Why wasn't this addressed in Inglorious Basterds?

Why wasn't this addressed in Inglorious Basterds?

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Women are disloyal whores, this is not news.

same reason why slave movies always ignore that the majority of the owners were j_wish

wow. they saw them as heros and saviors not invaders. this is more proof that the nazis were the real good guys and the history we're told is just a bunch of propaganda.

Tons of them were Black too, former slaves who became slave owners.

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it was because the germans executed the soldiers who were caught raping, so they dialed their chivalry all the way up to 11
they were nice and treated women with respect, something the allied forced didn't bother with

Take your meds, /pol/.

Because they would have to also address what the allies and the resistance did to said women once the war was over

and native americans

They treated different occupied nations/regions differently based on how the people that populated them fit into their ideology. French? Treat them alright. Stomp down on any resistance but reserve the horrrific shit for the east. Hollywood Jews like Spielberg go OTT with how disgusting their portray the Germans (i.e. the Saving Private Ryan ones all having shaved heads, which wasn't accurate for them at the time but would have been for the Soviets) but don't give me the crap about the Germans these amazing good guys. Next you'll give me some bullshit about how the SS was the greatest fighting force ever.

So why no one talks about the rapings the Red Army did to everyone they ran accross during their European campaign? It is now forgotten and forgiven?
Man, History really is benevolent towards those who won and unjust towards those who lost

we dealt with those whores accordingly after the war here in the Netherlands. watch the movie Zwartboek where Paul Verhoeven does not forget about them.

>here is some food now come with me and i'll give you more

>we dealt with those whores accordingly
Fuck yea you did
A shaved head is a fitting punishment for fucking your invaders

That's nothing new. That's been the standard survival tactic for women during invasions since stone age: spread your legs when the invaders come, and they won't kill you. It works.

Also, not Yea Forums

By what? Letting them be legal prostitutes in your capital city?

>executed soldiers for disobeying orders
it might sound hard, but this is how you keep them in check. you have to be fair and honest about it thought, even if it were your own flesh and blood who disobeyed the order.

It has nothing to do with that. Women go with alpha men, period. That have no sense of loyalty. You lose the war, they take your women without having to rape, they'll jump into their arms because they have power and money and you are the defeated loser. Always have always and will always be like that.

Women are almost universally attracted to power. It's not even incel thing, it's not like women are particularly evil compared to men who literally murder, it's just one of the darker aspects of female nature

Spielberg made the germans faceless, soulles villains. It's entirely black and white with Hollywood jews. the germans are evil the americans are good guys and jews eternal victims who did nothing wrong.

they literally slept with german pows imprisoned in america

I thought it kinda was addressed with Goebbels translator whore.

Because Hollywood has spent decades trying to hide or cover up women’s true nature. Literally every single philosopher and intelligent person in the past knew about women’s nature, just read what they fucking wrote.

Women are absolute fucking whores, all of them. It’s in their nature, they have a very short window where they can pass on their genes so they don’t waste their time on things like “loyalty” or “honesty”, they are constantly on the hunt for absolute highest quality sperm. You could be the best, most loyal provider for a woman for years and she would get rid of you the second a better looking, richer guy came along as if she never knew you, and she’ll invent reasons why it was your fault (ever notice how so many women claim to have been in an “abusive relationship”?).

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>shave their head and humiliate them after they fucked hundreds of thousands of nazis and gave birth to their bastard children
wow, such punishment.

Soulless, faceless, and bloodless. Meamwhile all american soldiers in Saving Ryan's Privates all were messes of blood and guts.
It disgusts me so much. The german army were just that, an army. Not everyone was an SS Kike-Stomper, there were kids, there were people that didn't know no better, there were just soldiers. It sickens me so much the treatment hollywood has done to this conflict, and how we live in a reality in wich the whole act of killing nazis is glorified. Repulsive

Why would you save a picture that has clearly falsified/misleading information on it? 1654 and they got a photograph of the negro? wearing a suit and a bowtie?

The most disgusting part in this oiece of propaganda is when they freed the german POW and then found him shooting at them again later in the film. the message is that They should have shot the prisoner when they could. These are jewish values.

we are not niggers right. what would you have done? women were always going to be whores, putting them all in a ditch is going a bit far

>Believe any lie Jews tell you

in todays day and age shaving their heads is about all you could do, but back then they could have rounded them up and sent them on a train to germany. of course if they were men they'd just get a bullet.

