Why didn't Sauron just kill everyone?

Why didn't Sauron just kill everyone?

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>be pure force of evil
>can't unleash your power until your jewelry collection is complete again

He didn’t want that.


He wanted to rule them, you know like having the ONE FUCKING RING TO RULE THEM ALL

He just wanted an industrial society, but seething luddites stood in his way.

well he kinda sucked at that so maybe it's for the best that he lost

Sauron was actually a shit tier angelic being.
His main power was changing his form and he lost it after the destruction of numenor.
Most of the things he accomplished were the result of him controling orcs and similar retarded creatures.

He was like OCD or something. He wanted a perfect order to everything and to rule over that. Whereas his master Morgoth wanted total chaos and destruction.

Why did Sauron try to grab him(with his ring hand, no less) instead of just smashing him?

he's really dumb

he was a good guy

Why didn't Sauron just lock the door to the volcano?

Let me guess, under Morgoth's rule everything was perfect and in alphabetical order.

I think he figured that the eagles would just fly Fredo to Mordor.

Security regulations, volcanos need to have an open emergency access.
That's why he was waging war to the government.


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Because he couldn't pay the death tax.

No, I just said it was chaos and destruction. Sauron was the one who wanted things to be in perfect order. Probably something he had since being a maia of Aulë. Saruman was similar in nature as well.

i wonder if the orcs had unions

okay but everything was chaos and destruction with saurin too

No not really. He wanted to destroy those who opposed him to get his world of order to rule over. Morgoth on the other hand was pure destruction, so much so he most likely would’ve wiped out every single elf, man, dwarf, ent, trees, orc etc. He hated everything. Sauron would’ve been happy to have people to rule over and dominate the peoples of ME.

this morgoth sounds pretty fucking based to me


>Morgoth on the other hand was pure destruction
More like pure corruption. Thats why he made captured elves into orcs instead of outright killing them, it was a blatant mockery of Erus creation. He hated the fact that he couldnt create things himself so he reveled in twisting things and turning them against each other.

how did he turn elves into uggo orcs anyway

he was a big eye, wtf can he even do like that?

Corruption was a means to an end

From the Silmarillion

But of those unhappy ones who were ensnared by Melkor little is known of a certainty. For who of the living has descended into the pits of Utumno, or has explored the darkness of the counsels of Melkor? Yet this is held true by the wise of Eressëa, that all those of the Quendi who came into the hands of Melkor, ere Utumno was broken, were put there in prison, and by slow arts of cruelty were corrupted and enslaved; and thus did Melkor breed the hideous race of the Orcs in envy and mockery of the Elves, of whom they were afterwards the bitterest foes. For the Orcs had life and multiplied after the manner of the Children of Ilúvatar; and naught that had life of its own, nor the semblance of life, could ever Melkor make since his rebellion in the Ainulindalë before the Beginning: so say the wise. And deep in their dark hearts the Orcs loathed the Master whom they served in fear, the maker only of their misery. This it may be was the vilest deed of Melkor, and the most hateful to Ilúvatar.

why'd they serve him and sauron, do they have orc rings?

His war against the elves and men sank the equivalent of a continent into the oceans forever. It took the the world’s bigest armies in the first age to take him down. Even in LoTR’s time he still existed. Outside the walls of the world, waiting patiently to break free to plunge the Earth into an apocalyptic battle of good vs evil.

Morgoth created them. They feared and hated him. But his will was within them.

I wouldn’t say patiently, the guy was never patient

They served them out of fear. Probably a fair amount of mind fuckery/brainwashing too.

>Even in LoTR’s time he still existed
Also in the sense that the seeds of evil he sowed needed only to wait for a harvester. Theres a line in the silmarillion about that.

why are LOTRfags the most autistic about the lore of any fandom?

Because it’s so extensive it only attracts the most autistic of autists

was morgoth a big guy?

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Because it’s pretty much the Bible but cooler

he didn't want to kill everyone but to corrupt them and make them his slaves

Yeah, that’s true. Dude was always looking for the flame imperishable in his free time, lel. Imagine the things he encountered in the void.

Just passionate mate. We all have a good time discussing the works and world of Tolkien.

Why didn't Sauron just make a suit of armor from the same material as the ring?

then what

They had nowhere else to go. Every other race is racist towards orcs. It's like how no one wants Syrian refugees, so they turn to rape out of necessity. Elves think they're an abomination unto creation itself, humans think they're evil by nature and dwarves probably see them as some kind of nasty cave animal. There's nowhere left for them to turn, they can't escape their master.

Have you ever played Minecraft


I only play Dwarf Fortress and there it's a perfectly fine strategy to craft armor out of adamantine

Its the only lore worth getting autistic about becuase of its depth, consistency, and how real it feels

where do i start with this series



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Seems like a waste, a full set of steel works just fine.

For books, this order: Hobbit>LotR>Silmarillion>standalone Beren and Luthien> standalone Children of Hurin> standalone Fall of Gondolin

For movies just watch LotR

The way I did it, I read The Hobbit first then LoTR. I wanted more so I read The Silmarillion. It was a hard read at first because unlike The Hobbit and LoTR it reads like the Bible or something. It has several seperate stories within an overarching main continuing story. Then I read Unfinished Tales after that. I’m yet to read The Book of Lost Tales and The History of Middle Earth though.

then he's king forever

so what