time to make that pic. Fucking shill.

this. Charls is beyond Nick and Sam.

Why do you need to talk about a B list failed sketch show with strangers on the internet?

Also fuck back 2 reddit sweaty

You can suck his dick all you want on twitter

And don't worry, he blocks anyone that hurts his fee fees so it is a completely censored safe space for anyone that can't handle the truth about the guy being brought up

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Obsessed Sam shitposters are mad because he had anal sex with some girl? Am I fucking reading this right?

anyone that defends anal sex is a faggot

how can anyone deny this simple fact?

have anal sex

Ok, was just making sure that the reason I should hate Sam was because he had sex. We will cleanse the world of those “faggots” my brother! Deus vault!!

My favorite skit was when Sam was a pedophillic trannyfucker who begs for money online from his mentally handicapped fanbase

You sound like the type that would lick the shit smears right off Sam's cock.

Shh, let the children play.

nice projecting dyel manlet. sexual frustrated much? sounds like it lol

Deus vault!!!

I think his stuff is funny. I like the autistic car talking videos and the old phone videos where he hassled his mom and acted like a retard.
That shit is hilarious to me.

You're a fucking faggot. A weak shadow of a group of shitposters who hate kikes. How do you fuck that up?

what truth? that you have no friends and spend all your time hating sam hyde while claiming everyone who likes him is as desperately obsessed as you?