>mfw reading this thread
Fucking incels I swear.

this happens in every war
women are whores with no loyalty

>same reason why slave movies always ignore that the majority of the owners were j_wish
Debunked a million times. Even /pol/turds should feel embarrassed about repeating that claim by now.

why bother killing every solider?

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which one do you hate more, jews women or blacks?
i gotta say woman

IIRC the initial claim wasn't even that the majority were Jewish, it was that there was a higher per capita incidence. Like, there's a higher per capita incidence of suicide among the transgendered, but that's still only 0.2 percent of the population or something.

>Debunked a million times.


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Go ahead. Provide evidence then.

All those attempts of debunking the fact that Jews led the slave trade have all been debunked, I’m surprised you don’t feel so embarrassed for using such debunked debunkers

There were about 2,000 Jews in the South in 1860 vs. 2 million slaves. This means every single Jew had to own thousands of slaves each if you're right.

reddit retard, stop slandering /pol/ with your facebook image

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I don’t know what the fuck this article is supposed to be saying.

>the photos taken from Prisoners of War revealed...
Taken from? The photos were confiscated from Prisoners of War?
>women in Nazi-occupies Europe leapt into their arms
Whom? The prisoners of war had women leaping into their arms?

This is worded like an illiterate retard wrote the article.


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you're the one claiming it was debunked? do you have a link to this debunking information?

Why not just give evidence?
Just post the same evidence that convinced you the majority of slave holders were jewish. Because surely you didn't just parrot random claims out of hatred.

Why didn't Inglorious Bastards address this?

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You think you're being profound and deep right now and breaking the mould but this is called the clean Wehrmacht myth, and Wehraboos are mocked a lot online. The idea the army, the Heer, was filled with nothing but innocent good bois and it's only the SS, Nazi party, etc. that were all evil is a myth, and this bizarre clean Wehrmacht thing the fellates the army but shits on the SS/Nazi Party also has a weird tendancy to deingrate the British, Americans, etc. are universally evil.

*sucks teeth* awkwaaaaard

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his name is there you fucking shills, just google it

Burden of proof is on you to prove such an outrageous claim. However I know you incels love to weasel around actually proving your points by arguing over semantics I'll just post pic related

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So no evidence huh? I wonder why you made and defended the claim then. oh well

Get a room

I didn't make any claims whatsoever, you did?

They were a FAAAAAABULOUS army

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Nice dress

literally all women are whores

Why does Yea Forums deny tranny nazis?

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>in no period did jews play a LEADING ROLE as financiers
this is some next level kikery


Reminder that "muh rapes" is a total myth. When Russian soldiers entered Germany in 1945 German women willingly flocked to them. In their shame, their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rapes" which was later turned into propaganda by NATO for the Cold War

Germany is LITERALLY a cuckold nation, as most born in the 1946-47 period were the result of cuckoldry. They try to hide this by inventing sob stories. This is the true redpill.

>Women are disloyal whores, this is not news.

It's more that they will go with winners whoever the winners are. You can be a rabid woman hating asshole as long as you're rich and high status even nutjob feminists will throw themselves at you.

Power and prestige trump everything. Tony Soprano had women salivating. The actor's a middle aged obese bald man. But he plays a murdering psycho on TV, so he's hot.

>photos are of Nazis and their German girlfriends
OK, nigga.

Initial incel claimed that they were a majority

cry more tranny

>nooo haha only niggers kill traitors haha (((us))) whites simply allow traitors to continue being citizens, this time with shaved heads though haha

I wonder what kind of (((person))) made this post

Yea Forums - Television & Film (We swear we’re not /pol/!)

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You're such a coward. The discussion started with the claim that jews were the majority of slave holders.
Do you think acting obtuse stops people from seeing that noone is able to uphold this claim? We all know this won't stop you from claiming the same shit next thread. Pathetic

This title is grammatically atrocious.
>Sleeping with the enemy: The pictures taken from German PoWs that revealed how women in Nazi-occupied Europe leapt into their arms
>Sleeping with the Enemy: The pictures taken by PoWs reveal how women in Nazi-occupied Europe leapt into the Nazi’s arms.

Otherwise, the article reads that photos were taken away from PoWs which showed women in Nazi Europe leaping into the Prisoner of War’s arms. Fucking run on sentence illiterate internet “”“journalists”””