American Sniper

Imagine taking vets with PTSD to a shooting range

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Is it true that he got noscoped?

imagine being such a pussy faggot your sad because you killed one guy
i blew up a guys head in Afghanistan with a .50, shit was fucking cash i wish i could do it again

Chris Kyle was assassinated you idiot.

Your life sounds cool user

that part is fine. the problem is having a guy with PTSD from war being next to a guy who so openly revelled in it and bragged about his kills. his mind could not comprehend chris kyle's existence so he shot him

And yet you're here

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He seemed like an OK dude

he lied about katrina and jesse ventura, and who knows what else

did you really? wow


how come he got a biopic but this based motherfucker didn't, Imagine the kino you could get out of a guy crawling 2,000 yards over the course of 4 days inch by inch, almost being bitten by a viper, almost getting discovered by patrols,shooting a general and crawling all the way back.

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People love modern warfare kino

it's easier to snipe these days than back then, though. Kyle explains (here ) that all he did was using info and high-tech gadgets. A sniper from another era has way more merit.

He was also being humble. But again the aesthetic of modern spec ops is what's in these days and personally I love it.

it is indeed kino

>4 plate rack pull

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post body

n-no! :3

He impugned the honor of Gov. Jesse "The Body" Venturra

This guy killed over a hundred people. You think they were all evil terrorists? Na, this guy is a nutjob. Probably got off killing all those people.

>aw noo, this guy died. Feel bad even though he killed over 100 people himself. They didn't get a fancy motorcade funeral either, we drone striked their funerals lol

>be me at party
>drunk marine friend points drunkenly gun at me when i woke him up because i had to leave
>don't even care, start laughing
>he laughs
>go home
still not entirely sure if i didn't care if he killed me or if i was just drunk/high. he is a pretty based person tho, i wouldn't even be mad

this movie was shit

the story is made up propaganda you fucking retard


And to think I used to believe this shit.

this movie is so fucking cringe, and I say that as a patriot and a trump voter

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>I'm a NEET who does nothing with his life so I'll insult someone who stepped up and did something with theirs
serious cringe

m or f

It could still make an interesting movie.

When will we get mongolian sniper kino?

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It's not being sad, it's that your brain is fucked up. And if you're on here, you didn't really luck out in that respect

He seemed like a nice guy but he has been caught in several lies. Even lied about Jesse Ventura for no reason, it makes me believe he was a complete sociopath.