Seems like Universal Dark Universe Monsters are not really dead

Seems like Universal Dark Universe Monsters are not really dead...

Attached: du-alive.png (1038x928, 1.5M)

They changed approach. New movies will be standalone with very little connection to bigger universe.

What is dead may never die

Which really is what their approach should have been right from the start. Do new movies, don't drum up your fabulous "Ooh, it ees an uuuniverse" drivel and do a cross over if there seems to be genuine interest.

Are they going to keep Mummy style? I mean little CGI and using real places like that museum in London. Also these eyes freak me out. So simple yet so creepy.

I hope you are ready for them all to be copies of the guardians of the Galaxy in tone

The Mummy could have been decent if it didn't spend 1/3 of its runtime jacking off its own nonexistent extended universe.

If they don't bring Sofia back in a future movie I'm going to shit myself with rage.

>Paul Feig


As much as I'd love to see her once again, there's really no point. Her story is over, ritual finished, she's done.

They shouldn't start with this movie. It could be perfect as a 3rd or 4th installment of the series.

Attached: the_mummy_2017.png (1024x392, 293K)

that wouldn't have fixed every problem but it def had potential

I think they wanted something like monster version of Men In Black with an unaware guy introduced to the secret agency.

why does it have to be universe, just make a good movie, and then people will go see it and it will make money and then you make a next one
why does it have to be an intricate web of different movies vaguely related to each other

Recognition purpose. Universal has to remind that they were the first ones to ever introduce this concept. Many people forogt about Universal Monsters from 1930s and they legitimately think MCU was the 1st one to do something like this.

I'm sure Uni workers are mad that they didn't copyright/patent that concept of cinematic universe back then in 30s.

i'm pretty sure pro wrestling did it first because it's basis of how it works

Universal wants that Chinese money.
But they also have Blumhouse making a horror movie, so who knows what the hell they're thinking. They should really stick to funding small, standalone horror movies instead of going for that capeshit cash, because their last two attempts at establishing a superhero universe failed miserably.

Doesn't china ban demons, ghosts, ghouls, zombies, skeletons? Coco was known as an exception that passed their censorship.

Sofia wishes she had boobs that big.

That is the gayest, laziest effects bullshit I've ever seen. I dont believe these budgets for a fucking second.

shape >>>> size

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Nice cope, chestlet.